
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul” on immigrant novel website ( in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Sun Wanyun looked at Chu Yan and exhaled long, then replied

“Thank you for me! If it were not for you, this new era might be regressed to the previous …”,

Speaking of which, Sun Wanyun said again

“Constant Antiquity chalcedony and immortal Fiendgod merits belong to you!”

“In addition, your breakthrough breakthrough has not been completed, I will gather at Immortal Palace to protect you!”

In a word, her jade hand waved, large waves rippling, countless fairy lights gathered, and shrouded above the peak of Dao Realm mountain range.

rumble’s voice continued, and Immortal Palace reappeared soon, more brilliantly than before.

“Linglong, I will complete the breakthrough first, don’t forget the fruit!”

Chu Yan turned to look towards Yue Linglong and reminded.

“Relax! Can’t run away!” Yue Linglong smiled softly, glanced at Sun Wanyun again, and said again

“Who is this woman !? Still wearing a face towel, is it pretty?”

As soon as this sentence came out, Chu Yan’s body flickered and almost didn’t fly.

It’s empty!

Too empty!

“cough cough, I am not familiar with her, she is the heir of the spirit of Dao Realm mountain range, Sun Wanyun, the top of the Supreme list, I do n’t understood others!”

“Oh !? Beautiful and powerful !?” Yue Linglong looked even worse.

“Haha, then I will go to breakthrough first, everyone, see you later!”

Chu Yan suddenly reacted, quickly turned his head to look at all around, bowed his hand, and turned and ran.

In a blink of an eye, Chu Yan ’s silhouette disappeared into the Immortal Palace, all around at the same time a loud laughter sounded.

A sword defeated Chu Yan, so didn’t expect to be so embarrassed.

Sun Wanyun did not smile, but instead had a dignified dignity on his face. The silhouette slowly blurred and disappeared into the bustling atmosphere.

On the other side, Chu Yan entered the Immortal Palace. The Constant Antiquity chalcedony and immortal Fiendgod function appeared directly in front of him.


Big hands out, True Qi as the guide, Constant Antiquity chalcedony and immortal Fiendgod merit, at the same time.

Two powerful forces rushed into Chu Yan within the body, as two groups of flood beasts screamed into the sky, making Chu Yan’s body fiercely tremble.


In an instant, Chu Yan ’s within the body began to undergo dramatic changes.

First, the skeletonization of skeleton, then flesh and blood, meridian, skin, blood, every place is undergoing amazing changes, and eventually it will be degeneration, and a strong sense of power will flow from every degeneration position , Impacting Chu Yan’s heart and Sea of ​​Consciousness.

At this time, the nine-domain star map in Chu Yan Sea of ​​Consciousness has already run to the extreme.

Since the moment Chu Yan got it, it has never operated so fast. In the vast sea of ​​stars, every star releases an extremely bright starlight, shining everywhere in Chu Yan’s body.

A very mysterious fusion is ongoing.

Chu Yan’s Divine Soul seems to be completely open, accepting everything, and constantly being jadeized, including skeleton, flesh, etc., and even in the end Chu Yan suspected that his Divine Soul must be jadeized.

In less than one hour, the foundation of Constant Antiquity Saint Physique was finally completed.

When the foundation of Constant Antiquity Saint Physique is built, in a moment of quiet time, the sound of the Thunderbolt of Sea of ​​Consciousness in the sky, the sound of rumble ’s thunderbolt, the old heavy magic sound of Green Ancient, resounds through Heaven and Earth.

This is the reincarnation memory of Emperor Yuwen, which has been completely awakened.

A tall magic bow like Heaven and Earth stands between Heaven and Earth. Even if the sun of Vermilion Bird casts sunlight, the demon body is still a dark void.

“Fiendgod forever!”

Chu Yan knows that the Eternal Life Fiendgod function has been completely integrated with himself. Although he has not started to enlighten and cultivate because of the relationship of Constant Antiquity Saint Physique Foundation Establishment, this is only a matter of time.

Hoo …!

Chu Yan’s long exhales one breath saying, sitting in the Immortal Palace, running inside the body True Qi.

This time war makes Chu Yan Divine Soul shake …..

The defeat of Tian Soul with a sword is not based on his own strength. Chu Yan knows this.

If it is not the last, with the fusion of the wills of the two great gods, he could easily do this step.

However, the fusion of the wills of the two great gods, to Chu Yan at that time, was exactly the same as Bo Wang ’s and Tian Po ’s predictions, and was no different from suicide.

Finally, the Five Divine Beast Martial Soul incarnation is the spirit, consolidating and limiting the Sea of ​​Consciousness World of Chu Yan.

This is the most critical step!

Because of the five Divine Beast Martial Soul that has been dormant and slumbering, at the most critical time, incarnation is the spirit, suppressing the five major orientations of the Sea of ​​Consciousness World, Chu Yan will not be in the process of the fusion of the two wills In the first step, Sea of ​​Consciousness collapsed and died.

Moreover, Chu Yan ’s current Sea of ​​Consciousness World is unique and unmatched!

The integration of Divine Kingdom and Sea of ​​Consciousness can be said to have created a precedent for Martial Dao World, and of course it is the only one.

With its existence, the fusion and cultivation of the will of the two great masters will have an important foundation.

“Five Spirits, Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth, Yin-Yang Eryi …. Is n’t it right?”

At this time, Chu Yan sat in the Immortal Palace, and while cultivation, Sea of ​​Consciousness was flying.

A path of consciousness is constantly passing by the Sea of ​​Consciousness, like a meteor crossing the sky.

A very previous guess, which was confirmed step by step, but today, it is the most important verification.

This battle means a lot to him.

It seemed that all the original ambiguity gradually became clear.

But anyway, the most important thing now is the breakthrough Dao Lord Realm.

With a long breath, Chu Yan sat cross-legged and began to sink into the cultivation. With the power of the body Supreme running, changes slowly took place.

Time passes …

The two wills and True Qi in Chu Yan’s body began to become more and more dense at the same time.

In the dark clouds above the Immortal Palace, the thunderbolt electro-optic burst, and the terrible might continues to rumble.

All the Nine Domain Supremes have their eyes turned, looking at the direction of Immortal Palace for a long time.

Here is what a Dao Lord Realm, the usual breakthrough Dao Lord Realm, is covered by such a terrible Heavenly Might.

However, regarding the previous performance of Chu Yan, the powerhouses present are all indifferent, but feel normal.

At this time, Chu Yan, sitting in the Immortal Palace, flashed three mysterious lights on his body, urging all the changes.

This time breakthrough, without any obstacles, is extremely smooth.

During the moment of breaking through Dao Lord Realm, Chu Yan can clearly feel that Dao Lord Realm is the real Martial Dao road, and the end point is directly directed to Cang Lord Realm.

No wonder so many Dao Lord Realm on continent are all trying to find the chance of Cang Master Realm. This ratio is obviously much more than that of Jiuyu Realm to find the breakthrough Dao Lord Realm.

The reason for this is that when Dao Lord Realm is breached, there will be a avenue guide.

Cang Lord Realm!

It ’s like a seed buried in the minds of every breakthrough Dao Lord Realm cultivator, prompting them to constantly look for the opportunity of the breakthrough main world.


A huge thunderbolt door blasted open above the sky.

Heavenly Tribulation is here!

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