
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul” on immigrant novel website ( in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

What’s going on! ?

Is n’t Wu Celestial Emperor reincarnation? How could this exist! ?

Tian Po looked at Chu Yan in front of him, and the whole person felt crazy.

At this time, Green Ancient ’s voice sounded and echoed in Sun Wanyun ’s Sea of ​​Consciousness. “Chu Yan awakened Yu Wenhuang ’s reincarnation memory. You can quickly help him to break through Dao Lord Realm. It should be within time!”

Sun Wanyun started, looking at Chu Yan’s eyes, all terrified look.

Yuwen Huang! ?

The eternal Fiendgod King, one of the four great masters! ?

With a stunned effort, Sun Wan Chief Yun took a breath and hurriedly started the cultivation technique, jade hand.

Over the entire Immortal Palace, a Great Array flashes, then a crack opens like a portal, and the mighty Heaven and Earth breathes down like a waterfall.

This terrifying Heaven and Earth rests on Chu Yan, and those wounds recover quickly at a rate visible to the naked eye.

Moreover, Chu Yan’s imposing manner skyrocketed and returned to Peak state in the blink of an eye.

“God … the soul!”

The eyes open, the Golden Spirit Mark flashes, two pupil lights shoot out, and Heaven and Earth shudder.

“We … continue!”

In a word, Chu Yan’s body bursts with the power of the law of inquiry, various amounts of Willpower, God Soul Power rise to the sky, and Clear Sky Sword emits a long roar.

The tall silhouette of Emperor Yuwen, as Chu Yan ’s long sword pointed, slowly turned around, looking at the dusty sky at his feet.

At this moment, Tian soul is shivered all over his body, and the dead air in his heart is surging like a tide.

On the other side, the amount of Willpower from Wu Celestial Emperor is also pouring from Chu Yan within the body, turning into a pure white force, wrapped around Chu Yan’s body, under the shocking void, there is a shadow of Kowloon traveling .

Boom …!

As soon as the sound exploded, Chu Yan’s figure followed, and when he reappeared, he already held a long sword, appeared above the sky soul, and raised his hand to cut off with a sword.

By breaking through the master, Chu Yan’s cultivation base has greatly improved its strength, which is much stronger than before.

But this is only the case, and there is no danger to the soul of the soul. What is terrifying is that Chu Yan’s horrible hole card all improves when he breaks through Dao Lord Realm.

For example, Kunlun Fairy Mountain, Nine Territories Star Map, the Will of the Two Cang Lords, etc., all broke a layer of seal when Chu Yan breakthrough Dao Lord Realm, and the might rose sharply.

These forces are truly fearful and fearful.

He was dead in his heart, and there was panic in the eyes of Heavenly Soul. When he played with Chu Yan until now, he felt death for the first time.

“Thousands will become gods!”

With a roar, Heavenly Soul raised his hands and slammed. When the two forces collided, Heavenly Soul’s body flew a hundred steps backward, and blood flowed above his fist.

At this moment, Tian So looked at his fist, and his pupil contracted sharply.


I was hurt by a ant … ?

“Okay! Very good!”

Put down his fist and look up towards Chu Yan, the smile on Tian So’s face is very bright.

“didn’t expect! didn’t expect, even Emperor Yuwen also chose as the foundation of reincarnation. If Wu Celestial Emperor and Emperor Yuwen, even if they fell, should they fight!?”

“ha ha ha… interesting, interesting …”

The more I think about it, the more funny Tiantian feels, and finally unable to bear makes a laugh.

When I think of Ning Tian and Qing Jia, Tian So laughs more exaggeratedly, holding his belly and waist straight does not raise.

These fools, if understood their master Wu Celestial Emperor, chose the reincarnation to fight against Emperor Yuwen, and they also need to call Emperor Yuwen’s reincarnation … Lord! ?

Is this too funny, so exciting!

“Vault of Heaven Sword!”

Chu Yan’s reaction to the celestial soul was not taken seriously at all. The sword shook like a gang in his hand, and aura broke out all over his body.

Unlike the previous one, when this sword was cut down, there were thousands of thunderbolt and countless natural phenomena appearing together, blooming together, and instantly belonged to the sword.

“Constant Antiquity, Heaven and Earth will not invade!”

The soul of the soul stepped out in one step, and the whole body Spirit Mark flashed, gathered on the fist, and released the mighty might, squeezing the void.

bang! bang! Boom … Rumble!

Two forces collided, chaos burst, Heaven and Earth trembling …..

The soul of the sky turned into a side of the World, even if the attacked Gangwei is strong, it will remain unmoved.

“Chu Yan, your strength is very strong, and now you have the ability to hurt me, I can no longer suppress you, but …”

Speaking of which, Tian So is taunted in anger

“You are only relying on the two great gods. Are you not a ants?”

“As the sixth person of the Antiquity gods, I can’t deal with the two great gods, can’t I still kill you!?

After he finished, a seal was rushed on his body, releasing a powerful wave aura.

Chu Yan did n’t care about Tian Po ’s words, his body shape changed again, and the tricks in his hand exploded like a tide. Soon, the wave power of Tian Po surged, making Chu Yan start suddenly.

I saw that the undulating aura slowly formed, condensing into a silhouette.

“Hua … Huayang!?”

Chu Yan is completely frozen.


Sun Wanyun felt Chu Yan’s abnormal reaction, and his face also changed.

“ha ha ha, kill, Chu Yan, you kill ah! Why don’t you shoot!”

Tian Po saw that his strategy worked, and suddenly laughed with pride, and was very comfortable.

The little pawns were just handy. Didn’t expect now comes in handy.

“Tianpao, as the sixth person of the Antiquity gods, did you do this!?”

Chu Yan turned his head to look at the heavenly soul, the thunderbolt flashing in his eyes.

“ha ha ha, you control me !? What can you do with me !? I can do whatever I want!”

He is proud of his spirit, and he is so excited at this time, maybe he really has a chance to kill Chu Yan, Wu Celestial Emperor and Yuwen Emperor in one fell swoop. In this way, everything is his of.

As long as you get these, you are not straight, and you can be a master with your eyes closed.

“hmph! The winner is king, as for the means and so on, it is not important at all. Now, you hand over the reincarnation memory of Emperor Yuwen, otherwise I will let you kill him personally!”

This battle is now, Tian Po has been very certain, Chu Yan just awakened the memory of Yu Wenhuang when he broke through Dao Lord Realm.

Also, that Heaven and Earth illusory shadow behind Chu Yan just now can move with it, which shows that Emperor Yu Wen ’s reincarnation memory has been completely awakened.

If it were n’t for this, how could Chu Yan breakthrough little Dao Lord Realm have such strength.

Chu Yan suddenly complexion stiffened when he heard the words of the soul.


That was the first place friend I made after I went to Divine Realm continent.

Moreover, he has a great relationship with Huayang, and even Huayang revived his life because he also remodeled the fleshy body.

Since then, there has been a special connection between him and Huayang, and Huayang ’s temperament is excellent, and he has always been grateful to himself, worthy of his brother.

Every time it encounters a crisis, Huayang spares no effort to protect itself and protects itself comprehensively.

In Chu Yan ’s mind, Huayang ’s status is much higher than that of Hei Yao Demon King, Fan Chen and fatty and the others.

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