
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

In the Bailing Tower, Lou Ling stood in front of Chu Yan and Feng Bugao, walking with them while slowly introducing them

“If the compensation goes through layer by layer, of course the gain will be the greatest!”

“Okay, now the introduction is almost the same, the next step is up to you! I wish you all success!”

After Lou Ling said this, his whole body shattered and scattered like stars all around the void.

“Didn’t expect, Bailinglou actually exists like this! I thought it was a heritage or something.”

Feng Bugao has been in shock since hearing the words “On behalf of the sky”, and was unable to return to normal everywhere.

“Don’t think about it, whether it’s Heavenly Dao chance or something else, it’s the same for us, let’s start with 1st Layer!”

Chu Yan is the technique of cultivation prediction. Naturally, he doesn’t care about Heavenly Dao’s chances. He is more concerned about the improvement of strength.

Since you have come in, please cultivation.

“You are right! I think too much!” Feng Bu Gao glanced at Chu Yan, slowly nodded.

Then ran the cultivation technique in the same way, and began to refining the breath of in the sky.

The two one after the other, at the same time rushed forward to the refinement place.

A few 10 breaths later, when the two reached the 1st Layer Land of Trial, they were shocked.

all around it was peaceful, still beautiful mountains and rivers, where there was the tension and killing of the battlefield and Land of Trial.

“Su Fellow Daoist, is this Lou Ling Senior mistaken, or is there any detail that I didn’t tell us? You see there is a demon…”


He didn’t wait for Feng Gao to finish speaking, suddenly his body trembled suddenly, his pupils shrank into needles, and the sense of crisis in his heart surged like a tide.

Looking up suddenly, I saw that on the distant horizon, a mountain peak began to rumble up, and it continued to rise above the horizon.

It was an extremely huge beast head, with a pair of eyes opened, as if two rainbows and suns in the sky appeared at the same time, looking straight towards Chu Yan and Feng Gao.


The roaring heaven shaking earth shattering, the Monster Beast, which is a hundred times as tall as a mountain, roars, and the whole World is shaking.

The huge pressure actually formed a tide, which poured down from the sky like a waterfall, and swept all directions like a flood world destroying.

This Monster Beast definitely has the strength of invincible Peak!

“One end…Monster Beast!?”

Feng Bugao looked up at this Monster Beast with a casual look.

Large is relatively large. After standing up, it will cover the sky and the sun like a dark cloud, but no matter how big it is, it is just a Monster Beast of invincible Peak.

Be aware that once the Supreme cultivation base is above, Monster Beast’s battle strength of the same rank is much worse than Martial Artist.

That’s because before the Supreme Realm, the Fleshy body was basically the main focus, but after the Supreme Realm, Martial Dao was mainly the Will and Divine Soul.

In this respect, Monster Beast and human Martial Artist naturally have an Innate gap.

So, this is why the Divine Realm continent has always been controlled by humans, rather than the larger number of Monster Beasts. It is estimated that this is also one of the Heavenly Dao rules.

However, after the unqualified sentence was finished, an amazing scene appeared.

I saw the void above the sky, and began to tremble violently. Big monsters of various shapes constantly stood out from the giant Monster Beast within the body.

In an instant, there were a hundred heads standing in a row.

Each head is above invincible, most of them are Peak, only a few are Great Accomplishment cultivation base.

“Is this… special!”

His face that was not sealed up turned pale instantly, and his eyes trembled.

This crow’s mouth is too ominous.

“Let you say more…”

Chu Yan also had a dark face, turned his head and glanced at the seal, and then burst out in an imposing manner, moved towards the front and rushed forward.

“Big…big brother, wait for me!”

Feng Bu Gao looked at the edge of the earth ahead, the huge silhouette that stood up like a mountain range, suddenly screamed in horror, and hurriedly chased Chu Yan.

The cultivation base and battle strength of the two of them are not weak. The peak cultivation base is still invincible, but this is a hundred monster beasts of the same level.

It’s not something they can deal with at all, there is still a bit of life following Chu Yan, as long as this is separated, I am afraid that this group of Monster Beast will be torn into scum in an instant.

roar roar roar ….!

The roar of Monster Beast, heaven shaking earth shattering, and Vault of Heaven.

Among the hundreds of Monster Beasts, a group of poultry Monster Beasts moved first, their wings spread out like two dark clouds, and they rushed out at a distance of 10,000 li, and they were in front of Chu Yan and Feng Gao in an instant.

“Demon Domain!”

Chu Yan drank, the magic breath behind him was like a tide, and a World illusory shadow appeared behind him, constantly from virtual became real.

At the moment when the huge Demon Domain World turns into reality, a large amount of magical intent gushes out, poured into Chu Yan within the body, condensed into a fist gang, and banged when raised.

“Xuanxuan Bailu Blade!”

Fengbu Expert is a jade sword, the blade is only a palm length, but the Blade Qi spit out under his True Qi infusion has the length of a normal sword.

bang bang bang !

The battle broke out directly, and the tide of power between Heaven and Earth surged.

Time goes by. It took Feng Bugao and Chu Yan three hours to break out of the encirclement of the big demon, throw them far away, and hide in an endless mountain range. .

Big size has advantages, and small size also has advantages. Just like Chu Yan and Feng Bu Gao, they disappeared above the mountain range instantly. Less than a certain distance, you can’t feel their aura at all.

This time just rushed out of the encirclement, which cost them a lot.

However, the two of them are considered good luck. Feng Bugao knows that Chu Yan is strong, following behind, one rushing in the front, and the other after breaking. After the two cooperated, they just suffered some trauma.

“This Lou Ling is just talking, what Lilian, this is meant to kill us!”

Feng Bugao waved half of his arm, while devouring spirit medicine to recover, while drinking.

“The seal is not high, you are also invincible Peak, can’t you see it!?” Chu Yan’s face was dark, and he quickly stopped.

Where is this? This is Bailing Tower!

As Lou Ling, the god of this world, even if you sneez, the other person will know instantly.

Swearing like Feng Gao has serious consequences.

Chu Yan has just suffered from the loss of the Heaven Ranking spirit, so of course you have to be more careful.

“haha, let me just say it, Lou Ling Senior great kindness and virtue, giving us such a good trial, it’s so worthy!”

Feng Bu Gao just froze for a while, and then said loudly with a smile, the flattery skill made Chu Yan amazed.

“Su Fellow Daoist, where is this chance!? If we don’t find it, we’ll be over! Forget it, let me try…”

Feng Bu Gao raised his hand, took out the jade compass, and started to predict directly.


With less than 3 breaths, I feel that the seal is not high and I raise my finger in one direction.

“Wait a while, resume first…” Chu Yan nodded.


hundred breaths, the two of them recovered from 70 to 80% of their injuries, and they rose up, moved towards and flew away in the direction of the guide.

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