
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“No way!”

It is extremely rare. After hearing Chu Yan’s words, the two women refused directly without hesitation.

“You can go, why can’t we!?”

Lin Meng gritted her teeth, her face stubborn.

At this time, Chu Yan had a headache, thinking about any way to let the two women get rid of their thoughts.

At this moment, the ancestor of Heavenly Dao stood up, said with a smile

“You don’t have to fight in my new year. It doesn’t matter who you go this time, it’s not fair. Why don’t you let me try old fogey. I just want to see Martial Dao Peak in the ancient times!”

As soon as this remark came out, the two women immediately attracted hostile eyes. They hadn’t decided the outcome yet, and yet another one participated.

“You should also think about Chu Yan. Chu Yan itself is under a lot of pressure this time. If you bring one of you, I am afraid that he will not be able to let go of his hands and feet. How can such a situation and mentality impact Cang Homeland!?”

Hearing this, Yue Linglong and Lin Meng’s expressions were suddenly stagnant, their silver teeth clenched, turned their heads and looked at Chu Yan, and finally let go

“If this is the case, then all right! We are not going!”

As Martial Artists, they know that, the ancestor of Heavenly Dao is right.

“Chu Yan, you have to promise me, must come back, Lin Meng, Chu Yun, and Xuantian elder sister, I will be waiting for you in the Kunlun Mountains!”

This sentence, Divine Consciousness sound transmission, immediately made Chu Yan’s heart warm.

“Okay! I will be back!”

Lin Meng snorted and said with an unhappy expression

“Don’t worry, Linglong’s elder sister and I will have a breakthrough in Breath of the Gods in a year, and Kunlun Mountains will be optimistic too!”

“Wait for Wanrong Tian and Tian to be destroyed in the future, we can ignore these things!”

“If you don’t come back, it’s up to you!”

This angry remark immediately made Chu Yan embarrassed said with a smile “Okay! I promise to come back!”

The Eight Desolate Lords and the others laughed at this scene and said with a smile “Since they are all set, there is no need to say more about other things. We are all in Kunlun Fairy Mountain, waiting for your return!”

This time is parting. Some big guys give Supreme Treasure, some give divine talisman, anyway, as long as it is a good thing, give it all to Chu Yan and the ancestor of Heavenly Dao.

Not long after, everyone left one after another and returned to Kunlun fairy mountain.

Chu Yan thought for a while, and passed a Divine Consciousness to Empress Xuantian.

At this time, the female emperor Xuantian must have dissipated the perilla and Xuantian awakened, but she did not at all take the initiative to contact herself.

“Little friend Chu Yan, please follow me!”

Hong patriarch arched out a token, raised his hand and waved, a void channel appeared behind the main hall.

Chu Yan took a deep breath, followed into it, and the complexion was greatly changed after a glance.

This is a huge desert with a radius of 100 li. The countless sands are densely covered with countless Great Arrays. The densely packed combinations and sorts make it almost impossible for first-timers to see it. spent.

For such a huge project, I don’t know how much resources they put into the Dao Devourers and how long it took.

But at the very least, the results are amazing. The horror spirit filled with this little world alone made Chu Yan amazed.

The level of spiritual aura here is at least ten times that of the outside world.

In addition, various small natural phenomena appeared in the desert. Chu Yan glanced at them. They were all illusory natural phenomena. Wind and rain, thunder and lightning, etc., are in line with the Space-Time rules.

Flying a distance forward, Chu Yan saw a golden altar towering like a mountain peak. This altar at least has 1000 zhang high, inlaid with blocks of mysterious crystals, constantly releasing mysterious aura.

“Chu Yan, there are some things that I must tell you!”

Hong patriarch stood there, looking at the biggest secret of the clan, the 1000 zhang high altar, and said at the same time

“If the person we possess is killed in the ancient times, then our Divine Soul will also fall…. This is the greatest danger!”

“But there are advantages…”

Speaking of which, Hong patriarch took out two Jade Talisman and handed them to Chu Yan and the Heavenly Dao ancestors

“The Primordial Era is the most peak era of Martial Dao after all. There are Sect stand in great numbers, countless powerhouses, countless genius, which is not comparable to our era!”

“For thousands of years, those of us who have returned to the Primordial Era have been trying their best to collect information about Wanrong Tian and “Heaven”, Wu Celestial Emperor, Yuwen Emperor and the powerhouse of the four great gods, all information, Including when did they cultivation what kind of cultivation technique, when did they get the opportunity of heaven defying, and all the information about their growth!”

Hearing this, the eyes of Chu Yan and the ancestor of Heavenly Dao, Xiu, lit up.

If they get this information, they can take specific actions based on the historical era.

In this way, not only can the crisis be resolved, but also opportunities and treasures can be seized.

This is really a huge advantage.

“Of course, the battle of the four great lords caused some information to be lost. The information we collected is not too much.”

Hong patriarch pointed to Jade Talisman in their hands and reminded

“This kind of Jade Talisman, the information in it violates the Space-Time rules, so you can’t take it with you. You can only write it down. I will go back to life now. After about three days, I can set off!”

Chu Yan nodded, but Bowang and King Ming opened the mouth and said in unison

“Hong patriarch, let Chu Yan and Xiutian be with you. When the time comes, it won’t be used to return sound transmission!”

Hearing these two voices, patriarch Hong was shocked and looked up

“You are…”

I have heard the voices of these two people before, but there were so many people at the time, and Hong patriarch didn’t ask when discussing business matters.

“Many things in the Primordial Era have disappeared in the long river of history, but…it happens that the two of us are familiar with the Primordial Era!”

Ming Wang said with a smile.


There are many good things in the Taoist Clan, such as this Jinhu who recovered from his injuries.

A whole lake of Heaven and Earth spiritual liquid, which is the liquid body of Heaven and Earth’s spiritual breath, has nearly ten times benefits for the recovery of the fleshy body.

Hong patriarch sits in the golden lake, constantly running the method of asking the Tao, swallowing these Heaven and Earth spiritual liquid into the body.

The way to ask the Taoist cultivation is the rules of devouring. It has the advantage of Innate for cultivation, and of course it also includes recovery from injuries.

The premise is that there are enough heavenly materials and earthly treasures for you to devour.

Another powerhouse of the Taoist family, Hong Lei, both hands forming seals sits next to Patriarch Hong and is constantly cultivation

Both of them are in a cultivation state, but their faces are obviously tinged with joy.

From beginning to end, they are very anxious to reach an agreement with Chu Yan, let Chu Yan participate in the plan of time reversal.

So, they even forgot the most important thing.

Then the two Supreme Treasures of Celestial Emperor Wu, Kunlun Mountains and the nine-domain star map, all have Artifact Spirits.

Although the two Artifact Spirits were born at different times, the spirit wisdom already existed when the treasure appeared. Therefore, in their memory, there is almost a complete history of continental Martial Dao.

Speaking of familiarity with the Primordial Era, I am afraid that no one can surpass them in this world, including Wanrong Tian and Tian.

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