
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

This luck is also very good! ?

The Hall Lord and Elder who were present were all stunned.

“This time the birth of the Golden Tiger Soul in Tiger Star Mansion is a great joy. All the disciplines in the mansion can enter the Tiger Valley for a month of cultivation!”

Huge Lord Huge added this after saying this

“Of course, this is Su Xiaoyou’s Great Destiny opportunity. Before he goes out of the valley, no one can disturb.”

“Wait for Su Xiaoyou to leave the valley and after the retreat ends, others can enter!”

As soon as this statement came out, the silhouette of the Tiger Leather Lord flashed, and as the pressure swept away, his figure disappeared from the sky.

“Xiaoyou Su…retreat!?”

At this moment, everyone looked towards Tiger Valley, their faces full of wonder and envy.

This Su Yu’s luck is really heaven defying. With the words of the Lord of Tiger Leather, there is no longer any limit to how long he wants to retreat to cultivation in Tiger Valley.

Even if he stayed here for a year, there is no problem.

At this time, in the depths of Tiger Valley…

The Huge Lord, who has already left, never expected that at the moment of the breakthrough of the Golden Tier Tiger Soul, Chu Yan got a great opportunity.

The mysterious power that overflowed from the Golden Tier Soul Body after the breakthrough caused his fleshy body, power, Divine Soul, and Willpower to skyrocket.

Moreover, Chu Yan’s Sea of ​​Consciousness is expanding wildly, more than doubled, and the Sword of Will is constantly evolving in the Sea of ​​Consciousness sky, completely different from the previous Sword Intent.

When Qing Yin taught him this sword of will, Chu Yan only comprehended about 50%.

Because this sword of will is also created by a Taikoo powerhouse himself, it does not have the hole cards and strength of this Taikoo powerhouse, other powerhouses can display 50%, which should already be the limit.

But now, under the special opportunity of this time, Chu Yan has once again entered the cultivation state of the sword of will.

This kind of realization is precisely the sudden enlightenment that countless practitioners admire.

With this kind of sudden enlightenment, a restriction and shackle will be broken, and even powerful stunts can be created.

Every powerhouse that can create a powerful cultivation technique and unique skills has experienced all kinds of hardships, and has a large number of Martial Dao foundations and foundations, plus a sudden enlightenment, have accumulated knowledge and deliver it slowly Only then can we create amazing heavenly techniques.

People and situations like Divine Realm continent are not uncommon, but they are definitely rare.

“Eternal God and Magic Skill!”

Chu Yan’s entire mind is all trapped in the cultivation, and various ways of asking questions are constantly being implemented, taking this good opportunity to cultivation all over.

After all, this Tiger Valley is within the scope of Tiger Star Mansion, and ordinary people cannot break into it. This place is absolutely safe and is an excellent place for cultivation.

Since the sudden enlightenment is here, how can it be wasted to enter the sudden enlightenment with the sword of will, then take this opportunity to comprehend all the cultivation techniques again, maybe there will be new gains and improvements.

“One sword, cut the heart!”

“Two swords, to God!”

“Three swords, go to evil…”

Chu Yan continued to ponder, cutting out a path of the sword of will, and the fusion of various ways of asking the question made the might of the sword of will continue to change.

While holding a sword and swinging a sword, one sword changes every time, and every change changes Chu Yan’s aura.

Sometimes fast and sometimes slow, sometimes fierce and sometimes soft, and sometimes even with a sword in hand, it can’t be cut.

This kind of integration, this kind of change, if the number is too much, it will be a little messy. Find the same point among the many chaos. Although the more the number, the greater the formidable power to find a point, but the process is natural. difficult.


The Golden Tier Tiger Soul under him seemed to sense something and let out a loud roar.

The roar is shocking and mighty, but the tiger roar’s voice clearly carries a trace of Great Dao true meaning, which contains infinite mysterious.

The sound of tiger roar seemed to give Chu Yan infinite power, making his sword sharp instantly.

Time passes, and in a blink of an eye, a month passes….

During this period of time, the repairmen who blocked the door sent by Heavenly Dao returned one after another. Under Sect’s urgent call, there was a conflict with Dao Lineage, and a Sect battle broke out.

So, I can’t take care of Su Yu at this time.

However, after Su Yu’s name was spread in the fifth dangerous place, it gradually sank because of the continuous appearance of major events.

In the Primordial Era, genius rises and genius falls in everyday all. It is very common to see Su Yu.

Furthermore, he is mainly luck this time, so he won’t attract much attention.

The genius like Yuwenhuang, Wanrongtian, Tian, ​​Wu, etc., after a while, it will trigger one or two major events of heaven shaking earth shattering.

For these, the practitioners of the ancient times are all used to it.

In the news that just spread, the sky used the cultivation base of the Great Accomplishment of the invincible realm to kill an Initial Stage of the invincible realm, and the blood stained the blue.

Wu broke into the outside world, found Kunlun fairy mountain, and was fully refining.

In the sixteenth domain, Emperor Yuwen cut three Great Influence Sect Masters in less than ten days and set up a demonic path Sect to retreat two powerhouses from the powerhouse that came to provoke him.

Van Rong Tian is even more powerful. The cultivation base of the Great Accomplishment in the invincible realm, rushed into the middle realm of Ten Thousand Sources, and returned safely.

I have to say that the general events and directions in this history, not at all, have undergone too many changes, and various powerhouses are constantly being born and shining in the sky.

Compared with these big brothers, those genius who looked stunning and stunning in later generations looked much bleak.

At this time, in the Tiger Valley…

Chu Yan’s Sea of ​​Consciousness has exploded to the extreme. The entire Sea of ​​Consciousness is the deduction of various cultivation techniques.

During this period, although he majored in the sword of will and had already promoted it as the Five Swords, Chu Yan always felt that it was still a bit worse, not reaching the level he expected.

“I don’t know the direction at all…”

“Is it true that you must create your own path now before you can move forward!?”

“All dharmas are immortal, and they will never cease, either completely cut off, or they will come to life…”

Chu Yan’s consciousness flickered, and his heart pondered, his original heart did not waver at all, urging the sword of will to the extreme.

Finally, with a bang, the sky full of Sword Intent deduction in Sea of ​​Consciousness, all shattered and turned into powder.

Chu Yan suffered a huge shock all over his body, and his aura converged to the extreme.

In this state, Chu Yan was closed again for ten days, and within the body began to make all kinds of abnormal noises, some like a flood, some like a rare beast roar, and some like a mountain shaking. Collapse, myriad beasts surging forward.

At this moment, Chu Yan’s closed eyes suddenly opened.


The trembling under the tightness of the whole body represents Chu Yan’s uncontrollable ecstasy.

The sword of will, finally merged into five!

The sword of will at this moment is no longer the original 50%, and it is no longer the sword of will taught by Qingyin, it is brand new.

However, this sword is complete, and the formidable power is no longer the same.


Divine Consciousness came out, and Chu Yan actually contained a trace of willpower in his fleshy body.

There are two complete directions between fleshy body and will.

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