
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Three days later, Chu Yan and Perilla reached the deepest part of Zhongyuan.

This time, the effect of azure light was weakened again, and the two had to be more cautiously.

Ziso took out the Shihunling, and kept moving forward according to the guidance of Shihunling.

“In that direction!”

Two days later, Perilla stopped, his face was full of surprises.

Chu Yan looked up at the clouds, and saw the shape of a valley among the three mountains in front of him.

Whether it is a mountain or a valley, it is completely dark.

At this time, the sky is also late, there are stars in the sky, and starlight is everywhere on the land of Ten Thousand Sources.

But these starlights can’t shine in the mountains at all.

Chu Yan can see and feel that there is a powerful aura surging here. The intensity of this aura is far greater than the powerful formidable power they encountered along the way.

“Mingwang, is this place…Wanish Mountain!?”

Bo Wang opened his mouth and asked tentatively.

“It looks very similar. According to the legend, there are 9,000 miles of mountains and mountains without a starlight to dye. It is a place of hopelessness. Even making a wish is impossible.”

Ming Wang looked at the situation in front of him and replied.

“Master, in this hopeless place, you and Tian and the others came together. This place is very weird. You were all bombed out after you entered an hour!”

“The powerhouse heard about it later, and came to test it, but it fell directly into it!”

Hearing this, Chu Yan nodded, lifted his foot and walked in.

However, as soon as he took a step, he was grabbed by Perilla.

“en!? What’s wrong!?”

Looking back towards Zisu, she saw her browse tightly knit, her face tense, and she kept shaking her head.

“Don’t worry, if Qingyin says it’s okay, then nothing will happen!”

Hearing this, Perilla shook his head again

“No, I am not worried about this…”

There was some hesitation on the little face, but Chu Yan did not understand.

“Then why are you? You can find your mother’s Divine Soul right now, shouldn’t you be happy!?”

On the way, the little girl has always been happy. Chu Yan always thought that it was a little girl who was about to see her mother. But it didn’t expect that when she got to the place, this little girl was…..

“Thank you!”

The little girl bowed suddenly and said to Chu Yan

“I can’t get here without your help, thank you so much!”

Chu Yan smiled softly, replied “No need to do this!”

Hearing Chu Yan’s answer, Perilla was finally nodded, and then carefully pursing his mouth for a long time before opening the mouth and said

“Ming Wang Senior and Bowang Senior, I beg you to let me and Chu Yan stay alone for a while, okay?!”

As soon as these words came out, the faces of King Ming and Bo Wang suddenly became weird.


The two did not hesitate, and now nodded, Aura was instantly restrained to the extreme, disappearing completely in Chu Yan’s Sea of ​​Consciousness.

At this moment, Chu Yan was a little surprised.

What the hell is going on with this little girl, she has been doing well all the way, how did she become like this when she got here! ?

Ziso looked at Chu Yan, his big eyes became extremely translucent, and the corners of his mouth were raised slightly, revealing a very sweet smile.

This time, Chu Yan is even more sluggish….

“Chu Yan, I used to want to leave and go to the outside World, but my father did not agree, and my mother also said that the outside is dangerous and I am not allowed to go out.”

“Later I finally reached the outside World, and found darkness, cold and fear everywhere!”

“At that time, my heart died very early. After my reincarnation, didn’t expect Xuantian elder sister gave me another chance to see this World again!”

“I found that it was all wrong before! Or not all, this World can also be very beautiful, very beautiful…”

“Although this land of ten thousand sources is also dangerous everywhere, because of you, this period of time is already the whole life for me!”

“Whether it is because of Xuantian’s elder sister or something else, but I must thank you for your kindness to me during this period of time… good!”

Ziso said this remark, it is rare to be cautious and serious, as if these words are the most important words, no word can be wrong.

Chu Yan was inexplicably sad after listening to all this.

“Chu Yan, tell you another secret!”

The little girl quickly returned to her usual appearance and said with a smile to Chu Yan.

“Actually, Xuantian elder sister has always regarded you as the most important person and is willing to form a Dao Companion with you! Hehe…she still wants to have a child…”

As soon as this word came out, Chu Yan was stunned on the spot.

“However, Xuantian’s elder sister is so strange, I just hold back in my heart, why is this!?”

Why else! ?

Divine Realm continent The famous Wannian Glacier Empress, where she traveled thousands of miles, snow country is endless.

Of course, because I can’t open my mouth, it’s impossible to open my mouth.

“Chu Yan, you are a man, you should…take the initiative!” When the little girl said this, gu lu with big eyes turned a few times, walked a few steps in front of Chu Yan, her whole body leaned against Chu Yan.

This is the fleshy body of the Empress Xuantian. Little girl dares to do this…

At this time, Chu Yan was completely frozen there, completely stupid.


“Chu Yan …!”

Ziso’s complexion was hazy, her big eyes were full of mist, and her face was full of red clouds.

Under the faint starlight, it looks like a flower of mist, like a dream and fantasy.

“Xuantian elder sister sorry, then I will replace her, let her and myself… give it to you!”

With a word, she wiped her hand on the long skirt…

Such a move is too bold, but it comes from her heart, and there is another heart from her.

For her, her life is like a wild flower on the side of the road. When it blooms, it is the beginning of withering. In that case, why not keep the most beautiful here forever.

At this moment, the stars are shining and everything is silent, even the sky and the earth are covered with a faint star yarn.

Time and space seem to be frozen and not working.

Chu Yan’s Sea of ​​Consciousness was completely blinded. When Perilla was about to move further, Chu Yan suddenly woke up.


Raising his hand to block, the completely exposed perilla was blocked a step away.

Ziso is a little dazed, looking at Chu Yan, completely stunned.


Chu Yan’s Sea of ​​Consciousness still doesn’t work properly, and I can’t explain it clearly.

A disappointment flashed in Zisu’s eyes, and he smiled again, opened the mouth and said

“Well, I was just kidding!”

After this sentence, Chu Yan finally relaxed

“That’s good, it seems that such a thing is still not suitable for me!”

Of course not suitable. Compared with cultivation and Martial Dao, Chu Yan, whether it is innate talent or perception, the entire Divine Realm continent is absolutely invincible.

But Heavenly Dao is fair, which makes Chu Yan less innate talent in these aspects.

“Okay! It’s okay to adapt slowly!”

Perilla smiled, then stretched out his hand, pulling Chu Yan up and walking into the mountains.

“Then let’s go first!”

After speaking, the two of them held hands and moved towards the mountain, Chu Yan was confused again…

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