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Chapter 3801

Sunset Canyon, Secret Realm Cave…

Under the surging spirit, the fleshy body of the Empress Xuantian made a humming sound, as if some kind of power was awakening.

Finally, after one hour, the aura change of the Empress Xuantian was completed, and her eyes slowly opened.

In the snow-colored pupil light, there are all doubts and loss, with a trace of daze.

“This is… Sunset Canyon!?”

Divine Consciousness was swept out in an instant, covering a radius of 10,000 li, making it easy to detect the region and environment.

However, the Sea of ​​Consciousness is empty, without any memory.

Isn’t it in the land of ten thousand sources! ?

How come you suddenly ran into the Sunset Canyon! ?

Suddenly, the Empress Xuantian started, and the jade hand gently lifted and stroked her face, a coolness slipped on her face, and a little wetness was clearly felt under the tentacles.

This is… Tears! ?

“I…I actually shed tears?!” The Empress Xuantian was really a little sluggish.

Since her cultivation Martial Dao, she has gone through so many hardships and life and death, even if she is dying of severe injuries, she has never shed a tear.

“What the hell happened!?”

The Empress Xuantian felt something was wrong instinctively, but the Sea of ​​Consciousness was empty, and there was no memory of the period from the Land of Ten Thousand Sources to the Sunset Canyon.

“Reincarnation of Ten Thousand Souls, Kai!”

Xuan Tian is Xuan Tian. Not long ago, it was the existence of the first master of the Divine Realm Continent. What an innate talent means.

Without the slightest hesitation, he directly stimulated the reincarnation power of the ten thousand souls, and began to reshape time, chasing Space-Time and time, and can detect what happened during this period of time without memory.

Soon, a picture appeared in the Empress Xuantian Sea of ​​Consciousness, it was a Xueying with a sunny smile on her face…

“That’s me!? How could I…”

Without waiting for the Empress Xuantian to be stunned, she saw another silhouette appearing, it was Chu Yan.

The two held hands and walked together in the depths of Ten Thousand Sources.

At this moment, the inexplicable face of the Empress Xuantian was slightly red, especially when she saw her fleshy body, she took the initiative to undress and leaned towards Chu Yan, her whole body was not well, she bit her lips tightly and her face was suffocated. Fuchsia.

But in the next scene, Chu Yan foolishly pushed “self” away…

Then the picture continued to change, releasing the soul bell, Chu Yan was hit hard, the perilla suicide…etc. When the picture appeared in front of the Emperor Xuantian, her body began to tremble.

The spear of Tushen, Wenchang Tower, Jitian Suo, and the three Supreme Treasures joined forces to severely damage Chu Yan!

The graceful eyebrows wrinkled tightly, the temperature in the entire Cave Mansion began to drop continuously, and pieces of ice crystals completely sealed all around the cave walls.

Anger, my heart hurts like a knife….


At this moment, the female emperor Xuantian has a rare blood-red color in her eyes, killing intent.

Since Martial Dao cultivation, she has killed countless cultivators, but she has never hated a person so much, all with anger.

The violent aura rushed out from all directions and swept across the sunset canyon, countless big monsters, scared look pale, fled in all directions.

Heaven, one of the four great lords, regards the Moon Shadow Wutian as a chess piece, and even dismantles his soul after death, and treats his daughter as a chess piece, killing his heart and making him die!


How could it be so bad! ?

Even the Empress Xuantian, with an ice-like state of mind, it took an entire hour to suppress the anger in her heart.

After that, she took out the transmission of Jade Talisman and began to contact Yue Linglong and Lin Meng, but as soon as she took it out, she saw that the transmission of Jade Talisman was full of urgent messages.

Divine Consciousness swept across, Empress Xuantian’s gaze tightened instantly.

In a short period of time, the Divine Realm continent has changed dramatically!

You don’t need to ask at all to know what kind of environment and situation Chu Yan is in now, Kunlun fairy mountain is still closed.

“Chu… Yan…!”

A pair of jade hands are held tightly, and Empress Xuantian’s face is serious.

Such a situation is extremely detrimental to Chu Yan and Kunlun lineage, and Chu Yan’s green seal is banned.

Of course she knows the role of Qingyin!

In addition to the Qing Yin, Chu Yan only has some inheritance from Emperor Yuwen and Celestial Emperor Wu. These things, Wanrongtian and “Heaven” are very clear, and they can naturally deal with them calmly.

Now Chu Yan wants to win them, the biggest reliance is… Qingyin!

“My first life… I hurt you again!”

Emperor Xuantian remembered that the last time it was because of herself, Chu Yan exposed her two inheritance cards, Wu Celestial Emperor and Yuwen Emperor, to the world. This time it was because of herself that she was in a huge dilemma.

Even her body began to tremble with blame.

“No, it must be changed!”

On the Empress Xuantian, a powerful aura gushes out, and the four directions vibrate in the void.


Where to start! ?

Next year, the Breath of the Gods will be activated again to achieve the realm of God! ?

She is now cultivating the Reincarnation Wanshun Art. This is her own cultivation technique. Even if it’s breakthrough to the God Realm, I’m afraid she can’t compete with the Great Ancient Era giant Wanrongtian and “Heaven”. There will definitely be a gap.

After all, when these two giants were cultivating, it was probably tens of thousands of years, but how long was she! ? Less than a thousand years…

In this case, she can help Chu Yan…too little!

If you want to help Chu Yan, you must become stronger, only if you are strong, and can compete with Wanrong Tian and “Heaven”.

How to become stronger! ?

With her current cultivation base realm, it is as difficult as heavenly ascension to improve her strength.

Besides the breath of the gods, can this Divine Realm continent make her stronger?

Before the Land of Ten Thousand Sources appeared, the all-influenced Dao ancestors looked for opportunities for over 10,000 years, but they simply did not gain anything.

So for the current Empress Xuantian, even if she has determination and perseverance, there is darkness in front of her and she can’t see hope or direction at all.

Finally, I found that I still couldn’t do anything!

At this moment, the Empress Xuantian was completely silent, and all around the void became silent.


Suddenly, a light flashed in the Sea of ​​Consciousness of Empress Xuantian.

When I saw Wan Rongtian before, he seemed to have said some secrets about the age of the Four Great Lords.

“Back then… the three great masters entered the depths of the source land, the land of Ten Thousand Sources, and discovered the Pagoda of Ten Thousand Sources! I still don’t know what happened to Pagoda of Ten Thousand Sources!?”

The secret of this 10,000 years ago, Empress Xuantian has not forgotten.

Tian and Wu, what did they meet in the land of Shangyuan! ?

Since then, the battle of the Four Great Lords broke out, and to this day, I am afraid that the battle of the Four Great Lords is just a cover, and “Heaven” and “Wu” have their own plans and secrets. Start layout from that moment.

“It’s decided!”

The Empress Xuantian stood up suddenly, her aura instantly restrained to the extreme.

At this moment, the female emperor Xuantian with the prestigious name shakes the whole world is back again!

“Target, the land of ten thousand sources… Shangyuan District!”

Just now in the cycle of time, she saw the danger of Chu Yan and Zisu walking all the way in the land of the source, and even after reaching the land of hopelessness, how terrifying.

In that case, Chu Yan still has the cyan body protection. Compared with this, Shangyuan Land will only be more terrifying.

But she knows that she must go!

This…is enough!

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