
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 濡欑瑪闃?” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Qin Xingyun’s decision made Chu Yan admire the girl again.

Not only does this girl have a chivalrous heart, but she is also extremely courageous when things happen, without a trace of muddle-headedness.

If you change to another girl or a cultivator, even if you really want to divide this gem into three, it will be a long time to struggle with the distribution method.

“Looking at the situation of this gem, we can collect it in a few days, we just take advantage of the past few days to start preparing!”

Qin Xingyun observed the gems, spoke, then turned his head and looked towards Chu Yan.

“Su Fellow Daoist, just take this opportunity, we can also compete!”

When Young Master Qingcheng heard this, his eyes lit up and he quickly said, “This method is very good, and I also want to see the strength of Su Fellow Daoist!”

Looking at the two with glowing eyes, Chu Yan looked helpless.

I want to do it with myself. I am a civilized person and it is not good to do it.

Just as Chu Yan was about to answer, the smile on his face suddenly stiffened, and a sense of crisis suddenly flashed across his heart.

“Not good!”

Chu Yan did not hesitate, the whole person aura broke out, and at the same time the two young masters of Qingcheng were also enveloped.

bang! bang! bang!

Almost at the same time that the Chu Yan body protection Gang Yuan and True Qi defenses broke out, a series of anger exploded and made a huge sound.

I saw a group of silhouettes suddenly appeared in the sky beside the raw stone. Each and everyone was holding a black long blade. The aura was very strange and gloomy, but it was mixed with the void aura in the Cave Mansion.

Obviously, this is the power of Cave Mansion to guard this gem, and he wakes up after being stimulated.

“You…your body protection Gang Yuan can resist will attacks!? This…so strong!?”

Qingcheng Young Master and Qin Xingyun were not paying attention to this group of dark shadows at this time. Instead, they all stared at Chu Yan with a look of stunned expression.

“You… used to be the ordinary disciple of Heavenly Dao!?”

Hearing these two questions, Chu Yan’s face was speechless. You two, first look at the opposite side. Someone has come with a knife. It’s still a group. Can you be normal first? Don’t study yourself! ?

“Don’t ask first, first deal with these ghosts!” Chu Yan waved his hand, sword flickered of the will, holding his sword up.

Qingcheng Young Master and Qin Xingyun looked at each other, but they were fundamentally different, just standing like that.

What a great opportunity, just look at how strong this Chu Yan is.


After one hour, the war is over.

“Su Yu, you turned out to be the genius of the transcendental way, you… actually hide it!?”

“Su Fellow Daoist, you have so many ways to ask Dao, can your True Qi support it!?”

Qin Xingyun and Qingcheng Young Master both had a deep interest in Chu Yan at this moment, and they all surrounded them.

“This…. Well…”

When Chu Yan was fighting just now, he also knew that these two people didn’t make a move and wanted to find out their own details.

But now, if you really want to start the Daozhuzun battle later, these two people are your own comrades in arms. There is no need to hide their own strength from them. Of course, you can’t hide it once the battle begins.

So the three began to exchange some Martial Dao experience, and even started to compete.

For Martial Artist, a strong opponent is extremely important. After the two of them discovered that Chu Yan’s battle strength was strong, they couldn’t stand it there! ?

Time passed, and three days passed quickly…

In the final stage of the birth of raw gems, the overflowing aura becomes stronger and stronger, covering the entire valley.

A heaven defying treasure like this will definitely cause a Heaven and Earth natural phenomenon when it is actually born. Any situation may occur.

So Chu Yan and the three people all quit Cave Mansion for safety and wait outside.

The exchange and competition of the past few days, Chu Yan has gained a lot.

For these genius and Martial Artists of Great Ancient Era, Chu Yan has a deep understanding and understanding.

Take this Qingcheng Young Master as an example. He has a total of three hole cards, of which one specializes in breaking the will, which can be offensive and defensive, and is extremely powerful.

So, if it is a competition of the same level, it is easy for you to kill a Martial Artist, but it is extremely difficult to kill a genius.

This is just one of the various effects brought about by the prosperity of the Great Ancient Era Martial Dao.

“Well, someone is coming!?”

At this time, Qin Xingyun suddenly spoke, and it was her first discovery.

Chu Yan has also been understood now. This Qin Xingyun can always find out in advance for some emergencies, and I am afraid that there is a hole card.

In this situation, she is more difficult to sneak attack than the Qingcheng Young Master, and has a higher chance of survival.

The three of them looked up and saw five silhouettes from the bottom of the cliff ahead. After passing through the Great Array of blood tides, the five-person cultivation base aura was completely in an outbreak state, which was visible at a glance.

They are both in the Dao Lord Realm Peak and Great Accomplishment realms, and they are not the same force.

As soon as the five fell down, they found Chu Yan and the three, hesitated, and bowed their hands.

“many thanks for starting the Daozhuzun war!”

The five of them were the first group of people who came first to Qin Xingyun’s Dao Zhu Zun battle a few days ago.

For Qin Xingyun’s heaven defying treasure to start the Daozhu Zun battle, according to the rules of the God’s battlefield, everyone must respect this person, this kind of unselfish spirit.

After all, they took out a Supreme Treasure and didn’t use it directly by themselves, and shared the opportunity with everyone. This is of course a great achievement.

Furthermore, the cultivator who initiates the Dao Master Zun Battle has a special treatment, and the master will not be attacked by other cultivators.

If a cultivator attacks the person who initiates the Dao Master Zun War, the reputation will be bad.

After that, some cultivators kept coming, reaching the bottom of the cliff.

Half a day later, nearly a hundred people stood close and numerous at the bottom of the cliff. There was a very lively feeling, as if there was a market at the bottom of the cliff.

The eight great ancient houses, the ten great Dao Lineage, and various sects are all powerful, almost all of them come here.

Of course, they are basically Dao Lord Realm Great Accomplishment and Peak repairers, a small amount of genius has been brought to see, and there is a stronger Dao Protector.

Dao Protector is generally a large-scale top genius, or standard equipment of the direct line. Although they can’t intervene, just standing there and staring at it represents the Sect forces. You kill one and try… almost like declaring war. Up.

This is the role of Dao Protector. Don鈥檛 do anything. When you stand there, you can help your Sect force鈥檚 genius and direct children to increase your chances of survival.

These people gather here, not to fight for the Endless Stone, but because the Dao Master Battlefield will change the Heaven and Earth rules on the battlefield, and the invincible powerhouse can be born.

Such a Daozhu Zun battle can be encountered several times on the battlefield of the Lord every few years.

Sometimes a Sect is held for all Dao Lord Realm Peak disciples, which is equivalent to generating invincible environments in batches.

Some people have to adopt this method because they can鈥檛 get the Supreme Treasure by themselves.

In short, as long as the number of people is enough, the battlefield of the God Lord senses that the powerhouse aura gathered here reaches a certain standard, and the Dao Lord Master Battle will start.

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