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Hong patriarch didn’t think about it, but it doesn’t mean that Chu Yan didn’t think about it. Even since just now, Chu Yan has been discussing with the two Wannian Old Antiques.

“Lord, from the current situation, the pattern of the Primordial Era is not the same as it is now. When your identity before the reincarnation was Dao Lord Realm, the strength of the ten thousand races in the Divine Realm continent was extremely powerful, especially the top 100 Ancient Race, almost all have a powerhouse!”

“The Dao Devouring Clan, Spirit Race, such as the Ancient Race ranked top 10, has dozens in charge!”

“In addition, the thirteen Great Dao systems did not exist at that time, but the Lord Dao Lineage is the master. The so-called Dao Lineage means that every Lord is qualified to establish a Blue Lord. The main Dao Lineage forces, there are nine such Dao Lineage forces, and each of them dominates one side!”

“At that time, there were a total of nine of the seven ancient ancient houses, but they weren’t too strong. Compared with Dao Lineage and Baigu Ancient Race, they were a bit worse!”

“Also, in various domains, there are also various forces. The strongest is four halls, one religion, one mountain, and their Sect Master, Sect Lord, etc., are all gods. The powerhouse received a lot of disciplines, but after the great war broke out, they all fell!”

Wang Ming and Bowang are talking while Chu Yan sits in the spiritual liquid lake, constantly cultivation.

Such a good thing is of great benefit to the improvement of the cultivation base, and Chu Yan has just recovered before, so I take this opportunity to consolidate it.

At this time, Chu Yan and the ancestors of Heavenly Dao also cultivation, and at the same time listened to the introduction of King Ming and Bowang with full attention.

“In 1939, the pre-reincarnation of you in the Taikoo calendar, breakthrough to Dao Lord Realm, 1 month later, the tenth domain has a Secret Realm called Eryi Road opened. This Secret Realm is of course a comparison The ordinary, but no one thought that a Dao Lord Realm surnamed Ling now got a divine crystal in it, and the cultivation base broke out all the way, directly breaking through to the Lord Realm!”

“In 2000 and 2001 of the Taikoo Calendar, in the fifth dangerous place, a sky master named Huge issued a bounty order. Who can help him find an ancient book? He can make three shots for the other party. This book is called “The History of the World”, this book should be in the library of the Black Water City City Lord!”

“In the 2000 and fifth year of the Taikoo calendar, there was a sect war between the two gods Dao Lineage. This kind of sect war broke out neither too big nor too small. It was originally unnoticeable, but no one didn’t. expect, the very weak chaotic Heavenly Dao system, unexpectedly wiped out the powerful sword Heavenly Dao! Later…”

Ming Wang and Bo Wang kept talking about all kinds of news about the ancient times and the period of Martial Dao Peak.

These news, after their experience, were basically secrets that no one knew at the time. Now they are all history, and the process from beginning to end can be told carefully.

For example, in “The History of the World”, countless powerhouses were dispatched in the fifth dangerous place at that time, and it took countless hours to find a position. Now it is just one sentence to say it here.

Whether the information is useful or not, I always talk to Chu Yan and the others, in case it is useful! ?

Chu Yan, Hong patriarch, Hong Jun, Hong Lei, and the ancestor of Heavenly Dao Xiu were all listening carefully, taking notes silently, and they were all extremely excited.

Anything like these is a great opportunity for them to encounter.

The narration of King Ming and Bowang is like a long river of history unfolding in front of Chu Yan, and every event is like a wave in this long river, blooming continuously.

Time goes by, and in a blink of an eye, two days have passed…..

Ming Wang and Bo Wang are Spirit Physiques themselves, and they didn’t feel tired, so they talked for two days.

Sometimes, the two of them will complement each other and present one thing in front of the four people in every detail.

Especially some great opportunities, placed today, will definitely put the whole world shocked. It is the goal of Chu Yan and the others this time. It will be more clear and detailed.

Various secrets and gossip are constantly unfolding, and some historical secret groups that people didn’t understand before are gradually unfolding in front of them.

This time, Chu Yan finally learned about the various life and death, legendary, frustrations, etc. that these people such as Wu Celestial Emperor, Yuwen Emperor, and Tian experienced before they became the Four Great Lords. Beyond everyone’s imagination.

“Lord, if you really go to that era, there is one thing to pay special attention to!”

“At that time, in the south of the first domain, there was a Supreme Taobao called the Hun Heaven Ranking! This thing, like Kunlun fairy mountain, was transformed by the Divine Realm continent Source Power and possessed infinite power… Uh, of course, It is much worse than Kunlun Fairy Mountain…..hehe ”

Ming Wang was only halfway through when he saw Bowang staring at him angrily. With that expression, he seemed to want to eat Ming Wang raw without seasoning.

Who is Ming Wang, Wannian Old Antique, who instantly understood that he had said something wrong, and quickly remedy it.

“hmph! The difference is a little bit worse, but there is a spirit to lead Martial Dao, this is somewhat reasonable, Chu Yan when the time comes, you can accept it”

Bo Wang finished speaking and looked towards King Ming.

“Hehe, the main function of this treasure is to include all invincible powerhouses in the world on the list. As long as you are on the list, you are eligible to participate in the Huntian Promise Refining. The benefits are huge!”

“It is said that in the powerhouse on this list, many people are in the Huntian Promise Refining, breaking through the shackles, and directly achieving the cultivation base of the Lord Realm!”

As soon as these words came out, the four Chu Yan complexion changed at the same time.

This Hunyuan list can actually allow Martial Artist to breakthrough to the realm of God! ?

That is not equivalent to the role of a land of ten thousand sources! ?

“The most important thing is…”

Just when the four were shocked, King Ming once again said something astonishing, saying

“Back then, Wu, Tian, ​​Yuwenhuang, and Wan Rongtian all occupied the first position on this list. After six months, they were eligible to enter the depths of Hunyuan Wuji Refinement. Several of them were there. The harvest is huge!”

“Wu Celestial Emperor’s Constant Antiquity rules, the rule of heaven, the land of Wanrongtian, the land of Wanrongtian, and the magical powers of Emperor Yuwen are all done there!”

This sentence fell to the ground, like a thunderclap, shaking the four people together.



“God ah!”


The four Chu Yan exclaimed together, and Divine Soul shook.

This Hunyuan list is so powerful that Bowang called it “Hunyuan has spirit and leads Martial Dao” before!

It is equivalent to saying that now several powerful azure masters are all accomplished by the Hunyuan Ranking! ?

“Unfortunately, the Battle of the Four Great Lords broke out later. The “Heaven” wanted to swallow this list. The Hunyuan List rebelled and the heavens destroyed it… Otherwise, how could the current Martial Dao continent decline? in this way!?”

Bowang shook his head and sighed, seeming to feel a little bit sad about this treasure.

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