
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul” on immigrant novel website ( in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Now, in the face of Hua Yang, Chu Yan was thrown into a dilemma by the chess pieces thrown by Tian Po.

If you try again, Huayang has no chance of survival, but if you surrender everything of Emperor Yuwen according to what Tian Po said, then …

“Chu Yan, don’t be affected!”

“If he is as important as you, he will naturally understand your approach!”

“If it were me, I also support you not to pay, after all, he does not want to see you, for his life, to hand over the reincarnation memory of Emperor Yu Wen!”

“In that case, he owes you too much, he ca n’t afford it!”

“when the time comes, how do you let him face you!?”

Sun Wanyun is in a hurry, hurry up Divine Consciousness sound transmission, and constantly persuade Chu Yan.

It ’s not just Sun Wanyun, Tian Tian also speaks, directly mocking Chu Yan with a smile

“Ha ha ha, Chu Yan, you are going on, what are you waiting for? What are you waiting for ?! Kill it … Is n’t it just a brother !?”

“What kind of shit affection, what kind of shit temperament are all nonsense!”

“Okay! No, do n’t pay it! Then … Huayang, do it now and kill yourself!”

Tian Po will not give Chu Yan too much time, he will turn around and order Huayang directly.

At this time in Huayang, there was no Divine Soul aura in his eyes. It was empty. When he heard the order of the soul, he immediately accepted the order road


At the moment, Huayang draws his long sword backhand, moved towards his chest, and pierces his face.

Pooh …!

The sword enters the fleshy body, blood spatters instantly, Huayang’s entire body begins to tremble, and his face is all distorted and painful.

Obviously, Huayang still has his own consciousness, but he is controlled by the secret skill Divine Soul. He cannot restored to sobriety and calmness at all, and can only bear it passively.

At this moment, Chu Yan’s eyes suddenly shrank and took a cold sip.

“Stop it! I …”

With a hurry, Tian Piao turned his head and suddenly smiled.

This is mortal!

That’s what mortal is …

No matter how strong the strength is, even if it gives him the power to dominate, he will eventually be tired of something that is not valuable at all, and there is a bit of dominance.

“hmph! What do you want to see !? If you do n’t shoot now, what will you wait for?”

Bo Wang stood not far away, staring at Chu Yan with an angry look.

With this export, Sun Wanyun started, Tian Soul started, and even Chu Yan was stunned.

But several people reacted quickly, and this was obviously not to Chu Yan.

Moreover, Bowang is not only opening, but also releasing an aura directly into the depths of Chu Yan Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Om …!

The blue stone seal of Silence and Ordinary Stone shuddered a little, and rippled on the surface, shattering all Bowang ’s aura, obviously with a little temper, and very unhappy.

next moment, as the blue stone seal woke up, an azure streamer gathered on its surface, and burst out of the instant, from Chu Yan ’s within both eyes, directly into the opposite Huayang with the the body.


Almost at the moment when azure light didn’t enter Huayang with the body, Tian’s face suddenly changed.

He clearly felt that he had sealed the Divine Soul under Huayang’s cloth.

The hollow within both eyes of Huayang, a little clear and clear, began to emerge.

“Who am I !? I ’m there …”

Hua Yang’s hands were released, Hua Yang looked all around, his face blank.

next moment, all around in the sky A terrible path of might, he was surprised that his complexion greatly changed, and his eyes also locked a silhouette.

“Big Brother!”

When I saw Chu Yan, Huayang’s face was full of joy, and I was instantly relaxed.

“Huayang …”

Chu Yan stared at him tightly, still unclear, what just happened.

“Nine Soul Beam!”

He was so shocked that he did n’t dare to hesitate, so he shot quickly.

next moment, just preparing to fly to Chu Yan ’s Huayang, the entire Zhang is completely twisted, holding his head in painful colors, and black is clearly surging in his eyes.

In an instant, some horrible memories keep appearing in the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Pantian Forbidden Land, he was turned into a puppet by the secret skill of Tian Soul, and later arrived at Ju Tian Sect, appeared in front of Chu Yan, now …

Scenes, scenes, and scenes appeared constantly, letting Huayang in pain fully understand everything. In the pain on his face, he roared loudly with strange anger.

“Brother, don’t save me, don’t give him …”

This roar made the complex of heavenly soul change suddenly, shouted sharply.

“Shut up!”

The spirit of the fire with both eyes, stop it quickly.

At this time, Huayang was the only card in his hand, and the only way to deal with Chu Yan was never to go wrong.

“You want to make use of … use me … dream!”

Huayang’s face was grisly, even if it was painful, he turned his head to stare at the sky, roaring like a wild beast.

However, the black qi in his eyes is constantly flowing, becoming more and more intense.

At this moment, Huayang suddenly turned to look towards Chu Yan and grinned, with blood on his teeth.


A not-so-violent noise rang out from him within the body, next moment, Huayang’s eyes widened, and his life lost quickly.


Even if you die!

Never will be used by others to deal with the big brother’s chess pieces!

Suicide In front of the big brother, no one in the world can use the big brother, anyway, this life is originally the big brother …..

Everything disappears in silence …

At this time, not far away, Chu Yan stared at the silhouette of Huayang’s dying breath, and the seeds of flame in his eyes were ignited.


Tian Soul complexion greatly changed, a piece of pot is black, and teeth are almost clenched.


didn’t expect At this time, Huayang will break through his beam soul nine prison, and suicide without the slightest hesitation is here.

Even if it is half a breath later, he can regain control of Huayang.

Okay now, people are dead!

“What to do now !? The means are gone, this kid broke through the master, and with the reincarnation of Emperor Yuwen, it is simply impossible to kill him now! Otherwise, let the star marks …”

In the Sea of ​​Consciousness, all kinds of consciousness are flying and thinking quickly.

Without any hesitation, after making up his mind, Tian Soo started Divine Consciousness to contact Star Mark, but, just after he was ready to go Divine Consciousness sound transmission, all of a sudden, in the sky, the temperature plummeted.

“Not good! The body of Constant Antiquity!”

Without any hesitation, Heavenly Spirit urged Constant Antiquity Saint Physique to protect his body.

“Give me … die!”

A roar roared, resounding through Heaven and Earth, and above a sharp long sword, dozens of ways of asking at the same time broke out and rushed.

Chu Yan at this moment is completely angry!

Hua Yang ’s death caused Chu Yan ’s Divine Soul to boil over, and the Sword Qi that he chopped out was like the rainbow of Heaven and Earth, the gang of world destroying.

The sky was full of horror, and he constantly shot strikes sword light, but his unique skill, which hit his sword light, collapsed instantly.

In less than a few breaths, the soul of the sky was slammed into a hundred steps, losing ground.

At this time, Sun Wanyun in the distance saw the scene with a look of surprise.

Chu Yan’s battle strength is getting stronger and stronger, and the spirit is not easy to deal with. With a half-step Constant Antiquity body, any trauma can be recovered quickly.

But now, at this step in the battle, the final result is more complicated and difficult to judge.

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