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In such a situation, ordinary practitioners will not miss it as long as the cultivation base meets the requirements, even if they come to see it.

“Su Fellow Daoist, Young Lady Qin, this is the Young Master of Jade Book, is the first Inner Sect of Dao Lineage, and is also an extraordinary way. He is good at all kinds of will and the way of Divine Soul, and is extremely powerful! “

“The old man wearing a linen armor over there, named Baizhan Sanren, is a Loose Cultivator, and is also an extraordinary way. In this battlefield of the Lord for many years, he has defeated many powerhouses and is famous. !”

“The man wearing a golden robe is named Zidi. He is a descendant of the ancient imperial sect. He has the same extraordinary way. His Nine Seal Emperor technique, and his battle strength are extraordinary. I competed with him and barely tied! “

Qingcheng Young Master is very familiar with the coming powerhouse, and each and everyone introduced him to Chu Yan and Qin Xingyun.

According to Qingcheng Young Master, these three are the strongest three among the people who have come now. The others have not reached the transcendent way, so it is not to be feared.

“Beside Zidi, the long-haired young man named Xiao Haotian, he is also a Loose Cultivator. Although he has not reached the extraordinary way, his battle strength is extremely strong. It is said that fighting with the extraordinary way powerhouse can be a tie.”

The Young Master of Qingcheng kept scanning the crowd, and when he saw the powerhouse, he would introduce him.

“Xiao Haotian!?” Chu Yan raised his head, his eyes flickering slightly.

This Xiao Haotian was the one mentioned specifically when Bowang and King Ming introduced historical materials.

This person was extremely ordinary before his rise, but then he rose like a star, even surpassing Wan Rongtian and Wu, Zhou, Emperor Yuwen and the others, breaking through to the God Realm.

Brother Xiao Mo, ranked in the top 30 in the later Hunyuan list, under Megatron.

At that time, the might of Emperor Yuwen, Wu, Tian and others were suppressed by him.

However, this person is rising fast and falling fast. In several decades, I don’t know why this person disappeared on the Divine Realm continent.

After that, Divine Realm Continent entered the Age of the Four Great Lords.

It seems that he sensed Chu Yan’s gaze. Xiao Haotian turned his head and looked, his gaze was bright and he grinned, Chu Yan also slightly nodded.

At this moment, in the depths of the Cave Mansion opposite, a large Profound Light aura broke out, and the entire Cave Mansion began to tremble slightly.

“Fellow Daoist, this treasure is about to be born! Please prepare defenses in advance to avoid injury!”

The purple emperor among the crowd spoke, mighty, imposing manner imposing, with an unangered and imposing manner.

“many thanks Zidi Sir reminds!”

Tiancai and Martial Artists present, many people salute him.

Chu Yan glanced at him, slightly nodded, the cultivation of heaven is the way of dominance, this person is afraid of cultivation of the way of the emperor, the two look like divine separation, each has its own strengths.

Next, everyone’s eyes were all focused on Cave Mansion.

After a long time, a tremolo sounded suddenly above the sky, as if God was plucking a string.

After that, the monstrous Profound Light broke out, just like bursting out of a little spring, gathering over the entire mountain range, pulling up the force of the tide, smashing the sky void, and releasing a terrifying voice.


When the sound of dragon blast exploded, there was a huge gap in Heaven and Earth.

The raw gems rise from the depths of Cave Mansion, soar above Nine Heavens, and point on the forehead of a natural phenomenon dragon shadow. Suddenly, endless Heavenly Might erupts.

As if the dragon god descended between Heaven and Earth, countless dragon powers and dragon breaths rolled like tides, and the raw gems on the forehead of the dragon shadow released bright rays of light, like the stars of Heaven and Earth. bright.


An astonishing power broke out, impacting on the mountain range, sending out a monstrous wave of air, some of the Taobao was exploded from the soil of the mountain range, and they were crushed on the spot by a powerful sound as soon as they rose into the air.

When a cultivator saw this scene, Divine Soul shocked and his face was full of shock.

This is definitely a top treasure of heaven defying, far beyond the level of Supreme Treasure.

At present, it is judged that this treasure of heaven defying is true, and it is fully qualified to initiate a master war.

After waiting for the hundred breaths time, the dragon shadow above the sky slowly calmed down, coiling around the sky, and all around the endless clouds enveloped, releasing a soft Profound Light.

“Do it!”

Qin Xingyun’s Divine Consciousness sound transmission sounded.

Chu Yan and Qingcheng Young Master didn’t hesitate, they both broke out aura at the same time, moved towards the sky and rushed away.

xiu xiu xiu!

At the same time, the sky-splitting sound of all directions sounded. The Young Master of Jade Book, Young Master of Baizhan, Zidi and Xiao Haotian, all rushed to the sky before all Dao Lord Realm powerhouses. Dao Shu and secret skill broke out at the same time.

Under this mighty patch of might, the sky instantly turned into a battlefield.

“Vault of Heaven One Sword!”

After a few breaths, Chu Yan locked the Yushu Young Master and appeared directly behind him, opened the mouth and said

“I heard that Sire is good at the way of will, please enlighten me!”

Jade Book Young Master looked towards Chu Yan, said with a smile “I have long discovered that your willpower is strong, absolutely out of the ordinary, even if you don’t come to me, I will also go to you, just like us Let’s have a good fight, let’s make a difference!”

After speaking, a shocking light broke out on him, and he moved towards Nine Heavens and rushed straight away.

Expert battle, the most hope is that no one will be disturbed, so after choosing an opponent, you will rise to the sky and open up a quiet battlefield alone.

Chu Yan circulates the true breath of his body, and also rises up, following closely behind.

On the other side, on the battlefield below, Qingcheng Young Master waved both hands and directly broke through the crowds, moving towards the purple emperor and rushed away.

Qin Xingyun carried the purple thin blade, but stared at Baizhan Sanren.

Except for them, the powerhouses are choosing opponents, and battles continue to erupt.

Now that the rules are being formed, they have the opportunity to use the changed Rule Power, breakthrough cultivation base realm, to achieve the invincible honor.

Although there are many opportunities like this, they are not many. Of course you should cherish them.

At the same time, with so many genius and powerhouse gathered together, it is easier than usual to find a good opponent.

These are all chances, no worse than a Supreme Treasure in the battlefield of the Lord.

“The book has its own ancient prose, and the book has its own wonderful ways!”

As soon as the Young Master of Jade Face took out his hand, it was a jade book, hua hua flipped, chanting the mantra of Sanskrit.

In an instant, a large number of Heaven and Earth mysterious appeared in all directions, coming like a tide, turning into an illusory shadow, holding a sword, moved towards Chu Yan and rushed away.

If this is really cut, it will definitely cause direct damage to the Divine Soul and will of the cultivator, and there is even the possibility of cultivation deviation.

“Demon Domain!”

Chu Yan changed suddenly in an imposing manner, and endless magical breath gushed out and turned into a wild wave, covering all directions.

Jade Book Young Master saw this scene, and the complexion changed suddenly.

“demonic cultivator!?”

At this time, he no longer has any contempt, even a trace of enthusiasm and excitement in his eyes.

Demonic path cultivators, cultivation of the way of will, absolutely are powerhouses in powerhouses.

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