
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Chu Yan and his party were led by Hong patriarch very politely and entered the mountain peak where they currently hide.

Entering that small mountain peak, it turned out to be a small independent world.

Although the Taoist Clan is now declining, it is after all the Imperial Family of the warriors back then, with extremely powerful background.

In the eye, powerhouse, Taobao, heavenly materials and earthly treasures, there are countless gods and soldiers.

At the request of Chu Yan, the entire group went to the Spirit Devouring Hall first, and after paying homage to the Holy Spirit of Hong Li Tian, ​​did the entire group go to the Chamber of Deputies.

“Heaven Lord of the Eight Desolations, Chu Yan…. I believe you already understand the current situation of our clan!”

After the two parties were seated, Hong patriarch didn’t talk nonsense and said directly

“We have discussed in detail on our side. As long as you can agree to my two conditions, our Dao-chewing family can merge into Kunlun lineage and live and die together!”

Hearing this, the Bahuang Blue Lord and Chu Yan looked at each other, both of whom were eyes shined.

In their previous contact with the Taoist Clan, the Taoist Clan still had reservations. Now that these words are spoken, it is almost the same as the previous three. This situation is the situation that the Eight Desolation Lord and Chu Yan are most willing saw.

“Okay! What are the two conditions of Hong patriarch, please do not hesitate to mention them! As long as I can do it, I will never refuse!”

The words of the Eight Desolate Lords came to fruition, and Hong patriarch also eyes shined and immediately opened the mouth and said

“The first condition is that after we integrate into Kunlun lineage, we can be treated equally, and all Martial Artists and genius can get fair resources and status treatment! At the same time, we hope to ensure our basic safety!”

As soon as these words came out, the Bahuang Blue Lord and Chu Yan were both startled.

What kind of condition is this! ?

This is almost the most ordinary thing for the current Kunlun lineage.

At present, although the Kunlun lineage is dominated by Chu Yan, Chu Yan himself has no influence. Therefore, the current forces such as Desolate Sect and Sanhe Sect are the main components of Kunlun lineage.

Because of this, Kunlun lineage has always maintained an ideal fairness and justice, which makes Sect and repairers who joined are extremely satisfied.

Therefore, for Kunlun lineage, there is no problem with the condition proposed by Hong patriarch.

Chu Yan and the Eight Desolation Lord looked at each other a little bit. After slightly nodded, not at all interrupted Hong patriarch, but looked at each other and waited for him to continue.

“The second thing…”

Hong patriarch glanced back and forth between the Bahuang Lord and Chu Yan, with a trace of embarrassment and hesitation in his eyes.

It seems that this condition is extremely harsh, and even sorry.

“In fact, we want Chu Yan Fellow Daoist to return to the Great Ancient Era with us!”

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