
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

The sword of will can now be transformed into four swords with one sword, which is twice as high as before.

This kind of improvement is a qualitative improvement.

“Congratulations, little friend!”

The Golden Tier Tiger Soul under him spoke, letting Chu Yan slightly startled.

The voice is soft and soft with Green Ancient’s voice.

“many thanks Senior!”

Chu Yan sincerely thanked him and stood up to worship each other.

This time, the Golden Tier Tiger Soul has been a great help to him, and has even been helping him improve, although it has little effect on his own breakthrough genes.

But the repairer of Divine Realm Continent, who is willing to give the opportunity to others during his breakthrough! ?

“No! Everything is God’s will, I just do it in the sky. This time the catastrophe is also thanks to you, didn’t expect the last moment, you will suddenly appear!”

While the Golden Tier Tiger Soul spoke, the voice was still flat, and he said, “But my little friend, can you get off my head first, it’s a bit… embarrassing!”

As a Golden Tier Tiger Soul, it was extremely embarrassing to be ridden on the head by Chu Yan for nearly three months.

Chu Yan smiled, dropped to the ground, and quickly apologized.

At this time, the Golden Tier Tiger Soul didn’t say anything any more, and the tiger eyes closed lightly and sank into the cultivation again.

An opportunity is over, and I am afraid there will be no chance to meet again in the future.

“In three months, the cultivation is almost complete. Do you want to go to the battlefield of God now, breakthrough invincible!?”

Chu Yan pondered in his heart.

At present, in Hugu for three months, all aspects of cultivation have reached the extreme. It can be said that it has reached the bottleneck state, and there is no point in further cultivation.

The battlefield of the God Lord is in the Primordial Era, an open breakthrough invincible realm and place of the Lord God.

This place is located in the south of the first domain. It covers a huge area, with many heavenly materials, earthly treasures and opportunities, as well as inheritance.

The most interesting thing is 10 Heavenly Spirit Tree!

According to what Bowang said before, these 10 Heavenly Spirit Trees, like Kunlun Fairy Mountain and Mixed Heaven Ranking, are both bred from Source Power at the beginning of the ancient times. They have infinite magical functions. fruit!

If you swallow this Cangguo, then there is a 30% chance of breaking through into the Lord Realm.

The Dao Realm mountain range of later generations is the fertile soil of the Heavenly Spirit Tree. Although there is no Heavenly Spirit Tree in later generations, Dao fruit can be bred from the soil of Dao Realm mountain range alone, which shows that it is out of the ordinary .

The spirit of the Dao Realm mountain range is also a Heavenly Spirit Tree at the beginning. By chance, it possessed spirit wisdom, the cultivation of the fleshy body, and the breakthrough all the way to the God Realm.

Although it took ten thousand years, it can be regarded as heaven defying.

Unfortunately, the remaining Heavenly Spirit Tree was completely destroyed during the Battle of the Four Great Lords, and there was only an empty Dao Realm mountain range for later generations.

“In six months, Heavenly Spirit Tree will bear Cangguo. After 20 years, when Cangguo bears again, Tian, ​​Wu, Emperor Yuwen and Wanrongtian will all strike the realm of God!”

“So now is the best time to go!”

Chu Yan hesitated for a while, and then made up his mind. It would be best if he could not compete with Wanrongtian and the others at this time.

“The distance from here to the battlefield of the Lord of God is not short. Let’s see what other good things are around here. If you drop in, you can take them together!”

Chu Yan Divine Consciousness introverted, began to explore the memory of Divine Consciousness before.

He wrote down all the things Bowang and King Ming said before.

“Five days later, in the second realm, in the land of destruction, a Daobao from the Lord appeared from the river of destruction…”

“Seven days later, in the Myriad Treasures Building of the Fifth Domain, a bottle of medicine pill appeared. It was the ancient source Immortal Pill, which increased the probability by 30% and hit the invincible realm!”

“After ten days…”

Successfully scanning through each message, Chu Yan kept thinking.

A variety of opportunities have made Chu Yan’s eyes bright, but either the distance is too far, and it takes a long time to go there.

Some chances are directly bound by the Space-Time rules, which will directly affect later life, even if they go, they will not get it at all.

After all, some of Sect’s Sect Protecting Treasures, or treasures that have great opportunities with a powerhouse in later generations, cannot be seized by his current identity.

This is what Hongjun patriarch originally said before the time turned back.

So, some chances can only be seen, and simply cannot participate.

“Twelve days later, in the ancient land of Asura in the first domain, there will be a hunting game. One of the invincible realm great demon within the body has a ten thousand profound bead!”

“In the Xuanshui River of the first domain, there will be a Dao vein. Because of a special relationship, the spirit wisdom is cut off. If it is refining and nourished…”

“In the morning sun ancient city of the first domain, there is a fishing spot in the heavens where you can catch the Hundred Moon Stone!”

As Chu Yan probed one by one, he finally found one suitable for him.

This ancient land of Asura and the fishing grounds of the heavens are just on the way to the battlefield of the Lord of God, and they are completely on the way.

“Then go here!”

Chu Yan glanced at the direction without hesitation, and stood up.

“This kid is out!? This time, the benefits have increased!”

Mission Palace Hall Lord has been waiting outside the valley, he suddenly smiled when he saw Chu Yan appear.

“Not bad! Thanks to Senior for protecting me all the time!”

Chu Yan thanked him.

“Come less!”

Mission Palace Hall Lord is completely relaxed now, with a smile on his face, and said, “Yes, what’s next!? You are only Dao Lord Realm Peak now, and I am afraid that you will go extraordinary in the future. This time is a good opportunity. Now, I suggest you hit the Hunyuan list as soon as possible!”

“Yes! I have this intention too!” Chu Yan nodded.

If you want to be on the Hunyuan list, the first requirement is to be in the invincible environment before you are eligible for the list.

Hall Lord’s meaning is to let Chu Yan quickly break through to the invincible state.

It is of course important to consolidate the foundation, but if it is consolidated to such a degree as Chu Yan, without breakthrough, it is a bit inhuman.

“Good time, Heavenly Dao has recently opened a battle with the sword, and there is no time to control you!”

Hearing this, Chu Yan immediately asked, “Is it a Sect battle with Dao Lineage!?”

“Yes! I don’t know what to do, the two sides broke through. My Sir guessed that the battle is about to be finalized. The Sect Master from Heavenly Dao came here once. I would like to ask my Sir to help. Less!”

Hall Lord nodded replied.

“Senior better persuade Sir Huge, it is best not to participate in the Heavenly Dao battle, because after the war, Heavenly Dao…”

Chu Yan just said this, suddenly an aura appeared, freezing his whole body as hard as iron, and he could no longer open his mouth.

The Space-Time rules are upset again!

“How about Heavenly Dao!?” Hall Lord took it seriously this time, and hurriedly asked.

“Must… defeat…!”

Chu Yan’s whole body strength exploded, forcibly released Rule Power in a shock, and spit out two words.

Hearing this, Hall Lord said with a smile “Did you brat say that because you left the Heavenly Dao system of swords… But the Heavenly Dao system of swords is much stronger, how could it be defeated? !”

Because the Tiger Star Mansion is very helpful to him, Chu Yan wanted to explain again, but he saw Hall Lord wave his hand

“Don’t worry, I will persuade Sir to try my best not to shoot!”

Hearing this, Chu Yan nodded felt relieved and said again

“Does Senior have any plans lately? I have a map here, which seems to be pretty good, so it’s better to see it…”

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