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No one has seen this kind of robbery!

The cultivators present are all in the Taoist realm, and there are even higher cultivation base realm. Those who have personally experienced it, and have seen a lot of tribulations.

But no matter what the tribulation is, no matter how powerful and powerful, there will be some boundaries.

But this piece of cloud that is constantly devouring and growing, only a few breaths later, has covered the sky and the sun is completely invisible.

The entire sky is covered and the sun is completely blocked out, like a world destroying catastrophe.

“This…this is the Jieyun of the breakthrough Dao Master Realm!?”

All the big guys present were shocked and completely stupid.

Anyway, step back quickly and exit this battlefield as far as Chu Yan and the sky are, the better.

This is the idea that all powerhouses have at the same time, and they all start to retreat quickly.

Such robbery clouds, I am afraid that the thunderbolt that exploded, could blast them into powder.

The catastrophe has come, and the breakthrough opportunity has disappeared. They are still here to fight, which is meaningless.

Next, we only have to watch the lively points.

“Yes! Didn’t expect that you and I will come together at the same time, and we will become one, so let’s save it together!”

Tian gave a chuckle, completely indifferent, and rose up into the sky.

“No matter it!”

Chu Yan didn’t think too much, and got up.

bang! bang! bang!

The sound of thunderbolt exploded, echoing in the cloud of robbery in the sky.

A layer of cloud power appeared, thunderbolt was tyrannical, Heaven and Earth trembled, and a 2nd Layer cloud power appeared, like a heavy mountain undulating. In less than a moment, a 9th layer of horrible cloud power appeared, which is in line with the heavens. The wrath of the 9th layer thunderbolt.


Chu Yan and Tian soared all the way to the sky, wherever they passed, various thunderbolt electric pillars were cut apart by the two people, without any obstacle at all.

When I waited in front of Jieyun, the various murderous intentions and bans that had just formed between Heaven and Earth had been cut into powder by the two, and there was no threat.

At this moment, only the 9th layer in front of the mountain is left, and the rumble is sounding, mighty.


Chu Yan shot the long sword in his hand, and the sword was Rainbow Surprise, which directly cut the first 3 Layer cloud power into two sections, and hit the 4th Layer cloud power.

And the sky held the golden blade, and also pierced it out with one blade. The blade light passed through directly through the 4 Layer cloud potential and pierced out a huge cloud hole.

This scene fell in the eyes of the powerhouses watching the ceremony below, all of them were dumbfounded and their faces convulsed.

These two are abnormal!

This is too abnormal! ?

The so-called Transcending Tribulation, shouldn’t it be a defensive state? Be prepared, wait for the catastrophe to fall, and resist with all your strength. As long as you can survive the 9th layer Thunder Tribulation, it is considered a successful Transcending Tribulation.

All repairers in the world, Transcending Tribulation when breaking through all realms, isn’t it true? ?

But the two in front of them, holding their swords directly, slammed into Jie Yun. With a rustling sound hack, the Cloud of Thunder Tribulation was cut to pieces by them.

There is such a thing in the world! ?



The crowd below was still astonished, but Chu Yan and the sky did not stop for a moment. The long sword and golden blade in their hands kept shooting. In a blink of an eye, the four Thunder Tribulation clouds were all broken, leaving only the last layer of clouds. Still above the sky.

Boom… Rumbling!

The 8 Layer clouds exploded into violent winds and waves, sweeping Heaven and Earth, might be amazing.

The two are floating in the sky, and the willpower in the Sea of ​​Consciousness is frantically surging, making a loud noise.

Next moment, the fleshy body and Sea of ​​Consciousness of the two people began to change into Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

In Chu Yan’s Sea of ​​Consciousness, endless raging clouds are surging. This is an incomparable mysterious power. After shaking all the power, it condenses and transforms into a mysterious crystal.

This mysterious crystal tends to form, precisely…Rule Power!

The entire Divine Realm continent, the entire Martial Dao road, the strongest power, is not one of them.

xiu xiu xiu!

Next moment, Yang Yan’s imposing manner and heaven’s imposing manner are constantly improving, breaking the invincible Initial Stage in an instant, and the mysterious crystal stabilizes and begins to continuously improve.

For Tian, ​​this is just a recovery process.

However, for Chu Yan, this is a huge improvement in the cultivation base realm, and the strength will change in Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

“Chu Yan, congratulations!”

Bo Wang’s indifferent smile, watching Chu Yan arch his hands

“The invincible environment is complete!”

“To this day, about the origin of the Kunlun Mountains, and the origin of the Divine Realm continent, how the Kunlun Mountains were nurtured in the first place, these secrets can be told to you!”

“But, please remember, only you can know, you can’t tell anyone!”

At this moment, Bowang’s tone was extremely serious.

Wu Celestial Emperor at the time only gradually learned about it after the breakthrough invincible Great Accomplishment, but now, Bo Wang is going to tell Chu Yan all now.

Moreover, he adhered to this rule from beginning to end, without any looseness.

From this we can also see the seriousness of this matter.

“Okay! I will stick to it, Senior!” Chu Yan nodded replied.

“When the Divine Realm continent was born, there was no distinction of planes, neither Divine Realm continent nor Ten Directions Star Domain, but just the most primitive Source Power. When this power goes from birth to stability, When it collapsed at the peak of prosperity, it exploded into dozens of small domains and various continents.”

“With the passage of time, the Divine Realm continent dominates, and the continent worlds of the lower realm are divided into different levels!”

“The Kunlun fairy mountain is the most primitive a Source Power among them.”

When these words landed, Chu Yan suddenly felt bright light glittering in his eyes.

The Kunlun Mountains are so powerful! ?

This is not to say that a Kunlun Mountains is equivalent to the power of the Divine Realm continent, and even in terms of rank and formation period, it is even higher than the ordinary small domain.

This Kunlun Mountains strictly speaking is nothing but a Supreme Treasure, which is comparable to a small world! ?

“The difference between Kunlun Fairy Mountain and Xiaoyu is still very big!”

Bowang seemed to see Chu Yan’s doubts and surprises, and explained.

“From the perspective of the quantity of Source Power, the Kunlun Mountains and the ordinary domain are similar, but when it comes to quality and level, it is really one level higher or even more!”

“This kind of difference, you can understand the difference in generation among human races! Kunlun Mountains have a higher generation than any domain.”

“If you can cultivation to Peak, you can control the Source Power of Kunlun Mountains!”

Bowang stopped here for a while and observed Chu Yan’s reaction before continuing.

“Back then, in the battle between Wu and Tian, ​​Tian relied on Source Dao, so Wu could not kill him at all. Even in the end, Wu used the Source Power of Kunlun Mountains to hand him over, but it was only Just defeated!”

“I suspect that the sky can be reborn from the reincarnation after ten thousand years by the original rules, and even if the winner is Wu and Yuwen, they can only disappear in the long river of years. The gap between the three , Just above the original rules!”

Hearing these words, Chu Yan trembled, and Divine Soul was alarmed.

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