
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

In the gloomy mountain range, Qilin’s pupils glanced over and saw the Great Array connected to each other, hidden in the void.

If someone breaks in randomly, it will definitely break out, with disastrous consequences.

Moreover, these Great Arrays also isolate the outside world from the mountain range. They are not so close that Divine Consciousness cannot detect the hidden situation here.

With such a mountain range, even the invincible powerhouse cannot play its battle strength here, and there is even a risk of falling.

“Hong patriarch, Chu Yan is here with me, I hope to tell you!”

The Lord of the Eight Desolations speaks, sound transmission thousands of miles.

The voice fell to the ground. In less than half a breath, a Profound Light rushed from a small mountain peak not far away, pulling up a large air wave surging.

The mountain peak burst, and a golden divine runes rose up into the sky, like the eyes of Heaven and Earth sweeping Heaven and Earth.

This is an extremely powerful ancient divine runes, murderous aura’s word “cheap”, is an extremely powerful ancient Taobao!

Below it, a silhouette followed by a appeared. The headed person was the incumbent patriarch of the Taoist Clan, with a group of people behind him flying quickly.


Chu Yan’s gaze swept away. Except for those peerless genius and Dao Lord Realm powerhouse, the headed Hong patriarch is extremely powerful in aura, but the vitality within the body is extremely weak.

There is only one possibility for such a situation, and that is this Hong patriarch, who was seriously injured at this time.

“What happened!? Hong patriarch, you…”

The God of the Eight Desolations also asked with a shocked expression on his face.

He saw Hong patriarch a few days ago. At that time, he was found not at all, but it was only a few days later.

“Fellow Daoist, the last time I was hit by the opponent, I didn’t expect the injury to recover, and it is getting heavier…”

Hong patriarch sighed, his face was dark, turned his head and looked towards Chu Yan, his eyes were shining, he bowed his hands in salute

“Chu Yan Fellow Daoist, excuse me for not going out to meet you, excuse me for not going out to meet you, I’m sorry!”

Hearing this, Chu Yan hurriedly replied, “Senior is polite, how dare you work with Senior? You should come to see you by Junior!”

Hong patriarch suddenly gave a wry smile when he heard this, shook the head

“I really dare not be! Strictly speaking, I am the current patriarch of the Taoist family, it should be you!”

As soon as these words came out, all the powerhouses and geniuses present suddenly changed their faces and their eyes flickered.

Chu Yan was also stunned, just about to ask, but Hong patriarch directly opened the mouth and said

“Chu Yan, everyone! Before the discussion, the old man must explain clearly, otherwise he will lose his face!”

“First of all, after knowing that you are the heir of Young Patriarch Tian, ​​my clan will deal with you…”

“Secondly, when I knew you were in danger, I did not protect you!”

“Before the last month clan land was breached, we just returned the Young Patriarch Tian spiritual position to the Spirit Devouring Hall!”

“These three things are all mortal crimes!”

Speaking of this, Hong patriarch was about to kneel down unexpectedly, and Chu Yan quickly raised his hand to support him.

However, regardless of Chu Yan’s insistence, Hong patriarch was unwilling to get up, and finally forcibly gave Chu Yan a big gift, and then barely got up.

The Eight Desolation Lords and the others saw this scene, and all of them suddenly complexion slightly changed.

“Little friend Chu Yan, we are not “Heaven” without that many plot against. We do this and say this, not because we want to affect anything, but now we have reached the time of life and death. At present, the only hope for preserving the family line lies with you, that’s why!”

Speaking of this, Hong patriarch sighed again, looked towards the distant sky, and said again

“After the Battle of the Four Great Lords, our clan is getting weaker and weaker. A lot of us Elder are thinking about why!? Is it really because we treated Young Clan Head and Heavenly that way back then Is Dao punishing us!?”

“How mighty the Young Clan Head was back then. It is not an exaggeration to say that he was the number one warrior under this starry sky! At that time, the Taoist Clan was synonymous with powerful warriors. Who would dare to be disrespectful in the world!” /p>

“But…fortune plays with people, no one would have thought that Young Clan Head would recognize people as the master! At that time, how prestigious my clan was, how could I tolerate such behavior, and directly convicted the clan. This must be…9000 years!”

“For 9000 years, the glory and dignity of our clan have been a little bit consumed and lost… In the end, some people in the clan reflected on them, but they were all suppressed. Only a few months ago, the calamity of annihilation came. I waited until I finally realized it!”

“My Dao-devouring clan went from prosperity to decline, not because of other reasons, but because we lay in the glory of the past and never wanted to be sober!”

Word by word, like a thunderclap resounding through Heaven and Earth.

“Didn’t expect, the family of War God back then has finally awakened today!”

Ming Wang and Bo Wang looked at each other, feeling full of emotion in their hearts.

Qingjia Hong Litian, that is their Life and Death Battle friend, how deep the feelings are, especially since he died, incarnation has protected Martial Soul for Chu Yan after the reincarnation. This loyalty is rare in the world. .

And his experience naturally made Bowang and King Ming uneasy, but they were helpless.

Now that they heard Hong patriarch’s words, they were naturally happy from the heart that the name of War God as a traitor can finally be cleared.


next moment, Chu Yan, with an excited expression on his face, released his blue armor without hesitation.

The towering silhouette like a mountain, smashing into the void, appears between Heaven and Earth, like a peak in the sky.

The mighty power swept away, sweeping Heaven and Earth, and the mighty fighting power immediately made the big men and powerhouses of the Dao Devourers present burst into tears.

They who have just experienced the war of extermination, of course know that this is the most pure warrior power!

If there are several such powerful fighters in their clan, why not worry about foreign enemies invading! ?

“Senior, Li Tian Senior is the biggest guide in my life, I have always regarded it as the Master!”

Chu Yan spoke with a solemn expression.

“Now, he has fallen, leaving only this Remnant Soul, turned into my Dao Venerable! I believe that if he can see this scene with his own eyes, he will be relieved and worthy of Heaven and Earth!”

“Thank you!”

This sentence landed, and the eyes of Hong patriarch and the others who were present instantly turned red.

The Young Clan Head of 10,000 years ago, it was the most orthodox Hong Patriarch bloodline. After he left, he did not leave the bloodline heirs, which caused the main line to be cut off. Now the Dao-chewing clan is only supported by branches. The big picture.

“Shall we talk about our alliance now!?”

Chu Yan looked at Hong patriarch who was still looking up at the blue armor, softly opened the mouth and said.

“Although I have a very deep relationship with Litian Senior, the alliance matter is related to the survival of Kunlun lineage, so all conditions can only be done by business. As for myself… I fully support the Taoist family!”

As soon as this remark came out, Hong patriarch’s eyes became redder, and tears were about to rush as he watched.

At this moment, the atmosphere at the scene became extremely relaxed.

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