
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

You can’t grab it hard, you can’t steal it…

After Chu Yan thought about it for a while, suddenly eyes shined.

“There is a way!”

Immediately, Chu Yan strode towards City Lord Mansion, and soon he reached the gate of City Lord Mansion.

“Stop! You are who!”

At the entrance of the tall City Lord mansion gate, two guards holding long spears stopped Chu Yan, spear pointed directly, and shouted at Chu Yan.

In this Black Water City, someone dared to directly enter the City Lord Mansion! ?

“In the Heavenly Dao system, Inner Sect disciple Su Yu, please see the City Lord if you have something to do! Please report it!”

Chu Yan bowed his hand and said politely.

At the same time, he took out his identity Jade Talisman and handed it over.

A guard reached out and Divine Consciousness probed Jade Talisman. He quickly confirmed Chu Yan’s identity, and his face changed instantly.

“Sir, wait a minute, go and report immediately!”

After returning Jade Talisman, the two guards quickly closed the long spear, one of them turned and ran to the mansion, obviously with a much better attitude.

In less than a moment, the guard returned to politely ask Chu Yan to enter.

Chu Yan nodded, without hesitation, stepped into the City Lord Mansion and walked along the main road towards the meeting room.

This City Lord Mansion is not too big. It covers an area of ​​about a thousand acres. It has hills, rivers, lakes and woods. It is full of Spirit Qi, beasts, song and birds, and a piece of Spirit Qi.

Chu Yan Divine Consciousness swept over, while Qilin’s pupils looked around, and soon discovered that the City Lord Mansion was full of prohibitions and Great Arrays, connected to each other. If this is a random intrusion, the consequences will be serious.

After arriving in the meeting room, Chu Yan saw a tall silhouette sitting upright above the main seat, with a mark on his face, which was very special. There was an old man and a young man on his left and right.

“Su Fellow Daoist is a guest from afar, on behalf of Black Water City, I welcome you!”

The Black Water City master stood up and bowed his hand to Su Yu, with a very polite and bold attitude.

“In Xia Suyu, I have seen the Lord of Black Water City, and I have seen two worshippers. This time I turn up without being invited, I am disturbed!”

Chu Yan also said politely.

“Su Fellow Daoist is so polite, you are the Inner Sect disciple of the Heavenly Dao system. It is the blessing of my Black Water City to be able to come to my Black Water City!”

The Lord of Black Water City is polite again.

“Su Fellow Daoist doesn’t have to be too polite, but I don’t know, what advice would Su Fellow Daoist have this time?”

The old man sitting next to the City Lord asked.

When this sentence landed, City Lord and the young man looked towards Chu Yan at the same time, both in the same questioning look.

The fifth place is not powerful, so a Heavenly Dao Inner Sect disciple is not a low status here, and Su Yu’s current cultivation base has been breakthrough to Dao Lord Realm, I’m afraid he will become a core in the future Disciple is only a matter of time.

Black Water City can survive in these troubled times, relying on its exquisiteness and caution.

Of course, in such a small city, Martial Artists with great influence usually don’t come, so the master of Black Water City and the others also know that Su Yu should be in trouble.

“I will not hide the three Seniors. I just got a Daobao from the Dark Lord not long ago. This treasure faintly points to the Black Water City treasure house. It should be related to a treasure in your house!”

As soon as this was said, the Lord Black Water City’s eyes flashed.

Blue Lord Daobao! ?

The City Lord, the old man, and the young trio looked at each other, and the look of shock flashed in their eyes at the same time.

The Blue Lord Daobao is a great treasure. There is no one in the entire Black Water City. Didn’t expect this Su Yu to get one. This is a great opportunity.

This is the identity of the sword Heavenly Dao. Otherwise, I’m afraid the Black Water City master will have the idea of ​​murdering to seize the treasures on the spot.

“It is probably not simple to be able to interact with the Daobao of the Blue Lord. As the sword of Heavenly Dao and the Inner Sect disciple, Su Fellow Daoist can invite Sect Elder or Master to come to my Black Water City directly…. Take it away !”

The young man sitting next to the City Lord, browsing tightly knit, originally wanted to take it away, but finally said…take it away!

Heavenly Dao is not something he can offend for the little Black Water City.

“Don’t make fun of the three seniors. My cultivation base is naturally impossible to “get”. If you inform inside the sect Elder, who is the final result, it is even harder to say.”

Chu Yan’s answer makes Black Water City slightly nodded.

Yes, Chu Yan this remark is the truth, and now the open strife and veiled struggles among the Sects are not clean.

“Su Fellow Daoist said this, I am not afraid that the three of us will be evil!? With your cultivation base, the three of us want to… It is not difficult!”

As soon as the Lord of Black Water City said this, a faintly discernable murderous intention surged in the sky.

Chu Yan hearing this, but it said with a smile “City Lord, it’s not necessary! You should be very clear, even if you shoot me, this treasure, including the treasure in your treasure house, I’m afraid it’s not like you Anything!”

“Moreover, how did you know that I did not leave some means, such as who secretly contacted Sect, contact in advance!?”

“In addition, you really have to do it, you think you can kill me… it’s not easy!”

As soon as these words came out, Chu Yan exploded directly in the imposing manner, and the heavenly demon pressure hit the entire City Lord Mansion like a tide.

Not only that, a tall illusory shadow appeared in the air, a pair of blood eyes swept across, looking at the City Lord and the three people suddenly changed their faces fiercely.

“Rules of Gods and Demons!?”

The expressions of the three masters of Black Water City changed all at once.

Su Yu in front of him is no more than Dao Lord Realm cultivation base, and he can display Rule Power. This is at least the Rule Power that can barely be used in the invincible state. It turns out that…

“ha ha ha, worthy of being the genius of Heavenly Dao! Little friend Su Yu, at a young age, can cultivation the way of gods and demons to such a realm, it is really amazing!”

The Lord of Black Water City laughed, and the murderous aura in the entire hall instantly disappeared cleanly.

The so-called gods and demons are honorifics, really, they are the demonic path cultivation base.

Such a genius is even more conspicuous in a strong Sect, so the Lord Black Water City believes that this Su Yu’s position in the Heavenly Dao system is not low.

“If this is the case, then I need to say something, I also not to mince words, please ask Su Fellow Daoist, if you want to take away that treasure, what can we get in Black Water City!?”

Hearing this, Chu Yan slightly smiled, replied already prepared

“Master Cang Sword Fight, upper part!”

As soon as these words came out, the three of the Black Water City masters first eyes shined, then shook their heads.

“Su Fellow Daoist, this is only the upper part…”

Chu Yan directly shook his head and said, “The three Seniors, not in the game, but after getting this inheritance, they have already sworn an oath and can only teach half of them at most!”

“If the three feel inappropriate, then cancel the transaction! Say goodbye!”

On the ground, Chu Yan bowed his hand, turned around and left without a trace of the water, and looked extremely simple.

At this time, the Lord Black Water City was a little dazed, hesitated for a moment, and hurriedly called out

“Su Fellow Daoist, wait…”

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