
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

As the main person, Chu Yan did not speak directly, but the Lord of the Eight Desolations spoke first, throwing out all the questions.

This kind of behavior can be regarded as an analysis and a rejection.

In this case, it is hard for the person involved to say that as a bystander and possessing a considerable amount of weight, the Ba Huangzhu is the most suitable to speak.

“And in terms of time, a year is extremely precious, and it may even be two years. According to Hong patriarch just now, it seems that no one has succeeded in your trial history!?”

“What is the situation on the continent now!? One year later, when the breath of the gods is reopened, once the sky breaks through to the God Realm, it will definitely…”

Speaking of this, I stopped, and there is no need to continue.

Of course, what is more important is that Chu Yan’s eyes flickered and turned his head slowly, as if he had already thought about it, so everyone’s eyes fell on Chu Yan again.

“Yahuang Senior, I want to do it, try it once!”

As soon as this remark came out, the big guys on the other side of the Taoist Clan were all excited.


A flash of urgency suddenly appeared on the face of the Eight Desolation Lord, reminding me

“Chu Yan, this matter is not a joke, nor is it an ordinary experience. Once it fails, everything will be ruined!”

This is absolutely correct. Speaking from a certain perspective, Chu Yan’s decision this time has even affected the fate of everyone in Kunlun lineage.

“Everyone, the road ahead is the best choice. There may be other ways to enter the breath of the gods in a year and force a breakthrough to the realm of the Lord, but…”

“Such a breakthrough is just a breakthrough, and it cannot defeat Wanrong Tianhetian in one battle!”

“When the time comes, the ideal situation is a stalemate. In the end, it is better to break through to Ruler Realm faster than anyone else!”

“In this respect, compared with Wanrong Tian and Tian, ​​our disadvantage will be even more obvious. After all, they came from the Primordial Era and have been in the Lord Realm for thousands of years!”

“Look at Breath of the Gods at this time. I have broken through thirteen God Realm at one time, and the reason is the same. With the accumulation of thousands of years, it is easier to break through than other people of the same level. More!”

“So, this time we can only win by odds! This is a gamble! Just like all the forces in the world have gambles, we have to take a gamble…”

“Victory! That is to dominate, the world will be safe!”

“Failure! It is the loss of life!”

These two sentences landed, and the expressions of all the bigwigs present changed.


The Venerable Lord of the Eight Wilds, the ancestor of Heavenly Dao, the patriarch and the others of Hong, seem to understand something instantly.

Not bad!

People all over the world are betting, including Wanrong Tian, ​​Tian, ​​Seven Ancient Homes, Top 100 Ancient Race, and Thirteen Dao Lineage. In the face of such an overall situation, all powerhouses are betting.

If this is the case, other people are betting, why is Chu Yan OK! ?

“Good! Very good!”

Xiu Heavenly Dao looked at Chu Yan, his face was full of approval.

“Since Chu Yan has such awareness and courage, what can we Old Guys have to worry about!”

As soon as this remark came out, all the bigwigs in the audience were slightly nodded.


The Eight Desolation Lord took a long breath, finally held back, and shook his head.

“Chu Yan, it’s up to you to decide!”

When he finished speaking, Chu Yan had already stood up and bowed his hands in salute to the bigwigs present.

This is a decision and a determination!

The Eight Desolation Lords and the others took no less risk than his own after his own decision. Under such circumstances, none of them opposed or raised objections, and decided entirely by themselves.

At this time, it is enough to see that Kunlun lineage is really advancing and retreating together!

Hong patriarch and other powerhouse bigwigs of the Dao Devouring clan, all of them have a happy face, and they are sure.

“Hong patriarch, about joining hands…”

Chu Yan turned and looked towards Hong patriarch, and brought up the main things discussed this time.

“ha ha ha, no problem, from today onwards, I will devour the Dao clan and join the Kunlun lineage, no more each other!”

Hong patriarch is the biggest gainer this time, and of course from now on, he is also one of the Supreme Elders of Kunlun lineage.

The other powerhouses of the Taoist clan, all of them are relaxed, with a chuckle on their faces.

“Little friend Chu Yan, other things are easy to say, or you should rate your name first!”

Hong patriarch doesn’t seem to care much about the integration of the Dao Devourers into the Kunlun lineage, but more about the altar of time.

“What quota!?” Chu Yan startled.

“As I said before, this time is reversing time. There are a total of four places. As the last cooperation, if our Dao Clan takes up two places, then you can go to another person!”

As soon as this statement came out, before Chu Yan could react, an invincible state from the Taoist Clan, but the complexion greatly changed, opened the mouth and said

“Big brother, why are you still insisting!? You can’t go, your current body…”

Don’t wait for him to finish, Hong patriarch immediately became angry and shouted directly

“What’s wrong with my body!? It’s just a little injury. I used some heavenly materials and earthly treasures for up to three or five days, and it will naturally recover. This kind of opportunity is a godsend. We waited thousands of years to have this time. It’s about my clan… My Kunlun lineage survives, how can I not go!?”

“Even if you die, you must die in the ancient times!”

As soon as these words came out, the audience was stunned. There were still people who wanted to persuade the Dao Devour Clan, who all shook their heads and smiled bitterly.

This matter, speaking of which is simple, but also more complicated!

Chu Yan agreed to go, but if Hong patriarch doesn’t accompany him, no accident will happen. If something really happens, how will the Dao Devourers gain a foothold in Kunlun lineage in the future! ?

This is really a major event related to the survival of the whole family, and the big guys present also understand this truth.

“Senior, let people… admire!”

Chu Yan bowed his hand and said to Hong patriarch.

“Nothing! Little thing, I’m definitely going anyway, who else is on your side…”



Without waiting for Hong patriarch to finish speaking, Lin Meng and Yue Linglong spoke together. The moment they raised their hands, they stared at each other at the same time, and they were instantly angry.

“elder sister, don’t fight with me, I just accompany the Husband!”

Lin Meng’s eyes were bright, how could she miss this opportunity?

Maybe this time after Chu Yan lives and died alone, their business will be done, and it is even possible to bring a Little Chu cloud when they come back.

“Younger sister, you have to support Kunlun lineage’s affairs. I don’t have a position, so I can go with Chu Yan!”

Yue Linglong just broke through, coupled with a clear relationship with Chu Yan, so there is no position in Kunlun lineage, while Lin Meng is in charge of a lot of things.

“That won’t work, elder sister, my things are trivial, how can I compare to…major event!?” Lin Meng was also anxious, and kept winking at Yue Linglong.

“younger sister, these words…” Yue Linglong seems to have made up his mind too, and refuses to make a difference.


Chu Yan is completely dizzy, so he hastened to stop him.

“This danger, you don’t have to fight, you can’t go!”

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