
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Three days later, Chu Yan and Perilla went to the depths of Zhongyuan.

After arriving here, the speed started to slow down.

As soon as you enter the depths, you must clearly discover that the effect of azure light is weakening. After some strong restrictions, even if there is azure light body protection, these restrictions will be stimulated.

However, after the prohibition was triggered, it seemed that Chu Yan could not be seen, and the two broke out. Looking around all around, they returned to the prohibition with a look of confusion.

This…it’s scary!

Although it is shocking and not dangerous, the outbreaks from time to time are also frightening.

Be aware that the formidable power of the several prohibitions they triggered clearly exceeds any prohibition encountered before.

If there is an accident, the consequences are… unthinkable!

In addition, Chu Yan also discovered that the character of Perilla and Xuantian is completely different from the sky and the earth. If Xuantian usually acts like a block of ice, then this Perilla is like a beam of sunlight, even if it is facing Such a situation does not affect her every breath of happiness at all.

Even Chu Yan was infected by her personality.

Through some exchanges, Chu Yan sent some Martial Dao innate talent of this perilla. The height is scary, far beyond what peerless genius can describe.

Any Taoism and secret skill, almost just a little bit of dialing, she can cite three things and understand it very fast.

The relationship between the two of them during this period of time, coupled with the character of Perilla, made the relationship between the two of them cordial.

Soon after, the two arrived at the piece of mountain valley, all around the mountain range was full of big trees, various heavenly materials and earthly treasures were growing, and the Monster Beast roared among the forests, guarding various powerful treasures. And Supreme Treasure.

Of course, there are so many local crises and banned murderous intentions, any of which can make powerhouse fall instantly.


Suddenly, both of them looked towards one place.

“This seems to have been walked a while ago, now it’s back again!? This is… the labyrinth!?”

Ziso spoke, without a trace of worry on her little face, but a trace of novelty.

“en! It should be!”

The pupil of Chu Yan Qilin moved, flashing with dazzling rays of light, strode out and walked to the front.

Go on for a while and return to the place again.

“It seems that not only the maze, but also the illusion and the puzzle of will! Under the fusion of the three, it is difficult to get through!”

Chu Yan brows slightly wrinkle, watching the environment all around.

This turned out to be a sleepy formation!

Fortunately, there is no murderous intention and prohibition in the trap, otherwise, I am afraid it will be troublesome.


Chu Yan raised his hand, endless True Qi gushing out, blasting out all around the void.

Chu Yan has both cultivation of secret skills of phantom type and will type, so I have the confidence to break this place.


The violent sound exploded, and a huge gap opened above the void, revealing the bottomless chaos and darkness.

A large strand of aura emerges from the chaos and darkness, like a tied rope, moved towards the two fiercely entangled.

“Not good!”

Chu Yan complexion changed, this binding force is extremely powerful, far beyond his power range.

There is no time to think about it. Chu Yan directly uses the new power to urge it to Peak state while wrapping the perilla.


The two retreated at a speed of 100 li in an instant. They crashed into a big mountain and made a sound like heaven shaking earth shattering.

Chu Yan within the body qi and blood tumbling, this wave of shock caused him a big shock.

“Are you okay!?” Chu Yan asked.

“Well, it’s okay!”

Perilla shook the head, and his big eyes were full of light.

For her, this is rare, someone protects her when she is in danger.

Her experience, no matter what dangers and difficulties, she faced until she fell.

Chu Yan rotates Qilin’s pupil, looking towards all around. The environment here is very different. With his Qilin pupil, he can only see the range of a hundred steps.

roar roar roar ….

The beast roar sounded, all directions were exploded with blood light, and the front was shining with an amazing might, like a blockbuster Beast Tide approaching frantically.

Moreover, all around the wind is raging, and a path of sky-splitting sound resounds like a wind blade, as if a world destroying storm is about to hit.

“Hurry up!”

Chu Yan pulled the perilla, rushed quickly, and at the same time blasted a path of secret skill, suppressing all around the void.

Even if you know that everything here is illusion and Divine Soul interference, but if it is too real, it will still have an impact.

After all, accidentally is the difference between life and death, if not an illusion! ?

The prohibition of this ghost place and the Great Array are intertwined with each other, and various combinations broke out at the same time. I have seen a lot of them before.

This kind of sleepy formation is very high!

Even after being hit by the wind, I can clearly feel the tingling sensation.

If this is an illusion, no one can tell whether it is true or false.

Chu Yan was also able to judge this illusion because of the cultivation of these types of secret skills and Taoism, plus the inheritance of the will of the two great gods.

“Let me just say, don’t look for trivial things…huh!? Such a big storm!?”

Qingyin was awakened by Chu Yan’s Sea of ​​Consciousness fluctuation. Just about to complain, I was shocked when I saw all around suddenly.

“That bastard arranged such a big sleepy formation in the Land of the Central Source! Is it intentional to keep me from sleeping!?”

“That Chu Yan, sorry, just took a nap, listen to me now, go west!”

When Chu Yan heard this, he immediately turned his eyes and looked towards Sifang.

Without any hesitation, I pulled up the perilla and moved towards the west, rushing away wildly.

A loud explosion sound, with Chu Yan’s fleshy body power, forcibly knocked the mountain on the east side into a deep hole several miles, but it was hard to go further half a step further.

“Uh…the west is not right, sorry, it should be the south!”

Chu Yan:……..

Almost an hour later, Chu Yan finally rushed to the side of a small lake with perilla. The two fell to the ground at the same time, panting violently.

Too dangerous!

Even the Rule Power of Chu Yan within the body is almost exhausted.

This level of trouble formation, maybe it was set up for the powerhouse of the God Realm, and didn’t expect to let them fall into it.

If it weren’t for Qingyin’s guidance, even though I had pointed the wrong way several times, the final account was out.

Ziso got up from the ground, two big eyes were full of excitement rays of light, and there was no feeling of worry or fear at all.

“You…like adventure!?”

Chu Yan looked at her, a face of doubt.

This girl, she’s so courageous, she really stepped on the life and death line just now, and now she is so excited.

“Of course not, I just like this feeling…. I used to face it alone except for my mother. It feels good to be accompanied by someone this time!”

Hearing the ancestral home, Chu Yan suddenly became silent.

This perilla is also the daughter of the Four Great Lords anyway, but it sounds like a child from an ordinary person.

“en! Don’t worry, I will accompany you in any danger along the way!”

Chu Yan thought of Chu Yun, and said to Shisu immediately.

Hearing this, Zisu suddenly smiled, like a small wild flower on the side of the road blooming, bathed in sunlight, very warm.

Next, the two continue to go on the road…

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