
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Looking at Chu Yan’s face, the corners of his mouth twitched….


next moment, in front of the low-profile, Chu Yan energized the immortal magic arts, and the powerful demonic path pressure that burst forth instantly, swept the mountain range forward like a wave.

The dark red tide in that mountain range also burst out suddenly, releasing a powerful magical breath to collide with Chu Yan’s magical breath, exploding the mighty might, rushing into all directions.

This magical intent swept over, suddenly making Chu Yan’s magical intent stronger.

“Yes! This place is suitable for cultivation! Let’s go…”

Chu Yan nodded, with a smile on his face.

This sentence landed, Chu Yan moved towards flying forward, and not far behind him, as the tide fluctuated back and forth, the whole person was already stupid.

What’s the situation! ?

Are you Demon Sovereign of Demon Realm! ?

“Wait… Su Xiaoyou, from your cultivation technique…”

Feng Bugao woke up in shock, hurriedly ran after Chu Yan, and asked.

“I can’t tell you about this matter, it needs to be kept secret!” Chu Yan truthfully replied.

“Then do you still accept the discipline!? My cultivation base is okay, I am good at prediction…”


“Will you accept your son? I will pour tea and water…”

“Too old!”


The two were chatting, and at the same time moved towards the mountain range rushed away.

There is a piece of mountain valley in the mountain range, which stretches for 100,000 miles, which is extremely huge, but in this vast Sea Territory, it is not too big.

There are demonic path trees everywhere, Spirit Grass magic fruits everywhere, and even dead bones everywhere. Various evil spirits gather here, coiling around these dead bones.

“Well, there…”

While Chu Yan moved around his eyes, he probed all around and found an underground river in front of him, Blood Sea Overflowing Heavens, aura is amazing.

Moreover, Chu Yan could feel the amazing power in this river of blood.

“Netherworld River! The full name is Nine Seas of Blood and Underworld! Divide this divine gold land into two parts. Any cultivator can only be in this area and think about the river bank. It is impossible! Under the blood river, I don’t know how many bones there are!”

Feng Bu Gao said, then turned around and looked towards Su Yudao

“Su Fellow Daoist, your magic skills are great, but don’t go there, it’s too dangerous!”

After finishing talking, I can’t seal up and take out a wooden human path “Su Xiaoyou, you pour some of your demonic path Rule Power into this wooden human, I will use it to find the little god Xuan Jing, then it will be fast!”

Hearing this, Chu Yan didn’t hesitate to infuse the demonic path Rule Power directly. In an instant, the wooden man’s eyes lit up, and he rushed forward when he raised his feet.

“Tianji, Nine Revolutions!”

The seal is not high, both hands forming seals, jade compass body protection, a Spirit Seal appears.

“It’s over there, let’s keep up!” Said with a smile.

“It seems that your prediction technique can still hunt for treasures, it is really useful!” Chu Yan also said with a smile.

This point, Chu Yan didn’t think about it before, but now I find it is really good.

“Haha, do you want to learn!? How about the exchange between us!? Using your demonic path cultivation technique ….”

Feng Bu Gao’s eyes lit up, looking at Chu Yan expectantly.


At this moment, Chu Yan suddenly became speechless. It was not that he was unwilling, but that the Space-Time rules would definitely govern.

After all, Emperor Yuwen is still alive, unlike the later generations who have fallen, so it is impossible for Chu Yan to pass it on to another practitioner of the same era as Emperor Yuwen.

Next, the two moved towards the valley.

At this time, the Emperor Yuwen, Heisha, etc. who had just entered the Black Sea began to crossed over the scarlet sea zone, and also moved towards the depths.

Hei Sha brought a group of Purple Spirit Physiques, hit by the bloody water in the powerful black seawater, all of them were running their cultivation technique to resist.

“Everyone, my current cultivation technique has been completely perfected, let you see it today!”

Emperor Yuwen is full of magic power, with his hands on his back, within the body a hundred magic thefts are instantly opened, and the powerful demonic path rules are all opened.

In an instant, a piece of Demon Domain appeared behind him, like an illusory World, which made his aura continuously improve.

At this time, Emperor Yuwen raised his hand with a wave, a large number of demonic path rules surged, moved towards Heisha and all purple Spirit Physique swept away.

The Black Sea magic that originally surrounded the Hei Sha and them instantly retreated like a tide, as if a mouse saw a cat, panicking.

In an instant, Hei Sha and the others lightened at the same time, and they all became long and relaxed.

As for Xiang Heisha, his eyes widened at the same time, but he felt the magic of his within the body, which was rising rapidly, obviously driven by the demonic path cultivation technique of Emperor Yuwen.

“Congratulations Sir, for creating a real demonic path cultivation technique!”

“This way of heaven defying asking questions is definitely the number one on Divine Realm continent!”

“Sir is the demonic path Number One Person. It can definitely create a real demonic path. I am waiting very much!”

Everyone is praising Emperor Yuwen and admiring his demonic path cultivation technique.

“Yes! My magic work is the first truly pure demonic path method that comprehend all the magic works that exist in the world today!”

Emperor Yuwen was nodded, there was no expression of pride or pride on his face, just as if he was telling a fact.

In this brief moment, there does not seem to be any shortcomings in his body, only a trace of domineering overflows.

“This cultivation technique has completed the upper part and the lower part is still comprehend, but the current formidable power is not weak anymore. You will find out when you get there!”

Emperor Yuwen said, flying forward.

An hour later, Emperor Yu Wen and his team arrived in the valley.

Coincidentally, the area they arrived at was Chu Yan on the other side of the river, and Chu Yan was separated from Chu Yan by the Netherworld River.

“Demon Domain!”

Emperor Yuwen a light shout, and the Demon Domain behind him instantly spread, releasing a powerful magic power, covering everyone.

“This… even Netherworld River dare not fight!?”

Hei Sha and the others saw the river of blood that had rushed forward, and Aura sank instantly and retreated back to Hanoi, all of a sudden with a terrified look.

Of course they know the formidable power of Netherworld River.

Such a Netherworld River in the demonic path Holy Land, it is definitely a river of extreme demons, and it is not something that ordinary demonic path practitioners can bear.

Of course, in Yuwen Emperor’s place, all the previous demonic path repairers were called pseudo demonic path by Yuwen Emperor. They were not purely quenched, so they were shocked in the land of extreme magic.

Now, when they saw Netherworld River’s reaction to Emperor Yuwen, everyone couldn’t believe it.

What Yuwenhuang said turned out to be true!

Could it be that his magic power is the real demonic path to ask questions! ?

Yuwenhuang can really open up a demonic path World, side by side with the original World! ?

At this moment, the Martial Dao concept formed in countless years made Heisha unacceptable for a while, and it was too powerful.

If this is to wait for Emperor Yuwen to create the lower part, what kind of cultivation technique would it be! ?

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