
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

With the roar of the Jiubao Taoist, the great hall of the vegetable market in the Tianxuan Earth Palace became quiet instantly.

“Our Heavenly Profound Earth Palace has never participated in continent disputes for so many years, and it is the same now. If we continue to remain neutral, we will not participate there!”

Hearing this, some big men in the hall suddenly browse slightly wrinkle.

The current situation is not like before.

Before Tianxuan Earth Palace was World’s First Great Influence, rich and powerful, not afraid of any opponents.

But now it is different. Wanrong Tian and Tian were born, which changed the pattern of the world. At this time, the Tianxuan Earth Palace was like a big piece of fat.

If you still follow the previous principles, I am afraid it will be difficult to neutralize or even protect yourself.

“Remember! The new era is here, yes! But no matter what, we will not be a pawn of either side! Continue to maintain the way of life of our Sky Profound Earth Palace, at least to ensure the continuation of the family bloodline!”

“Don’t think about contending for the world’s supremacy and keeping the false name of World’s First, this kind of thinking is dangerous!”

The export of these words immediately won the nodded approval of most of the big bosses in the palace.

The reason why their Heavenly Profound Earth Palace has been strong for thousands of years is that they have not participated in the disputes of continent. The bloodline of the family has kept on branching out, and the money has become more and more abundant, enough to train the younger generation Genius.

Such a flourishing age, of course, everyone needs to continue.


On the other hand, the Falun Gong is also planning…

“Poor Daoist believes that in this world of common people, we must do something! Let the world respect Taoism, promote Taoism Magical Powers, and benefit the world!”

“That’s not necessarily true! This daoist feels that Wanrong Tian and “Heaven” will come back to the world, and they will become the rulers. This cannot be changed. Compared with this, I, Pharma Sect, exists like an ant. Rising in the wind, wouldn’t it be happy!”

A Taoist, daoist, and Poor Daoist are constantly arguing in the temple, and no one is convinced.

In the end, Master Tianxin had to speak.

“None of what you said is advisable! The world is chaotic, standing in groups and heads out, but there is a catastrophe!”

“I think, according to the law of the Heavenly Profound Earth Palace, we are neutral!”

“In addition, now the world is in chaos, various sects are annihilated, and all beings are confused. At this time, my Falun Gong practitioner should open the mountain gate, receive the powerhouse from all over the world, and enter my door!”

“Take this opportunity to sprinkle the Fire Seed on the Divine Realm continent!”

“To live forever, the spirit must live forever, and the fleshy body will eventually decay, immeasurable!”

A Taoist number came out, and Tianxin Taoist Master directly settled it, and everyone agreed, and there was no objection.

At the same time, whether it is Spirit Race or Guling, Wang Xu Family is urgently negotiating, hoping to make a plan as soon as possible to deal with the coming troubled times.

Most of the forces and powerhouses still tend to the Wanrongtian line.

For Chu Yan, a plan has been made.


Sunset Xiagu, Demon Sovereign City Hall!

The invincible breakthrough of the demon cloud reaches the Blue Lord Realm, and finally someone can sit on the Throne of the Three Great Demon Sovereigns in the main hall of Demon Sovereign.

Hei Sha, Supreme Demon God, Beast Emperor invincible, Demon Sovereign City Lord and the others, all sit on two sides.

At this time, the status gap has widened.

The Lord of the Demon Cloud is holding a glass of good blood spirit wine, his eyes looked towards the people below, said with a sneer

“First Chang Tianhe, then Empress Xuantian, so that the Lord can’t merge the golden body! Hei Sha, what are the results of your great ideas now!?”


With a muffled sound, the Demon Cloud Blue Master slapped a palm on the armrest of the Demon God throne, making a trembling sound.

The demon power swept across the body, sweeping the entire great hall.

At this time, the black evil spirit, the aura of Supreme Demon God and the others, was swept away by the demon power of the blue master realm, and instantly turned into powder.

Under the power gap, it is like Heaven and Earth, mountain peak and ants.

“Demon Yun Sir, this result is of course not what I and everyone hoped for, but as long as the Empress Xuantian can be found, and for the starting hand, I believe our plan…”

Hei Sha smiled and spoke softly, but before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by the Demon Cloud Lord.

“Shut up!”

This drink made Supreme Demon God breathe fire in his eyes, and he was about to speak, but he glanced at Heisha, thought for a long time, and finally held it back.

After appearing from the master, the Master has been in the layout, but every time to the end, there is no result, which makes Supreme Demon God somewhat unhappy.

Could it be that the Master is old! ?

The other big guys in the hall, seeing this scene, all bowed their heads and dared not say a word.

In the age of the Four Great Lords, when the Lord Yuwen was present, the status of Heisha was much higher than that of them. It was the absolute right hand of the Lord.

Even before, before the start of the breath of the gods, the lineage of Emperor Yuwen was still the master of the black evil spirit.

But now, things have changed!

In the current Divine Realm continent, new forces continue to rise, but without exception, the powerhouse of the Lord Realm can be in charge of these new forces!

Without the God Realm, one cannot stand on its own, and the foundation does not exist.

Heisha’s face is dark, but he barely keeps smiling.

“Demon Yun Sir, what do you think of it!?”

Hearing this, Yao Yun was coldly snorted again, and the killing intent overflowed in his eyes.

“Simple! Things are not at all so complicated, simpler and more straightforward, not better!?”

“hmph! As long as you can lure Chu Yan out of Kunlun Immortal Mountain, and then bring him to this place, force him to merge with the golden body, no more!”

Hearing this, Heisha’s face turned black instantly, and he shouted loudly.

“Bold! Do you dare to start on the Lord!? Want to disobey the Lord!?”

The master is the master and the servant is the servant!

Even if Yao Yun and some big guys present, the realm is stronger than Chu Yan, but the body is different, this can never be changed.

Use the servant’s body to deal with the master, that is, disobedience. This is always a taboo on the Divine Realm continent and Martial Dao World.

“Hei Sha, what time is it now! You are still so old and stubborn. If it weren’t for your reason, if the Lord merged with the golden body before the Wanrong Tian breakthrough, then there are these things!?”

“Anyway, I did this for the Lord, and the Lord will naturally understand in the future and will never blame me!”

Speaking of this, Yaoyun is invincible sneered, and continues to say

“Also, Chu Yan is now… not the real master!”

As soon as these words came out, the audience was shocked. Everyone looked at the Demon Cloud Lord and Heisha, their eyes flickering.

Really! ?

Isn’t it! ?

According to the current situation of Chu Yan, the identity is confirmed, but without the fusion of the golden body, then it is not the real immortal god and demon a. It is a bit short to be really strict speaking of which.

But everyone on the spot knows that this is just an excuse…

The corners of Supreme Demon God’s mouth twitched, and his eyes were grim, and finally he let out a long sulky breath, did not speak, but looked towards other people, nodded.

This scene fell in the eyes of everyone in the temple, all eyes flashed.

Of course, they all know that the meaning of Supreme Demon God nodded is not to say that he really does not recognize the identity of Chu Yan, but to say that he recognizes Lord Yaoyun’s… plan!

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