
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul” on immigrant novel website ( in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Above the void, Tian So is grinning and talking

“The mortal ants are just dead, you die, you do n’t have to be hypocritical here, you keep the secret of your Emperor Yuwen ’s reincarnation, are you happy?”

While taunting Chu Yan, Tian Po is also sending out consciousness, but when he receives a reply, his face is even darker.

A bunch of waste!

So many people ca n’t even pick up a little girl movie, so the second card threatening Chu Yan ca n’t be played.

This time, the scene is awkward.

He could n’t kill Chu Yan, and Chu Yan could n’t help him. Is n’t it so that he watched Chu Yan become the master and then left? ?

In spite of this, in the end, Constant Antiquity chalcedony and immortal Fiendgod merit, he can grab the hand, but this time he broke his face with Chu Yan, just let him leave, the consequences …..

After all, Chu Yan now seems to have completely awakened Yu Wenhuang ’s reincarnation because of the breakthrough Dao Lord Realm.

In this way, he has two reincarnations, and if time goes by, that strength …..

“Forget it! For the time being, there is no other way, take it first, let ’s see if Constant Antiquity Saint Physique will succeed in one fell swoop! when the time comes, and then take the two reincarnations from his Divine Soul Yes! “

After a little deep contemplation, Tian Po also made up his mind, looked up towards Chu Yan, and prepared to fight again.

First grab things, everything else is secondary.

However, when he looked up towards Chu Yan, the whole person was stunned.

“What are you doing!?”

On the other side, the spirit of Dao Realm mountain range is having a Divine Consciousness communication with Sun Wanyun, making the final arrangement.

“Constant Antiquity Saint Physique! Sure enough … Although it is only a half-step, but it can not be confronted. That’s all, Chu Yan can do this, already can be valuable. Wait a minute, you can help him break through, and return to refining With the reincarnation memories of the two great gods, maybe … “

Speaking of which, the voice of the spirit of Dao Realm mountain range stopped. Originally, he wanted to say that there might be a chance to get it back.

But this sentence, he couldn’t say it.

Others do n’t know. As a powerhouse contemporaneous with the Four Lords of the Four Cangs, he certainly knows more than anyone, what terrifying existence Constant Antiquity Saint Physique is.

For the helplessness and sigh of the spirit of Dao Realm mountain range, Sun Wanyun did not feel the same feeling. On the contrary, she was deeply stimulated by the words and deeds of the soul.

“The new era … dominates … the ants …”

Now it seems that her number one on the Supreme list is a joke.

Whether it is from Chu Yan or from the side of the heavens, her Supreme ranking is the first in battle strength, and they are insignificant like ants.

Times are changing, yes!

In a new era, a new peerless genius will be born. They will lead this era, or become a burial item and paving stone for the new era.

No matter how, from this perspective, she and Chu Yan belong to this category of genius.

So, she now understands a little bit, why she had a special feeling for Chu Yan when she saw it at Sunset Canyon that day.

When I saw it today, maybe Chu Yan represented their time, and all the genius were making the final fight.

And she … is a witness!

“Eh …”

Suddenly, she looked up and suddenly the complexion changed.

At this time, Tian So is also looking up at Chu Yan, his face full of surprise.

I saw that Chu Yan was hung in the air, and the will to ask about the law was surging, turning into a force, tied like a long rope, bound to the death of Wu Celestial Emperor and Yu Wenhuang The power of will.

“Give … I …. Fusion!”

Chu Yan ’s own Willpower volume, a sudden outbreak, the long rope tightened suddenly and tightened wildly.

bang! bang! bang!

A path of thunderclap exploded at Immortal Palace, like a Heavenly Thunder exploding, heaven falls and earth rends.

An invisible terror force swayed in the Immortal Palace in the sky, sweeping away the Yu Gang from the previous battle.

At this moment, Sun Wanyun and Tian Po changed their faces.

“Chu … Chu Yan, you have to do …”

Bo Wang’s face twitched and he was Kunlun’s Spirit of the Immortal Mountain. At this time, his eyes were all look of shock.

He knows that Chu Yan within the body has a green stone seal, and with it, Chu Yan will not have much problems, but he did not expect that Chu Yan would be so crazy now.

The will of the two great gods, even if it is only a remnant, such a forcible fusion has unbearable consequences.

Master Cang, that is the end of Martial Dao in this world.

Since the record, there have been four people from ancient times to the present. That one is not heaven shaking earth shattering, and it has the existence of Great Destiny.

Such awesome powerhouse, even if it has already fallen, the broken amount of Willpower is probably incomparable.

Want to let the two of them exist together, it is not as heavenly ascension, let alone the two are still dead before the fall.

In an instant, over Dao Realm mountain range, the void exploded for 100,000 miles, and chaos appeared.

The powerful white air wave confronts the black magic cloud in the air, and they are all in contention. They are all full of powerful destruction power.

Anyone will not doubt that once these two forces are out of control, I am afraid that the entire Dao Realm mountain range will be destroyed. I am afraid that even the entire Divine Realm continent will cause serious damage.

At this moment, all the powerhouses gathered in the Dao Realm mountain range are all in horror, as if facing the most terrifying Heavenly Tribulation in their lives.

bang! Boom … rumble!

Heaven and Earth is furious, and the majesty is mad, and the entire Immortal Palace collapses ….

Chu Yan, who hangs in the sky, seems to disregard everything around all at all, and constantly urges the long rope to twist the two Willpower quantities together, getting tighter and tighter.

This kind of heaven defying and acting made him pay a great price, his body fleshed and his bones were cracked.

At this time, a Dao Lord Realm cultivation base imposing manner, from the original Peak state, kept falling.

“ha ha ha… courting death! This is your own courting death!”

The sky is full of laughter, and his face is full of surprises.

I was still worried about this Chu Yan. After I left, I relied on the will of the two great masters to reincarnate, and my strength was greatly improved.

Okay now, everything is not a problem!

This Huayang this step of idle chess, actually played such a role, making that Chu Yan go crazy.

So self-defeating, he solved his biggest worry at once.

“Not bad! Not bad! Peerless genius, real peerless genius, Chu Yan, now I have to obey you. I dare to do things that no one in the world dares to do and ca n’t do. You can do this, absolutely you alone! “

“very good! Continue, continue … ha ha ha!”

Heaven is overjoyed and praises.

“Quick stop! Chu Yan, stop …”

Bo Wang was panic-stricken and roared loudly.

“Wan Yun, stop him!”

The spirit of Dao Realm mountain range is also urgently urged.

However, without waiting for Sun Wanyun to take action, the situation at Chu Yan happened again.

The two wills of the Cang Lord seem to have reacted too, knowing what Chu Yan is going to do, and beginning to break out at the same time.

Their main goal is the other side, one black one white, two forces, as if two beasts of wild beast, roar roaring, rushing together, exploding the terrifying matchless gang, sweeping Heaven and Earth.

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