
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Without any hesitation, Chu Yan moved towards the depths of Tiger Valley.

It didn’t take long to travel a distance of 100 li. At this time, it was close to the central area of ​​the valley, where there were a lot of purple-ranked tiger souls.

Chu Yan’s eyes lit up, and he used the sword of will again to transform into two giant nets, covering more than twenty purple-ranked tiger souls at the same time.

Ao ao’s tiger roar sounded, and all the purple-ranked tiger souls were furious at the same time, roaring together, but they couldn’t hold the net of will and could only be pulled over by Chu Yan.

One hour later, after Chu Yan swallowed more than twenty purple-ranked tiger souls, he almost reached Peak in his aura.

Keep going, Chu Yan didn’t stay anymore this time, and walked out nearly a thousand miles away.

After arriving here, basically no other tiger souls can be seen, almost all of them are wandering around.

Moreover, the purple-ranked tiger soul here is obviously more pure aura than the previous purple-ranked tiger soul, which is obviously in the process of evolution.

I just don’t know how long it will take for so many purple-tier tiger souls to evolve to reach the level of silver-tier.

Chu Yan keeps advancing, and his sense of coercion is getting stronger and stronger. It is extremely difficult to resist Chu Yan’s cultivation base.

The void of all around has also begun to show a trace of Purple Qi.

Various purple-ranked tiger souls are also getting fewer and fewer, until the end is almost invisible, and the eyes are empty.

“That’s a silver level!?”

Chu Yan stopped and looked up.

I saw in the front, on a huge mountain range, lying on a huge monster, it was a tiger soul as big as a hill.

This tiger soul seems to be cultivation. Between swallowing and vomiting, the aura all around in the sky is constantly surging, entering and exiting within the body.

These auras all carry a trace of Sovereign’s power, and the silver threads are walking around, obviously extremely.

“Silver-ranked tiger silver is indeed much stronger than purple-ranked tiger soul. With my current cultivation base, it is difficult to deal with it!”

Chu Yan stared at this silver-ranked tiger soul with red light in his eyes.

If you say you don’t want to swallow it, of course it’s impossible, but you need to weigh it now…

Suddenly, Chu Yan’s eyes flashed and saw the tiger’s neck. There was a purple area that looked like a Spirit Seal and divine runes, flashing.

Chu Yan brows slightly wrinkle, looked towards all around and found that all the auras were pouring in, forming an extremely rich spiritual zone within 10 li of the silver-tiered tiger soul.

“Could it be…”

In Chu Yan Sea of ​​Consciousness, a consciousness flashes, eyes slightly narrowed.

This silver-tiered tiger soul, won’t it be a breakthrough! ?

“It is possible! Very likely!”

Divine Consciousness swept over, and Chu Yan could clearly feel that there was obviously a great catastrophe aura in the 10 li spiritual fog.

This feeling is very similar to the scent of the Heaven and Earth disaster that the repairers attracted during the breakthrough.

If it is really a breakthrough, then Space-Time Rule Power should not be able to restrict itself.

“Golden Rank!? How strong will the Golden Rank’s tiger soul be!?”

Chu Yan took a deep breath, constantly thinking about it in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, a flashing Chu Yan rushed to the top of the silver-tiered tiger soul, and directly sat cross-legged.

At this time, the silver-tiered tiger soul is like a small mountain bag, only feeling a leaf on the top of the head, or an ant, without even lifting his eyelids.

It’s not that it really can’t feel Chu Yan’s powerful aura, but it has recognized it, and this human being does not dare to attack itself.

“Very awesome! But this is also good!”

While Chu Yan secretly said in one’s heart, the corners of his mouth raised lightly, let go of all aura directly, and began to swallow the spiritual mist.

The benefit of giving it to your lips, don’t swallow it for nothing, why bother with this silver-ranked tiger soul.

Of course, Chu Yan suppressed it a bit, or else he swallowed all the spirit mist used by others for breakthrough, fearing that the silver-tier tiger soul breakthrough would fail.

Time passed, three days passed in a blink of an eye….

During this period of time, the purple spirit mark on the silver-tiered tiger soul continued to expand, extending from the neck to the back. The area occupied about 10% of the entire tiger body. The area covered is completely different from its original fur color.

The pressure is constantly increasing, and the terrifying aura is getting stronger and stronger.

Just like Chu Yan guessed, the aura of Heaven and Earth is getting stronger and stronger. This silver-tiered tiger soul is really breaking through.

At this time, outside Hugu…

The Mission Palace Hall Lord, who had been cultivating for several days, suddenly felt a wave in his heart, and suddenly opened his eyes.

The sun and moon twisted in a pair of eyes, looked towards the direction of Hugu, and then gently said with a smile

“This kid didn’t expect that he ran into the depths. Don’t be messy. It’s only a dozen days. It’s basically impossible to be a silver-level opponent!”

As soon as he finished this sentence, his face froze instantly, and the strange feeling in his heart throbbed.

Obviously, this is a major event about to happen!

After all, he is one of the five Hall Lords in Tiger Star Mansion. If there is a major event in Tiger Star Mansion, he will certainly feel it.

The current Tiger Star Mansion has just finished the mission of the World Records, and all the cultivators have left. What major event can happen! ?

Of course it’s this… Su Yu!

At the next breath, Hall Lord’s gaze swept over and found that the purple-ranked tiger souls and all the tiger souls in the tiger valley were roaring.

This roar was completely different from usual, and I knew it was Tiger Roar because of fear.

“No way!? What happened to Tiger Valley!?”

Hall Lord in ones heart trembled, hurriedly bounced up, the silhouette instantly disappeared on the spot, and rushed directly into the tiger valley.

If something goes wrong, don’t let that kid go, then there will be no way to confess to the Lord Huge.

At this time, mutation is born!

I saw a majestic force in the entire Tiger Valley, suddenly exploding, like a flame erupting from somewhere, igniting the void, and spreading from the inside to the outside at a rapid speed.

It’s like a piece of dry grassland, when it ignites, it instantly spreads across the ground like a sea tide.

All the tiger soul roars shook the sky, and the sense of fear had reached its peak.


A terrifying tiger roar rang, like the roar of a peerless tiger god, with a force that soars into the sky.

“This…this is…”

The Mission Palace Hall Lord in the rush, had a feeling in the heart, looking up towards the sky.

I saw that above the sky above, a large cloud of different colors appeared, among which thousands of thunderbolts were rolling.

An extremely terrifying Heaven and Earth Might ignited a storm and swept the world.


“How could the disaster of Heaven and Earth fall in Tiger Valley!?”

At this moment, the heart of Mission Palace Hall Lord suddenly mentioned Noisy Eye, and his whole body froze.

Among Tiger Valley is one of the most important Secret Realm in Tiger Star Mansion, and the disaster of Heaven and Earth will come.

The powerful aura quickly rushed out of Tiger Valley, moved towards the entire Tiger Star Mansion area and swept past. Everywhere he passed, Hall Lord, Elder, and powerhouse were awakened by the terrifying Heavenly Might.

The constant silhouette rushed out from everywhere, looked towards the direction of Tiger Valley.

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