
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Hearing the clear answer from the Lord of Tiger Leather, Chu Yan suddenly had a bottom in his heart, turned his head and looked towards Li Yun and 100 li Gui, opened the mouth and said

“He, and him, kill! This one, Senior it’s up to you!”

One point to Li Yun and 100 li Gui, and finally to Guo Elder.

“Su Yu, you…”

100 li Gui, Li Yun, Guo Elder and the three of them immediately complexion greatly changed, and their pupils shrank sharply.


The Lord Tiger Leather is still expressionless, turning his head and looking towards Guo Elder, raising his hand and popping out.

a Profound Light shot straight out, and instantly fell into Guo Elder within the body.

chi chi chi!

At the next breath, all the cultivators in the audience saw that Guo Elder’s face was instantly distorted and extremely painful, and then a path of blood burst open, and blood continued to overflow.

This move did not directly kill Guo Elder, but it has severely damaged his fleshy body. It is not difficult for the cultivation base to fall back, and within 3 years, he will suffer from the pain of the fleshy body.

This is the Tiger Star Mansion after all. As the Tiger Blue Lord, he will not kill himself at will, but it is okay to teach him a lot.

“Here you are!”

Turning his head again, looking towards Li Yun and 100 li Gui, the voice of the Lord Huge resounded across the sky.

Followed by is a huge palm pierced out of the air, and moved towards downwards.

Boom… Rumbling!

Under two loud noises, the entire void where Li Yun and 100 li Gui were, exploded into powder, and the terrifying power was surging.

Li Yun and 100 li Gui are running True Qi crazy, desperately resisting, all kinds of hole cards are constantly being consumed, but this is just a surplus, the real palm seal has not yet come down.

“Su Yu, I was wrong! For the sake of our previous relationship, please spare me this time!”

The sense of crisis in my heart completely collapsed Li Yun Divine Soul, and he quickly opened the mouth and said.

But she had just finished speaking, the palm seal had fallen, and the entire fleshy body was instantly bombarded with flesh and blood.

Spare her! ?

It was basically impossible. After she betrayed Su Yu, Chu Yan was absolutely impossible to let her go.

If you dare to betray, you have to bear the consequences.

“Su Yu, you will…”

100 li Gui is slightly stronger than Li Yun’s support time by half a breath, but without even a word, the palm seal also falls.


A terrifying force exploded on him, and at the same time a monstrous light was charged.

“Father, save me ah!”

100 li Gui saw the rays of light rush up and turned into a tall silhouette, and quickly roared.

While the silhouette soared into the sky, the head hit the palm seal falling from the sky, instantly smashing the palm seal into dust, turning it into a tide, and rushing all around all directions.

“Knife Peak Blue Lord!?”

The repairmen present saw this scene and saw that tall silhouette again, exclaiming.

Especially some powerhouses of Supreme Realm and God King Realm, whose cultivation base is slightly weaker, were directly knocked apart by two waves of air.

“Huge Senior, I don’t know where the dog has offended you, he will kill him!?”

The Great Knife Peak stood in the air, facing the Tiger Leather Great Lord, bowing his hands in a polite manner.

Even if they are in the same realm, there are still differences.

The Lord of Tiger Leather, has reached the top of the Peak Realm 300 years ago, and is ranked high in the Heaven Ranking. Even on the entire Divine Realm continent, it is also one of the many powerhouses.

However, Daofeng Blue Master is only the Sect Master of Heavenly Dao, and there is a huge gap between the two.

“My little friend, please explain!”

Huge Lord’s face was still indifferent, and there was no slight fluctuation in his expression towards the appearance of Blade’s Lord.

Hearing this, the Blade-Edge Lord suddenly turned his head and looked towards Chu Yan.

“Father, this person is my inside the sect discipline, Su Yu. He got an inheritance from the Lord. I want him to hand it over. I didn’t expect him to follow suit, so I taught him a lesson. , Didn’t expect this time he found the Chronicles of Nations…”

100 li Gui quickly Divine Consciousness sound transmission and explained the situation to his father.

The Blade-Blade Lord glanced at him. Of course he knew what his son was. He said that he was a lesson, and he was afraid that he would kill him.

“It turned out to be little friend Su Yu!”

The Blade Master suddenly smiled and said, “Since it is the same sect same sect, why should it be so!? I know that my unfilial son must be wrong, but today I apologize to you on his behalf, and after I come back , I must punish him heavily!”

“In addition, I will immediately report to Sect Master, promote Suyu as a core disciple, and add a one-year cultivation opportunity in Sect Sanctuary. Do you think this can be done!?”

Speaking of this, Lord Blade thought for a while, and then quickly said

“In addition, little friend Su Yu can rest assured that this matter will be cancelled in the future and will never cause you any more trouble!”

Hearing this, the practitioners present were secretly nodded.

As the Lord, with such a polite attitude, he treated a small Sect disciple with great face, and also gave such a great benefit, this matter should be regarded as over.

However, Chu Yan stood there with a cold expression.

100 li Gui thinks that’s it! ?


No matter how or how the Blade-Edge Heaven Master apologizes, how can he make up for Su Yu? ?

When he came by himself, Su Yu was cut off from life, and had fallen!

At this time, even if Su Yu is here in person, I am afraid he will be even more angry.

“My little friend, I think it is reasonable to deal with this matter in this way!”

The Lord of Tiger Leather also looked towards Chu Yan and spoke to persuade him.

“If Senior can’t kill, then this first Tiger Star Order, let it go!” Chu Yan replied.

When this sentence was exported, the face of the Lord Huge changed instantly.

“Can’t kill!? A joke! This seat is for your good. If you offend your deputy Sect Master, you will find it difficult to gain a foothold in the future! As far as the blade is concerned, it won’t be in my eyes!”

Hearing this, Chu Yan nodded said, “many thanks Huge Senior, but between me and them, we have reached the point of being the enemy of life and death! Must be killed!”

As soon as these words came out, it was like a thunderclap blasting into the sky, and the repairmen present were all startled.

“Must be killed!?”

This Su Yu really doesn’t want to mess with Heavenly Dao! ?

“Father! Save me!”

100 li Gui looked terrified and roared.

He originally didn’t worry about it, he came with his father’s will, and believed that the Lord Huge would give some face, and Su Yu would also be afraid.

But now, the Lord of the Tiger Leather has given face, but Su Yu has no fear at all.


The face of Blade-Blade Sky Master changed instantly, and his eyes suddenly rose with anger.

Too arrogant!

He has already surrendered his status, and he is so embarrassed to ask for each other, and he has also offered a lot of benefits. This child even wants the Tiger Leather Lord to take action.

“Fellow Daoist, this matter… sorry!”

The Lord of Tiger Leather raised his head and said a word. Ten thousand tigers on his body broke out at the same time, and countless tiger shadows appeared in the sky.

With a wave of a big hand, it is the endless Rule Power, which merges into all the tiger shadows and turns into a peerless tiger god, roaring down.

“Heaven and Earth is faint and shocking!”

The face of the Blade-Edge Lord changed drastically, and immediately displayed his strongest sword intent, slashing towards the rushing Tiger God.

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