blade light sword shadow, the mighty power is like a tide, resounding through the heaven and earth void.

One hour of the fight, Chu Yan and Chu Yan broke through the blood tree restriction without any damage.

“What is this!?”

On the top of the tree, there is a small finger-like blood red fruit. If you don’t look closely, you won’t find it.

This fruit does not have any aura fluctuations, it looks like a wild fruit that is not ordinary.

However, such a powerful blood tree restriction will produce an ordinary wild fruit! ?

The fruit is like a strawberry, the surface is full of grains, with a crystal clear feeling that makes people salivate, but when Divine Consciousness swept past, it was instantly crushed by a powerful air machine, and it was impossible to detect the fruit.

Such a big blood tree bears such a small fruit, it is so tight to see that it won’t make people look at it.

But, is it useful! ?

“This seems to be… Nine Profound Fruit!”

Feng Bugao stared at him for a long time, helplessly said

“Su Fellow Daoist, just a nine profound fruit, I am totally sorry for our life and death battle this way, it’s not worthwhile!”

When I said this, I was not high enough and cursed the hero in my heart.

Stop personnel!

“The function of this fruit is to allow some powerful Monster Beasts to have the opportunity to become your beast pet! It will not help any improvement in strength!”

“Simply put it simply, it’s just a beast fruit!”

When I heard this, Chu Yan was startled. He didn’t expect to encounter such heavenly materials and earthly treasures here.

This is a bit hard to understand!

“Does this Bailing Tower still allow Monster Beast to come in!? It’s wrong, unreasonable, it should improve Monster Beast’s cultivation base, and it doesn’t help! The ultimate beneficiary is the human practitioner! The effect is to surrender…Monster Beast !?”

Under the sudden startled, a spiritual light flashed in the Chu Yan Sea of ​​Consciousness, and the eyes lit up instantly.


Next, Chu Yan joined forces and continued to explore.

Time goes by, and one year has passed in a blink of an eye….

In the mighty Bailing Tower, Chu Yan and Feng Bugao teamed up to kill endless Monster Beasts, most of which are invincible Peak.

Of course, the two of them also found out the benefits Lou Ling said.

What Chu Yan got was a Monster Beast within the body of the Sword Dao method. The formidable power is definitely extremely strong in the powerhouse of the God Realm.

The two Dao Artifacts that Feng Baogao got, and some predicted Magical Artifacts, made his prediction method start to improve.

The prediction method of Divine Realm continent, cultivation is several times more difficult than Martial Dao.

If Chu Yan cultivation is the way of heaven defying in Martial Dao, then the forecasting technique of not being high is the way of heaven defying itself, so naturally it will not be easy.

So, after I got these gains this time, I was smiling and praising Lou Ling constantly.

Beginning the second year, Chu Yan and Feng Bugao found the entrance to the next area and left the 1st Layer.

After arriving in the new area, there are all kinds of puppets and creatures. There are monsters and Spirit Physiques. Although the cultivation base is not comparable to the Monster Beast of the 1st Layer, the methods and battle strength are Exceeded a whole lot.

The battle at this time was even more fierce, and the danger was obviously increased several times.

After all, it’s on the first floor, that is, meet force with force, just to prevent the fleshy body from trauma, but on this floor, those Spirit Physiques have any means, and there are even some special formations. Chu Yan and the two came over and quickly began to line up.

However, the strengths of Chu Yan and Feng Bugao are constantly improving. Although there are dangers in various battles, they finally persisted.

Chu Yan’s cultivation base breakthrough has reached the invincible realm of Great Accomplishment, and the unsealed cultivation base is also improving.

After half a year, the two enter the next level….

At this level, Feng Bu Gao got the most important treasure in his life…Tian Xuan Lu!

This book is a Heaven and Earth Source Supreme Treasure, which contains infinite mystery and magic. It completely overlaps the unsealed Tao, and seems to be born for him.

Compared with Chu Yan, the benefits are much smaller, and he got a pool of Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Liquid.

This Heaven and Earth mysterious yellow liquid is specifically aimed at the heavenly materials earthly treasures of the invincible powerhouse. It not only improves the cultivation base, but also improves the power of the Divine Soul and fleshy body, which is of great help to the breakthrough gods.

Chu Yan is also quite satisfied with this harvest. The heavenly materials and earthly treasures are like an upgraded version of the imperial stone. The key is the amount of scary.

For him now, there is no chance, it is more suitable for him than this.

Now the immortal gods and magic skills on one side cannot be integrated with the other ways of asking the Tao to generate new power. That’s where Chu Yan’s real battle strength lies.

At the same time, he needs to create his own Dao, which must be completed before the God Realm. This is the same as Yuwenhuang, including Wu, Tian and Wan Rongtian. Before the breakthrough of the God Realm, he completes his own Dao. .

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