
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Boom… Rumble!

The shocking anger exploded, resounding across the sky.

Even if the Tiger Leather Lord and Blade Blade Lord are fighting with will bodies, they are not true bodies fighting, but this kind of collision, the swaying might, still let the cultivators present at the same time. Shaped to fly.

“Guier, go!”

Blade-Edge Blue Master roared loudly with blood red eyes.

100 li Gui suddenly woke up, reprinted his hands, and began to perform a forbidden technique.

“In front of me, still want to go!?”

Seeing this scene, the Lord of Tiger Leather suddenly waved his left hand, and the large tiger shadow roared and leaped down.

The monstrous tiger’s might fall and hit all directions.


Blade Blade Blue Lord complexion changed, and the body of the illusory shadow is a little shaky, which is too much pressure for him.

“Su Yu, Hu Ge, the enemy of murder, I will not forget, wait!”

Beneath the roar towards the sky, Blade Blade’s entire will body exploded, transforming into a circle of terrifying astral qi and rushing out.


100 li When Gui saw this scene, his pupils suddenly split.

It’s over!

This is really over!

At this time, at 100 li Gui, his whole body was shaking, and his eyes were full of fear.

At this time, the fear in his heart finally broke out.

Before relying on the father’s Life Protecting Talisman, didn’t expect is now completely violent.

But in this world, there are regrets and ifs.

next moment, the tiger shadow above the sky fell, hitting 100 li Gui’s howling body, and instantly exploded a mass of fleshy fireworks.

The air wave rolled and moved turbulently. At the center of 100 li Gui, the whole body disappeared.

“This person…out of the ordinary!”

The invincible powerhouse at the scene, turning his head to look at Yu Chu Yan, they all look different.

If this matter is replaced by anyone, this will not be the result.

“It’s over…it’s over!”

Among the crowd, the few people who had just helped Guo Elder identify Chu Yan, their faces were as gray as death, and their whole bodies trembled.

“Everyone, any of the World Chronicles is over, please go away!”

The Lord Huge turned his head and looked towards the square, spoke, and then turned his head and looked towards Chu Yan, Divine Consciousness sound transmission

“What will Heavenly Dao do next? You should be clear. I can guarantee your safety in Tiger Star Mansion. When you leave, you can find a few Hall Lords to escort you!”

Hearing this, Chu Yan replied “many thanks Senior!”

Huge Lord’s reminder, Chu Yan didn’t care very much. Of course he knew the result.

But for the sword Heavenly Dao system, neither him nor his predecessor Su Yu have any favorable impressions.

Furthermore, Chu Yan has heard historical materials from Bowang and King Ming that this sword Heavenly Dao will be destroyed in less than a year.

“Senior, one thing…”

Chu Yan thought of historical materials, suddenly eyes shined, opened the mouth and said

“Regarding the opening of Ten Thousand Sources next month, it seems that there will be some changes…”

Hearing this, the Lord of Tiger Leather suddenly flashed his eyes, nodded with a smile.

“Didn’t expect you are only Dao Lord Realm, and you still know the changes in the Land of Ten Thousand Sources. Let’s talk about it…”

Chu Yan nodded, opened the mouth and said “It is said that there will be a Secret Realm, including an ancient tower with great formidable power!”

Hearing this, the Lord of Tiger Leather nodded said, “Okay, I will write it down, if it happens, I will charge it!”

After speaking, the Huge Blue Lord turned and left, and the will body dissipated.

He simply didn’t care about what Chu Yan said.

Divine Realm continent lacks everything, but there is no lack of various gossips, most of which are just nonsense.

“Little friend Su Yu, you were offended just now, don’t take it off!”

At this time, the Mission Palace Palace Lord appeared in front of Chu Yan, arching his hands politely with a smile on his face.

There is a clear color of approval in the eyes, which is completely different from before.

until now, he has a weird temper, that’s why he was sent to Mission Palace, an important place that is basically no who.

“Hall Lord is polite!” Chu Yan replied.

“Little friend, Sir Huge said just now, let me take you to the Secret Realm of Tiger Star Mansion for a month of cultivation, let’s go now!”

Chu Yan just wanted to nodded to agree, and suddenly an invisible force formed and enveloped him, giving him a bone-cold feeling.

He was completely frozen at this moment, and he couldn’t nod his head at all.

“Senior, may I ask what is this awesome place!?”

When I said this, the thought that flashed in Chu Yan Sea of ​​Consciousness was not to go, not to go… The body began to slowly regain consciousness, but when he said a word, he tried to be nodded again. The stiffness in the middle appeared again.


Chu Yan didn’t expect such a situation, and suddenly the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

Obviously, according to the Space-Time rules mentioned by Bowang and Mingwang, this mighty place may affect the rules.

Before, Chu Yan took the Chronicles of the World and changed the task of offering rewards for the Lord of the Tigers. Even killing 100 li Gui did not affect the Space-Time rules.

But now, there is such resistance in a place of power.

“You don’t know the land of tigers!?”

Mission Palace Hall Lord looked towards Chu Yan with a look of surprise.

“Then let me tell you, our Tiger Star Mansion’s Huwei Land is the fifth most famous treasure land, and it is not bad at all compared to the Heavenly Dao Holy Land.”

“Furthermore, there is an extremely pure breath of tiger’s power in this land of tiger’s power, which contains the limit of Willpower!”

“For Martial Artist’s fleshy body, will and Divine Soul, there are great benefits!”

Hearing this, Chu Yan’s eyes lit up instantly.

A place like this is too suitable for him!

“Hall Lord, then!” Chu Yan said politely.


Hall Lord waved his hand, opened a void channel and stepped into it.

The disappointed practitioners on the square, who were about to leave, looked envy when seeing this scene, but they were full of regrets, and they could only gradually leave.

However, most of the practitioners themselves come to try one’s luck, or just to see.

Not long after, a message spread in the fifth place….

“Wang Guozhi was found by someone named Su Yu…!”

“Oh my god, I also heard that this person really got the 3 Tiger Star Order from the Lord Huge, and killed the enmity 100 li Gui on the spot. It is said that it caused two great guilds. Master fight!”

“tsk tsk Tsk, this Su Yu is so bold, he actually shot his deputy Sect Master!”

“Have you heard of it!? His Wan Guozhi was found in the Black Water City treasure house!”

“What!? My God…Don’t let the Lord Black Water City know about this, otherwise, he will have to cry to death!”

“ha ha ha, who said no!”


All kinds of news spread, and the practitioners in the fifth dangerous place all remembered a name on this day, Su Yu!

At the same time, the sword Heavenly Dao also announced to the public that the discipline Su Yu killed Same Sect, from now on expelled Sect, and issued a reward!

In addition, of course, a powerful expert was sent to gather at the gate of Tiger Star Mansion and all around, waiting for Su Yu to come out with a murderous aura face.

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