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“It’s not far after passing the sand, but the place where the nine great masters worshipped the sky! It’s called Ji Cangshan!”

Hearing this, Chu Yan eyes shined immediately.

“Sacrifice to Cangshan!?”

“This means it should be a place to pay homage to the Vault of Heaven!?”

I looked up towards the distance, and I saw the edge of the sky, vaguely seeing a huge shadow towering.

Chu Yan raised his foot subconsciously, just stepping into the sandy area.

In an instant, a powerful air force erupted from below the sand, rushing into the sky directly above the sky.

This aura is extremely powerful, and seems to have a certain relationship with this Heaven and Earth.

“Yes, after sacrificing to the sky, it is the Lord of Heaven!”

Bo Wang’s words made Chu Yan’s eyes brighter.

Sure enough!

This sacrifice to Cangshan is where the breakthrough God Realm is located. Otherwise, this Vault of Heaven would not be qualified to worship.

“Master, I know that this sacrifice to Cangshan Mountain was originally not in the land of ten thousand sources.”

Ming Wang also spoke.

“Back then, on the Great Ancient Era, Divine Realm continent, there was a place called the Famu River, which was the opportunity for the breakthrough invincible of the Daoist Realm!”

“Later, a powerhouse found an anomaly in it, and after cooperating with many powerhouse attacks to break the boundary wall space, they discovered the land of ten thousand sources!”

“At that time, after the first batch of Blue Lord Realm sacrificed to heaven, they joined forces to create powerful Dao Treasures. After fusion, they formed the current sacrifice to Cangshan! As a sacrifice for later generations breakthrough God Realm Heaven and earth!”

“This sacrifice to Cangshan contains the rules and Source Power of the first batch of powerhouses of the God Realm, so it will be a great reference for later generations of the breakthrough God Realm!”

After listening to these introductions, Chu Yan couldn’t help but feel nodded.

I also have some understanding and ideas for the breakthrough God Realm.

“There is nothing wrong with worshipping Cangshan for ten thousand years!?” Chu Yan asked.

After all, it has been so long, and the Land of Ten Thousand Sources has not been opened for thousands of years. If something happens, it is broken or incomplete like the Clear Sky Venus, then there is no chance.

“Of course there is no problem! This sacrifice to Cangshan is a sealed state. Only when the invincible state of 20 or more is assembled, can you have a chance to open the seal together!”

“When the seal was not opened, Ji Cangshan was completely in a closed state, and something was impossible at all!”

After Wang Ming said this, Chu Yan nodded.

“Chu Yan, Tian and Wanyuantian appeared in the world, they should do everything they can to open this sacrifice to Cangshan, restore the cultivation base of the Cangzhu realm, and then attack Ruler Realm, so they will surely agitate the invincible realm of all forces in the world. Come here to worship Cangshan to open the seal!”

“When the time comes, you can also follow the trend, after all, one cannot open the seal!”

Bo Wang said this, reminding him.


Chu Yan took this matter to heart.

Crossed the sandy land and formally entered the area of 鈥嬧€婥entral Source, Chu Yan continued to move forward without stopping for a moment.

Compared with the previous Xiayuan, this Central Source Land is indeed much more dangerous. The intensity of various prohibitions and murderous intentions has increased more than tenfold.

Moreover, the concealment of these murderous intentions and prohibitions is even more terrifying, and even Qilin’s pupils can’t even find it.

Fortunately, Chu Yan has green body protection, even if it is stepped on, there is no danger.

While contacting Shisu to determine the core direction she was pointing at, Chu Yan continued to revise the path forward.


I don’t know how long it took, Chu Yan’s figure stopped abruptly, and his eyes shot sharply.

Just now, his blue armor War God within the body seemed to fluctuate suddenly.

After stopping, Chu Yan summoned him without hesitation.

The moment the blue armor appeared, the tall body turned his head directly and looked towards a direction in the sky, as if there was something there that attracted him in particular.

“The Gods List!”

Bo Wang opened his mouth and looked towards that direction.

“Qingjia is also one of the gods, so when he gets close to the list of gods, he will be drawn!”

This list of gods, Chu Yan has also heard before, is the monument to the ten Antiquity ten gods, and records the first name of the Antiquity ten common gods.

So, Chu Yan could also understand why Qing Jia had a reaction, and he took it back without thinking too much.

However, Chu Yan not at all found that when he took back the Blue Armor War God, a strange color flashed in the Blue Armor’s eyes, and aura waves appeared.

The blue print on the Sea of 鈥嬧€婥onsciousness seemed to have discovered something, and moved slightly, glanced at the blue armor, but didn’t care, turned over and went to sleep.

Chu Yan continued forward, all the way hurriedly, and in a blink of an eye, Nine Heavens time passed.

At this time, Chu Yan has reached the middle area of 鈥嬧€媡he Central Source Land. On the far horizon, a tall snow peak rises from the ground, straight into the sky, as if connecting Heaven and Earth together.

“Is this a sacrifice to Cangshan Mountain!?”

Chu Yan looked at this snowy peak, facing the cold air, but Chu Yan within the body was full of passion.

Immediately afterwards, Chu Yan Divine Soul shook with the gods and sent out a consciousness.

In the distant snow body, a streamer flew through the air, and fell in front of Chu Yan in the blink of an eye.

“You are here!”

Perilla is wearing a snow skirt, her long hair spread out, and her eyes flicker. It is obviously completely different from the last time she met, and even her tone of voice is obviously close.

“en!?” Chu Yan brows slightly wrinkle.

“Sorry! Because Xuantian’s elder sister’s experience and Divine Soul have been affecting me during this time, so sometimes I can’t tell who I am!”

After being pushed back by Chu Yan’s eyes, Zisu quickly apologized.

She and Chu Yan are only a cooperative relationship, and they also occupy the Sea of 鈥嬧€婥onsciousness of the Empress Xuantian, strictly speaking, it is not an exaggeration for Chu Yan to kill her.

Such a relationship, how close! ?

As for Perilla’s explanation, Chu Yan could barely accept it. He turned his head and stopped looking at her, looking towards the towering snow peak.

This little girl, dressed in a snow skirt, with black hair hanging down, made Chu Yan a little trance in appearance and temperament, including her eyes.

This absolutely shouldn’t, so Chu Yan didn’t look at her at all.

“It’s okay!”

Chu Yan looked at Xuefeng and asked directly

“Where did the bell fall!?”

Hearing this question, Shisu’s eyes clearly flashed with loss.

next moment, she quickly took out the Supreme Treasure of the Soul Relief Bell, poured True Qi into it, and the Soul Relief Bell trembling slightly.

“In that respect, it is also the direction to the depths. In terms of distance… it is about six days!”

After taking back the soul-shielding bell, Perilla said to Chu Yan.


Chu Yan nodded, sound transmission to Qingyin.


a azure light emerged and landed on the perilla, suddenly making the perilla complexion changed.

“It’s amazing, I feel relieved at once, this treasure is so amazing, can I enter the core with it!?”

Ziso looked at her cyan skin, and at the same time yelled in joy, full of curiosity.

“en! After the prohibition and Monster Beast, with it, there is no problem!”

“very good! Then we can definitely find the bell pendant!”

The little girl was so happy, she rushed over and held Chu Yan’s hand constantly shaking.

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