
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

When the Hall Lord of the Mission Palace spoke, it was the torment of the tiger’s soul to tear the soul, which made all the cultivators present change their colors.

“Be sure to obey the rules and don’t commit any crimes!”

Every practitioner is in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, constantly warning himself.

“Good! Very good!”

100 li Gui smiled sternly when he heard this.

When the time comes, when Guo Elder executes, must follow, and Su Yu’s expression is worse than death.


At this moment, on the token in Hall Lord’s hand, a sound of tiger roar suddenly appeared.


Mission Palace Hall Lord, the repairmen present, all complexion stiffened together.

The task token actually reacted! ?

It will not be….

There is no need for the cultivators present to guess, next moment, the token bursts into a sky-shattering light, rushes into the sky cloud night, and explodes the Heavenly Thunder.


The tiger roar shook the sky, and thousands of thunderbolts gathered together and turned into an incomparable gigantic thunder tiger natural phenomenon, roaring at the Vault of Heaven.

“What happened!?”

The cultivators present were all surprised and looked up towards the sky.

I saw that in the sky, a huge thunder tiger like a mountain ran on the sky above the thundercloud, imposing manner like a tide.

“This…this is the real World History!?”

Mission Palace Hall Lord, the whole person was dumbfounded, staring blankly at the anomaly in the sky, dumbfounded.

Just now, if it wasn’t his duty, he would simply take out a token to test it. As other practitioners thought, he would only think that Su Yu was trying to escape, and then fled into the Mission Palace and lied that he had the Chronicles of the World.

The purpose, naturally, is to not be punished by Guo Elder.

“This is impossible!”

Many of the practitioners present exclaimed.

Especially Guo Elder, 100 li Gui, and Li Yun, each and everyone’s eyes are flying out, standing there stupidly stupefied as a completely lost soul.

This scene is definitely a natural phenomenon!

Even the entire Tiger Star Mansion was shaking, and the pressure above the sky continued to fall, sweeping the whole mansion like a violent wind.

Above high above the sky, a tall illusory shadow appeared, followed behind Thunder Tiger, and charged continuously, eventually evolving into a magnificent army with thousands of men and horses, as if the war of all nations, imposing manner like a rainbow.

next moment, in the sky a silhouette appeared, tall as a mountain, and mighty like thunder.

“pay respects to …. Tiger Leather Grey Lord Sir!”

Mission Palace Hall Lord reacted and hurriedly paid respects to the void.

“This is the Lord of the Ancient Times!?”

Chu Yan raised his head, looked at the huge mountain-like silhouette above the sky, and felt the will and pressure he released.

Sure enough, the powerhouse powerhouse of the Primordial Era was far from the Celestial Emperor Zhou.

“This…this is the visit of the Lord Huge!?”

The repairers present, all suck in a breath of cold air.

The Lord of the Tiger Leather came in person, and that can only show that the Chronicles of the World that Su Yu just brought out is really…really!

“Impossible! Absolutely impossible!”

Guo Elder, 100 li Gui and Li Yun, the three of them shook their bodies together, and their faces instantly turned pale.

A little Su Yu found the Chronicles of Nations within two days! ?

How did this happen! ?

“Very good! Just after this Majesty’s reward order has been issued, I have found the Chronicles of Nations. Very good! The Fellow Daoist found it!?”

The Lord Huge looked at the square below, opened the mouth and said.

“Return to…Return to Sir, this Chronicles of Nations was made by this little friend!”

Mission Palace Hall Lord did not dare to neglect, he quickly opened the mouth and said, and at the same time lifted it to Su Yu in front of him.

“en!? Dao Lord Realm!?”

The towering silhouette in the sky swept across Chu Yan, with surprise in his eyes, and asked immediately

“Where did you find this book!?”

Chu Yan bowed his hand and replied “Junior is found in the treasure house of Black Water City!”

As soon as this statement came out, the repairers present were all stunned!

What! ?

Black Water City treasure house! ?

Such an important Supreme Treasure, priceless, was found in a treasure house in a small city! ?

“so that’s how it is, didn’t expect it to be so dusty!”

The Lord of the Tiger Leather is full of emotion, and then he waved his big hand and took away Su Yu’s Wang Zhi, said.

“My little friend, now that you have found the Chronicles of the Worlds and completed the reward, then according to the previous promise, within the scope of your own power, you can shoot for you three times!”

“This is the Order of the Three Eight Tigers, you accept it, you can use it when you need it, and this constellation will know it naturally!”

while speaking, 3 tiger head token dropping from the sky, in the hands of Chu Yan.

“If you want to complete the reward so quickly, this seat will reward you in addition, you can go to the land of tigers, cultivation in January! They will take you there, let this end this matter, I will tell you… .”

Speaking of this, the Huge Lord was about to turn around and leave, and the silhouette began to blur.

“Senior, wait a minute!” Chu Yan said.

“What’s the matter!?” The Lord Huge had a pause and asked.

“Senior, I would like to use a Tiger Star Order now, please Senior to make a shot for the next!” Chu Yan replied.

Not bad!

Very good!

Since I want to find someone to assassinate myself, and now threaten myself, then let’s settle it.

This matter, I also promised Su Yu, it must be done!

“Now…use the token once!?”

The cultivators present, their gazes looking towards Chu Yan are full of doubts.

You know, this is a mobile phone meeting of the Lord of the Tiger Leather. Not to mention how many chances to secure Secret Realm treasure, at least it is also a Life Protecting Talisman ah!

Use it now, isn’t that a waste! ?

What opportunities, treasures, or dangers to save lives in this Tiger Star Mansion! ?

Even if 100 li Gui threatened Chu Yan before, but now that Chu Yan has completed the reward of the Tiger Leather Lord, his identity has changed. If 100 li Gui wants to attack Chu Yan again, he must have scruples.

Even, Chu Yan only needs to talk to the Mission Palace Hall Lord, and he can clean up 100 li Gui. There is no need to waste a token of the Tiger Leather Lord.

“You…what are you going to do!? Su Yu, I can tell you that my father is a deputy Sect Master, if you dare…my father can’t spare you!”

100 li Gui is not stupid, he understood something in an instant, and quickly yelled.

“Little friend, are you sure!?”

The Lord Tiger Leather looked at Chu Yan with a face as usual, just asked.

“If someone offends you, you can ask a few Hall Lords to preside over justice for you. It is not necessary to use a tiger star order!”

Because of Chu Yan’s speedy completion of the task, the Lord Huge was very polite to him.

“many thanks Senior reminds me, I have decided!”

Chu Yan bowed his hands without hesitation.

Not bad!

It is indeed a waste of using a Tiger Star to deal with such two people.

However, for Chu Yan, Su Yu’s fleshy body is now used. It is necessary to solve the cause and effect for him, and the more beautiful the solution, the better.

Based on this, Chu Yan feels that using a Tiger Star Order is totally worth it.

“Okay! Make your request!”

The Lord Huge watched Chu Yan’s two breath time, and then nodded.

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