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The thunderbolt above the sky merges into a lightning-filled portal. Everyone looks at the sky, all complexion sank.

This is Heavenly Tribulation, and every cultivator of breakthrough Dao Lord Realm must go through it.

bang! bang! bang!

In the hearts of the people, it was estimated that Chu Yan was sitting on the formidable power of the Thunderbolt Gate. Suddenly, several thunders exploded on the sky, waiting for everyone to raise his eyes again.

I saw that beside the original thunderbolt door, four more thunderbolt doors were opened.

Five thunderbolt portals! ?

What happened? ?

Everyone is ignorant, and I do n’t know why there are five identical thunderbolt portals.

Know that from the ancient times to the present day, it is the breakthrough Dao Lord Realm cultivation base, and the experienced Heavenly Tribulation is the same thunderbolt portal.

The difference is only in the size, color, etc. of this thunderbolt portal, which has never appeared before, who has experienced two thunderbolt portals Heavenly Tribulation.

Not to mention, there are five thunderbolt portals in front of you!

Does this mean that Heavenly Tribulation, the master of Chu Yan, is five times stronger than cultivators of the same rank! ?

Can this be spent! ?

At the moment when everyone was suspicious and shocked, above the Immortal Palace below, a quirky sword shadow soared into the sky, exploded in the air, divided into five, and cut through five thunderbolt portals.

Boom … rumbling!

Sword light, five thunderbolt portals were shocked, thousands of thunderbolt rays of light exploded, all around.

In an instant, the whole sky is densely covered with thunderbolt. Under the average lighting, it makes people divine Soul tremble.

However, no matter how violent these thunderbolts are, they cannot shake the word glow at all. Under the cutting, the five thunderbolt portals collapse at the speed visible to the naked eye, and eventually turn into endless lighting.

At this moment, Heaven and Earth are filled with endless thunderbolt power and Heaven and Earth Might, which makes everyone feel small.

The might of the five thunderbolt gates is indeed nothing short of extraordinary!

But now, the five thunderbolt portals have been annihilated by Chu Yan and turned into nothingness.

Between Heaven and Earth, all the Heaven and Earth Might, the light of thunderbolt, the word glow, and the gust of wind, all disappear.

Dao Realm mountain range in this brief moment, restore calm, quiet terrifying… ..

Now Chu Yan has completely completed Dao Lord Realm breakthrough, cultivation base breakthrough to Taoist cultivation base.

According to the rules of the mountain range, as long as the breakthrough reaches Dao Lord Realm, no one can be asked. Anyone who finds an opportunity for breakthrough to Dao Lord Realm will be driven away from the place of inquiry immediately.

And now, is Chu Yan’s breakthrough completed! ?

At this time, Chu Yan was sitting in the Immortal Palace, with a long sword and a sword body beside him, with a faint sword power flashing into Chu Yan within the body.

On Chu Yan, a powerful force rushed out, enveloping Chu Yan’s Divine Soul will, and appeared in a world of nothingness.

Sword light is flying, Chu Yan is attached to it, and it just feels like it is traveling through Myriad Realms.

After breaking the thunderbolt portal, it seems that his Divine Soul will also enter a special world.

At this time, all the power of his within the body has been transformed into the power of the Lord.

The nine-domain star chart in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, black crystals are cracking, and the cracks in the body are increasing.

At the same time, the fleshy body sitting cross-legged is constantly changing, and the body moved towards Constant Antiquity is rising.

Constant Antiquity Saint Physique, as one of the top ten Saint Physique, the legendary cultivation is successful, can jump out of the three realms, cross Five Elements, detached life and death, and achieved the live forever fleshy body.

This, of course, is only a legend, and Chu Yan does n’t believe it.

If there is such a strong, how did Wu Celestial Emperor fall? Even if Divine Soul’s will collapses, the Fleshy body should still exist, why should he find himself as an ordinary person again to reincarnate.

So, after everything passes through the mouths, the gods that will be passed on are almost beyond their essence.

This point, Chu Yan also knows, does not take it seriously.

Moreover, this Constant Antiquity Saint Physique is similar to the cultivation base realm, divided into the entry, Small Accomplishment, Great Accomplishment, Perfection four realms.

Before the celestial soul, even the entry level was not reached, but the Constant Antiquity power was obtained, and there was extremely powerful battle strength, not to mention Chu Yan. Now, he has reached the edge of the entry level.

The most important thing is not green lotus, it is just a collection of the power of Constant Antiquity, and its function is similar to the chalcedony of Constant Antiquity that Chu Yan just got.

Actually, the core of Constant Antiquity Saint Physique has always been … Nine Domains Star Chart!

Wu Celestial Emperor, as the four great masters, how powerful is the existence, of course, it is possible to create the Constantine Antiquity Saint Physique which can be snatched by people like green lotus.

Like the nine-domain star map, it will only attach to Chu Yan for life, and even outsiders will have a hard time knowing its existence.

“Nine Domains Star Map, Kai!”

After a long time, Chu Yan a light shout in cultivation.

The star map of Nine Domains, which has been recovering, buzzed and released a large number of stars, pouring into Chu Yan within the body.

The sounds of ka ka are endless, and Xing Hui has passed by. Chu Yan has become a jade-like skeleton, flesh, meridian, in this brief moment, and gradually fuse together into a whole jade-like fleshy body.

In the end, a piece of jade light rose from the body of Chu Yan, surging Heaven and Earth.

Constant Antiquity Saint Physique, get started!

In an instant, the magic power of the Demon Sovereign eternal life is running like crazy, it seems like a angry lion has discovered the appearance of the enemy, roaring again and again, making Chu Yan’s magic breath surge like a tide.

Not only that, all the devil’s dens on Chu Yan’s body were opened, and the magic breath poured out of the thief’s burrows, gathered above the head, and evolved a demon world.

Fiendgod World and Supreme Demon Sovereign fields, open at the same time!

Such a state made Chu Yan think of the ultimate power that burst out when the two major gods confronted each other.

Within the body, Constant Antiquity ’s power, of course, will not sit back and watch Fiendgod ’s arrogance, and it will immediately burst out. The two began to collide against each other.

This time, completely based on Chu Yan ’s fleshy body, the two sides charged, and the attack was more fierce.

One is the Constant Antiquity fleshy body, and the other is the Supreme Fiendgod cultivation technique. The hostility between the two has reached Peak state.

Chu Yan ’s fleshy body has been jadeized by the nine-domain star map. I do n’t care about all this, and the power of the will will gather together and retreat to the Sea of ​​Consciousness World, so I will watch it quietly. , The two forces attack each other.

“hmph! Can’t get you anymore!?”

For a long time, Chu Yan discovered that these two forces were more and more excited, and did not mean to converge, immediately coldly snorted.

next moment, the Nine Domains Star Map and more than a dozen methods of enlightenment running at the same time, converging into a flood-like force, rushing out of the Sea of ​​Consciousness World, sweeping all the way, crashing into two fighting forces.

bang! bang!

Constant Antiquity Saint Physique and Supreme Fiendgod, seeing someone intervene, without any slight concession, but more aggressive.

It turned around at the same time and launched a fierce attack on the Nine Domains Star Chart. The combined strength of the two was extremely powerful, and the Nine Domains Star Chart continued to tremble.

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