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The Black Water City master gave a light sigh and said to Chu Yan who turned around.

“Su Fellow Daoist is already well-informed, so why should it be so, half of it, better than…”

In the middle of speaking, he didn’t go on.

To tell the truth, half of the secret book of the gods is already pretty good, plus this Su Yu’s favor, it’s not a big loss.

As for the Black Water City treasure house, what good things can there be! ?

I really need something good. Those powerhouses don’t come to you every day.

So this deal is not too bad. On the surface, it still takes a lot of money, and the only loss is some face.

The three of them had similar ideas, and they all smiled when they looked at each other.

It’s just that they will know in the future that what Su Yu took from their black liquid treasure house turned out to be “Wang Guo Zhi”!

Since then, the eyes of the three invincible people in Black Water City have been red for a full year. They walked with thunderstorms and roared when they saw people, as if they could eat the people they met at any time. Like.

“many thanks!”

Chu Yan bowed his hand and smiled with a concealed face.

Following the general rules of the transaction, the two parties began to make the Heavenly Dao oath.

The Lord of Black Water City was extremely simple, or knew that there was nothing valuable in the city’s treasure house, so he took Chu Yan to the treasure house directly.

How can good things be placed here, of course, they are carried in the storage Jade Talisman.

The only items that can be placed in the treasure house are ordinary goods.

But, after all, it is a treasure house in a city, and there are still a few good things, such as the Taobao of the Earth Rank, the heavenly materials and earthly treasures of the Heavenly Rank, etc., if you put them outside, they can still be worth a little money.

“Master of Black Water City, these ten treasures I am not sure for a while, can I give them all down!?”

Chu Yan waved his hand and pointed to the dusty pieces of Spirit Treasure on the shelf beside him.

“Yes! What Su Fellow Daoist fancy, just take it at will, as long as you fly into the sky, don’t forget Old Brother, I will do it! ha ha ha ….”

This sentence can be regarded as the fact that Chu Yan is tied to Chu Yan and owed him a favor. Several treasures full of dust can be exchanged for this. It is definitely worth the money.

Chu Yan nodded smiled, and put the ten Spirit Treasures, including the Chronicles of Nations, into his storage Jade Talisman.

Immediately, he took out the half of the Skywrath Sword that he had obtained before, took it out and gave it to the opponent.

After a few polite words, Chu Yan left Black Water City directly.

After the transaction this time, I’m afraid that I won’t have the chance to meet the three of the Black Water City masters in the future. In terms of favor, I’m afraid it is just his own imagination.

“Go to Tiger Star Mansion now!”

Chu Yan didn’t plan to stay, just in case the delay would happen, he directly moved towards Tiger Star Mansion and flew away.


Tiger Star Mansion, very far from Black Water City.

Using Chu Yan’s cultivation base, he flew for a long time before slowly stopping.

“In the Primordial Era, the powerhouse of the God Realm stayed here!?”

A glance over, above the sky in front, above a large area of ​​Lingyun, a huge palace appeared horizontally. Various Heaven and Earth natural phenomena are suspended above the Lingyun palace, the most obvious is a large area. Star Sea anomaly.

all around the sky above the void, because of the floating movement of the sea of ​​spirit clouds, the sound of gusts of wind roars, like the roar of the Heavenly Tiger, resounding through the clouds.

This Yunfu tiger roar, coupled with the Star Sea anomaly, should be the origin of the name of this “Tiger Star Mansion”!

“The place where the powerhouse of the God Realm resides is out of the ordinary. I don’t know how this Heavenly Dao system and other Great Influences exist, where the mountain gate exists!?”

Chu Yan pondered in his heart, exploring the memory fragments in Sea of ​​Consciousness, but there was no memory of the sword Heavenly Dao ruling the mountain gate.

He recovered slightly, and Chu Yan moved towards Tiger Star Mansion and flew away.

Close to this mansion of the Lord, Chu Yan can clearly see that the powerhouse, which is constantly in all directions, is flying fast with the light of the rainbow. Among these people, there is Divine King, Supreme, and Dao Lord Realm powerhouse. There is even an invincible environment….

The flow of people in and out of Tiger Star Mansion is endless and lively.

It was clearly stated in the reward order issued by the Lord of the Tiger Leather. To receive this task, you must first register the task at the Tiger Star Mansion before it is considered to be accepted.

Now that the reward order has just been issued, those powerhouses that are close to Tiger Star Mansion are of course rushed, and even come to inquire about the situation in advance.

Chu Yan was of course mixed in the crowd and entered Tiger Star Mansion.

There are hundreds of large streets in the mansion, palaces and buildings stand in great numbers, all kinds of fairy mountain Cave Mansion are complete, powerful repairmen retreat in it, and there are constantly detailed clouds and natural phenomenon rising from these Cave Mansion From now on, like Immortal Realm.

The number of treasure lands collected in this Tiger Star Mansion is no less than dozens. Chu Yan recognized the direction and moved towards Central Square.

Central Square is already a vast crowd, and a large number of repairers gather here, all of them are receiving task cards and registering in an orderly manner.

On the large open space on the left side of the square, there is a small building towering up. There is the place where the task is handed in, but at this time there is no silhouette.

Chu Yan glanced left and right. The two sides are really the difference between Heaven and Earth, so he raised his foot to line up behind the registration desk.

Now the time is not in a hurry. First, follow the rules of the Lord Huge, and we will talk about it after registration.

After one hour, it was Chu Yan’s turn. After handing in a god crystal, he got the mission token, and Chu Yan also got a Jade Talisman, and wrote the information and patterns about the Chronicles of Nations.

Chu Yan glanced, and after confirming that it was correct, he left the registration office and walked directly to the mission building.

At this moment, a strange noise suddenly sounded…

“Su Yu!?”

Chu Yan turned around when he heard the sound, and saw a woman in a black dress standing there in the crowd, looking at herself in amazement.

Probably because of the black dress, this woman’s skin is extremely white, like sheep fat, and her temperament resembles a vast clear spring.

Beside this black skirt woman, there is a slender young man wearing a long robe, who is also looking at Chu Yan.

These two people appeared in his eyes, Chu Yan suddenly light flashed, and memory fragments flashed out of Sea of ​​Consciousness.

A feeling of immense resentment instantly filled Chu Yan’s entire heart, making his blood energy crowded all over his body, making his blood seem to be boiling.

“Li Yun, 100 li Gui!?”

Chu Yan eyes slightly narrowed, cold light flashes in the pupil light.

Didn’t expect, such a big Tiger Star Mansion, the countless repairers in the square, I will meet them two unexpectedly.

It seems that there is a kind of Heavenly Dao in the dark, which is working.

“Su Yu, ah Su Yu, didn’t expect you to be able to kill two secret mercenaries! Your strength is slightly stronger than I thought!”

100 li Gui looked over and said with a sneer on his face.

“Su Yu, it seems to have been careless before, but in the same sect scene, I advise you to hand over the Lord Jade Talisman. It will only benefit you! Otherwise…”

In Li Yun’s pair of beautiful eyes, there is no emotional element at all, saying “I can let 100 li Senior Brother let you make a living!”

“Otherwise, the next time a Heaven-class mercenary makes a move, you will die!”

There were so many cultivators present, these two people threatened Chu Yan, and they spoke directly without Divine Consciousness sound transmission.

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