
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Emperor Yuwen was very satisfied with the shocked expressions of his subordinates.

But his face and heart are still calm and indifferent, not at all, there are any fluctuations, but he thinks everything should be.

“That’s it, don’t be stunned, and look for it, I want to complete the lower part as soon as possible!”

Hei Sha and the others heard it, suddenly reacted, and all accepted the order.

Next, I took out some treasures, started all around and searched for them, moving extremely fast.

Time is passing….

Chu Yan and Feng Bugao are looking for it, as are the Yuwenhuang group on the opposite side.

None of them expected that the previous life and this life would meet again under such circumstances, separated by a Netherworld River that cannot be crossed over.

About three hours later, one of the Purple Spirit Physiques carried by the Emperor Yuwen, a Purple Spirit Physique found out, and began to hear Divine Consciousness, taking the Emperor Yuwen and the others over.

“This…is the great magic marrow!?”

Emperor Yuwen stood there, looking at the grass in front of a small black tree growing up half a person, his face was full of excitement.

How to make Yuwenhuang, who is known for his calmness, produce emotional fluctuations, this treasure is naturally not simple.

In front of the little black tree, there is a small pool of ice crystal and jade like a marrow. The deep water is like chalcedony and slightly golden, and the black magic breath flows in it, like a dragon swimming in it.

The eyes of the breath of the dark dragon are blood red, and the aura released is amazing, there are more than thirty times under the count.

These are exactly what Yuwen Emperor is looking for…the great magic essence!

Among these great magic marrows, there are amazing magical intent, and it is extremely pure magical intent, which is what Yuwen Huang has been pursuing.

Moreover, it is not only that, it also has a bigger effect.

As long as it is a demonic path repairer, it can quickly enter the sudden enlightenment state of demonic path cultivation. This effect can almost be said to be heaven defying, and it is not exaggerated.

Especially for the current Emperor Yuwen, that is the most important thing.

Although he had just performed extremely powerful magic powers, which seemed to shock his subordinates, he knew very well that he had no nodded clues about how to move the lower part of this cultivation technique.

Eternal God and Demon Art!

The upper part is immortal, and what is the lower part! ?

The ordinary method of asking the Tao, even if it is the cream of the crop, it only sets the ultimate goal of the method of asking the Tao to be immortal Constant Antiquity, but Yu Wenhuang is different, his goal is not just immortality .

Because of this, this is a road that no one has ever walked. It made him a little confused, and he didn’t think of a clue for the time being.

This is also the case, so he urgently needs the great magic essence, and hope this treasure can bring him inspiration and sudden enlightenment.

As long as the direction is determined, the next thing will be much easier with his genius.

“You protect the road for me!”

Emperor Yuwen didn’t hesitate to make up his mind. After giving the order, he began to sit on the ground and start cultivation.

Hei Sha and the others immediately scattered all around, fully guarded, the eyes of those Purple Spirit Physique, from time to time swept over Yuwen Emperor.

They are extremely jealous of Yuwenhuang. This invincible Peak cultivation base is listed as genius on the 3rd place in the Heaven Ranking 3rd. I am afraid that Genius is completely relying on himself to create a heaven defying cultivation technique.

So, they want to know what the Emperor Yuwen relies on.

Emperor Yuwen naturally noticed these probing gazes, but he didn’t care about it.

It’s just that, taking this opportunity today, let these purple Spirit Physiques be completely devoted to them and use them for themselves in the future.

“Eternal God and Magic Technique!”

“Dadao Magic Sky!”

“The demons are immortal!”

“The body of the nine demons!”

Emperor Yuwen kept shouted, his power within the body was exploding, and at the same time, under the operation of the upper magic power, the magic intent on his body continued to rise like spring water.

Under all kinds of huge magical intentions, headed by the central magical power, the other demonic path will distributed all around.

In an instant, the terrifying power of Emperor Yuwen was fully displayed. He divided a part of the magical intent and began to refining the great magical essence in deep water. The whole body was like a black hole, swallowing these magical intents, and merged with himself within the body.

At this moment, the powerful fluctuations spread out like a tide, sweeping all around Heaven and Earth.

“This…so strong!?”

“Someone can refining the great magic marrow!?”

When the Purple Spirit Physique saw this scene, they were all shocked by Spirit Physique, and they couldn’t believe it.

For these things performed by the Emperor Yuwen, the Purple Spirit Physiques don’t know the difference between these cultivation techniques, but they know that if you replace them with any of them, you can’t even do 10% of the Emperor Yuwen. .

Yuwenhuang is very powerful!

It will be even stronger in the future, this is inevitable!

And they themselves, who dare to say that they will become stronger in the future! ?

“demonic path…will be Xing!”

Their hearts began to become excited and boiling. As demonic path creatures, there will really be a Demon Realm, which is even more beautiful than the world that makes them feel uncomfortable forever! ?

The target and the World that Yu Wenhuang mentioned before still have some doubts for them.

But at this moment, they began to believe and believed in their hearts.

Because no one has ever been able to do it, the things Yuwen Huang is doing now are definitely the first since the demonic path.

At this moment, the doubts in their hearts melted like ice and snow, and their gazes looking towards Emperor Yuwen were undergoing tremendous changes.


When Emperor Yuwen steps into the realm of the Lord, this World will definitely be different!


At this time, on the other side of the Netherworld River.

“Found it!”

Feng Bu Gao shouted in surprise, his face full of joy.

“very good, then hurry up…yi!?”

Chu Yan rushed over before finishing a sentence, so he was just stunned.

In the void ahead, there was an extremely familiar wave of magical intent.

“Su Fellow Daoist, it seems that there is a powerful demonic cultivator over there, leave them alone, let’s hurry!” Feng Bugao also turned his head and glanced, urging.

This place is the cultivation Holy Land of the demonic path. It is normal for someone to come here to look for opportunities.

Furthermore, the other party can’t make it through the Netherworld River, and they can’t make it. Even if they want to get to know each other, it’s impossible.


Chu Yan nodded, don’t care.

The two turned into streamers, moved towards the front and flew quickly, chasing the wooden man.

Soon, before the two came to a mountain wall, there was a cave, and a faint blood of red aura overflowed from it, as if there was some powerful force in it.

Brows slightly wrinkle, he felt through the wooden man that there are several powerful auras in this cave, which made him feel dangerous instinctively.

If it is placed before, he will absolutely turn around and run away, never approaching.

But now, things are different.


Chu Yan body flashed and rushed directly into the cave without any hesitation, and if the seal was not high, he also followed closely from behind, agreeing without hesitation.

The two of them, one after the other, rushed deep into the cave.

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