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Speaking of this, Bo Wang glanced at “Heaven” not far away, and then sound transmission said to Chu Yan.

“Don’t worry! He only has an invincible environment now, and there are not many original rules that can be mobilized. If the battle is critical, you can use the Source Power of the Kunlun Mountains, which is enough to deal with!”

“Also, Kunlun Mountains is one of the Source Supreme Treasures. With your current cultivation base realm in the invincible realm, it can be used to suppress and defend some ordinary killer moves. It should be no problem!”

When Bowang said this, his tone was flat, but it fell in Chu Yan’s ears, which made his Divine Soul tremble again.

“ordinary…killer move!?”

Chu Yan gasped cold, his eyes suddenly brightened.

ordinary ultimate move! ?

This sentence, I’m afraid it’s aimed at below the blue master realm! ?

Maybe it might even refer to the ordinary attack of the God Realm!

For existences like Bowang and Source Supreme Treasures like Kunlun Mountains, the so-called ordinary attack can be believed! ?

Believe ghosts!

Others don’t know, Chu Yan doesn’t know, just the Constant Antiquity god army cultivated in Kunlun Mountains, to Bowang, is of ordinary level.

It’s such an ordinary level, and it almost wiped out Zhou Celestial Emperor!

“After returning to the Kunlun Mountains this time, you can try to open the Ninth Layer mountain terrain. As for the main peak…”

At this point, Bowang hesitated for a while before continuing.

“I won’t tell you now, I can only say that the main peak has a great relationship with the land of ten thousand sources!”

The Land of Ten Thousand Sources! ?

Chu Yan was stunned when he heard this.

Isn’t the land of Wanyuan in Wanyuan Palace? ? How could it be related to Kunlun Mountains! ?

For a moment, Chu Yan shook the head and didn’t think much about it. With his current rank, Bo Wang didn’t tell him, naturally it made sense.

Just like what Bowang said just now, if you tell yourself in advance, it might affect you, and you will change the original rules of “Heaven”.

“many thanks Senior, I will try my best to open the Ninth Layer mountain trail!”

Chu Yan responded politely.


Bo Wang is nodded, very satisfied.

After that, Chu Yan started to deal with things after Transcending Tribulation. A Spirit Seal appeared on his forehead, which was the mark of Kunlun.

At this time, Chu Yan can clearly feel that there is a mountain connected to his breath by the distant sky, as long as he wants to, he can reach it.

From this moment, Chu Yan officially became the lord of…Kunlun!

“Master, it’s my turn!”

Seeing that the mark on Chu Yan’s brow is formed, King Ming, who has been waiting for a long time next to him, finally opened the mouth and said.

“Master, you are now in an invincible state. You may infuse Rule Power into the nine-region star map, so that the nine-region star map can really work!”

Ming Wang’s words clearly carry a hint of eagerness. It seems that after ten thousand years, he finally has the opportunity to regain the glory of the nine-domain star map.


Chu Yan’s eyes were shining, and without any hesitation, he started to spin the newly condensed profound crystal, overflowing Rule Power and pouring it into the nine-domain star map.


A sound of Profound Nether sounded, and a huge star Sea Area Map slowly unfolded behind Chu Yan.

This map is more than ten times larger than the previous nine-domain star map, countless stars are shining, and at the same time, the biggest difference can be seen at a glance.

The scorching sun and Haoyue compete for glory with the Star Sea, and at the same time release endless rays of light, covering Heaven and Earth.

Next, with the scorching sun as the center, three scorching suns Great Array are formed, and with Haoyue as the center, three scorching suns Great Array are formed. The stars in the sky are combined to release the three stars Great Array.

The scorching sun, the moon and the stars each have three Great Arrays, a total of nine, which are connected to each other to form a super Great Array.

This is the real core Great Array of the Nine Fields Array, unlike before, it only had its shape and no god.

bang! Boom… Rumble!

The nine-domain star map suddenly trembled, and slowly began to revolve. The nine Great Arrays moved first, causing the stars of the sky to revolve, just like a huge monster-like Ominous Beast, slowly waking up .

Invincible powerhouse, you can run this graph to about 50%!

In Chu Yan’s eyes, two seas of Sun, Moon and Stars appeared at the same time, and his heart was full of surprise.

It is worthy of being one of the two Supreme Treasures of Celestial Emperor Wu. If this is to display the nine-domain star map, there is no treasure in the world! ?

With this Supreme Treasure alone, Chu Yan’s own battle strength has increased by at least 30%.

This is just 30% after the breakthrough invincible realm and the cultivation base and strength skyrocketed. If calculated according to the original strength, it is at least twice the battle strength.

This is also… It’s terrible!

After the operation started, Chu Yan immediately retracted the nine-domain star map, aura was introverted, and his gaze swept to the sky not far away, and found that he was still in the process of ascending aura, so he returned to the cultivation.

Xuanjing was first formed, and now is the key to consolidation. Rule Power is the strongest battle strength, and there should be no slippage.

At the same time, Rule Power needs to be integrated into the Constant Antiquity Eucharist, Immortal Magic Technique and dao chart, and the time is not short.

Next, three powers flashed continuously on Chu Yan, one after another.

Especially the dao chart, the mountains and rivers are 10,000 li, and the speed of expansion and transformation is extremely fast, and soon a turbulent path is formed.

Of course, Rule Power has played a big role in this, otherwise Chu Yan alone, I am afraid that it will take at least ten years before the dao chart can get out of this.

At the same time, after the Constant Antiquity Holy Body and Immortal Magic Skills were integrated into Rule Power, Heaven and Earth turning upside down also took place.

Among them, the transformation of the eternal gods and demon art needless to say, after the previous Qingyin enforcement, after the breakthrough to the invincible state, the improvement and transformation of the eternal gods and demon art is almost where water flows, a canal is formed without any resistance.

The Constant Antiquity Communion needs to condense a new green lotus to serve as the foundation of the Constant Antiquity Communion.

Rule Power played the main role here. After the various powers merged, a colorful green lotus illusory shadow with golden edges slowly appeared.

Almost at the same time, Chu Yan could feel that the changes in his fleshy body were extremely obvious. It seemed that the rule of Heaven and Earth, the power of all things was no longer a threat.

Ten Great Saint body, really powerful!

“When it hits the Lord Realm, Rule Power will be finalized! What Rule Power should I take!?”

In Chu Yan’s heart, a thought arose suddenly.

Zhou Celestial Emperor’s Space Rule, Wu’s Celestial Emperor’s eternal rules, the heaven’s origin rules and dominating rules, and Xuantian Empress’s Samsara Rule ….

Chu Yan knows some of these Rule Powers, but he is impossible to walk the same way as them, and he must go out of his own way of rules.

“Forget it, don’t when the time comes, don’t think about it!”

Chu Yan shook the head, no longer think about it, continue to focus on cultivation and consolidate the cultivation base.

At this time, Chu Yan didn’t know that a special thing happened.

In the depths of his Sea of ​​Consciousness, the blue seal released a very weak azure aura, which suddenly flickered.


In an instant, Chu Yan, King Ming, and Bo Wang woke up at the same time, and the complexion greatly changed.

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