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Even Chu Yan was shocked at this time, as if facing a terrifying monster in the Bailing Tower.

This turned out to be the bloodline power of the Extreme Yang clan, which directly aroused the demon vein.

It is said that this Extreme Yang clan was conceived by Heaven and Earth. At that time, there were nine suns in the sky. By chance, a mortal swallowed a sun’s essence and gave birth to the Fire God bloodline, and the name of the Extreme Yang clan It also comes from this.

Nine suns and eight Fire Gods have fallen to create this Divine Realm continent, otherwise the continent would not be able to give birth to life.

Among the eight fallen Fire Gods, the remaining eight are all transformed into some kind of Secret Realm or treasure land, and only one of them transformed into a bloodline of a certain family before evolving, and has been passed down to this day.

In the Fire God bloodline, although 90% of the bloodline was lost at that time, only the remaining one became the bloodline of the Extreme Yang clan, but even this one was terrifying.

Otherwise, mortal can’t bear more.

The clansman in the Extreme Yang clan has been an Innate Fire Body since birth. He is extremely fierce and powerful. They are all the Extreme Yang cultivation techniques of cultivation. In conjunction with the Innate Fire Body, they are said to be able to cultivate the Divine Realm continent. The top ten Saint Physique is comparable to the strong Great Realm.

And Extreme Yang Crown Prince, is the strongest of Innate Fire Body among hundreds of descendants of patriarch, so it became Young Patriarch.

This point also makes powerhouses of other forces on the Divine Realm continent extremely envious.

Because Martial Dao cultivation is the way of heaven defying, powerhouse wants to give birth to offspring, as the cultivation base increases, it will become more and more difficult.

A general powerhouse has one or two offspring, which is already rare, but this Extreme Yang clan is almost free from this limitation, and on the contrary is much stronger than the fertility of an ordinary person.

So, every Young Patriarch and patriarch of the Extreme Yang clan are selected from a large number of successors. Only the strongest can become the Young Patriarch and have the qualification to inherit the patriarch.

The Young Patriarch Position is not fixed, other successors can be challenged at any time, as long as they can be overcome, they can be replaced.

Therefore, in the entire Extreme Yang clan, military force and Life and Death Battle are highly advocated.

“Nine types of Tianyang!”

Extreme Yang Crown Prince began to display the law of the town clan, summoning a Fire God, and at the same time commanding the Fire God, he waved the Kaitian giant axe moved towards Chu Yan directly.

When the axe fell, the void was instantly split into two, and even the exposed chaotic Space-Time was burned by the blazing sun, instantly turning into a fire sea.

Chu Yan sees this scene, complexion slightly changed.

Didn’t expect the second generation of Wu in the Great Ancient Era, unlike later generations who are all second generation ancestors, but their battle strength is not weak.

Qin Xingyun was like this before, and so is this Extreme Yang Crown Prince. It seems that Great Ancient Era, as Martial Dao’s Peak era, is really strong.

The sword of will in Chu Yan’s hand exploded, instantly turning into a wave of will, moved towards the opposite side.

Extreme Yang Crown Prince this move, the axe’s might is just an illusion. The real power is the wave of flames. If you block his axe, it will definitely be burned by the flame on the axe.

So the best countermeasure is to also collide head-on with the tide of will.

bang! bang!

zi zi sounded, and when the two collided, the flame burned the cloud of will, and the sound made the temperature of Heaven and Earth soar.

“ha ha ha, my true yang pole can burn everything in the world, including your will and Divine Soul!”

Extreme Yang Crown Prince laughed wildly, didn’t expect to confront him head-on.

“It seems that I can get to more than 300 people in the Heaven Ranking, and I still have some strength!” Chu Yan thought nodded.

The strength of the will is restrained, and dozens of ways to ask questions such as the law of warfare are operating at the same time, and all the imposing manners are constantly improving in an instant, extremely mighty.

“One Sword Art!”

Chu Yan has a sword in his hand, and dozens of Dao-inquiring methods are integrated and operated, and various Dao skills are swallowed completely in the void of Heaven and Earth.

In Bailinglou, Chu Yan this move has been cultivation to be extremely proficient, and the formidable power is stronger when it is displayed at this time.

“What!? So many ways to ask the Tao!? You…you are the way of heaven defying!?”

When Extreme Yang Crown Prince saw this scene, he suddenly reacted. Originally, he just thought that the other party was the same as Qin Xingyun and Qingcheng Young Master, just an extraordinary way.

He is also the genius of the transcendent way, and he is not afraid at all, but now, the other party is actually a heaven defying way! ?

At this time, he only felt the pressure skyrocketing, and his face visibly sank.

“Nine types of Tianyang, true!”

“Nine types of Tianyang, absolutely!”

“Nine types of Tianyang, burn!”

“Nine types of Tianyang, angry!”


The method of asking questions one after another is constantly being operated by him. No matter what realm it is from the cultivation, all of them are ignored at this time. The Extreme Yang Crown Prince now only thinks about it, he wants to talk to this rarely Seen heaven defying Taoist practitioners, put it all together.

Various Fire God true body illusory shadows, constantly appearing behind the Extreme Yang Crown Prince, some holding Fire Sword, some holding fire whips, etc., but all the flames of Divine Weapon are directed to Chu Yan .

Chu Yan under the gaze of the gods, his whole body aura is like a tide, and the War God law code is running. His war power is not suppressed at all, but continues to skyrocket, just like a Heaven and Earth War God, with various ways of asking questions. When displayed, all the flames in the sky were shattered.

“Very good, very good!”

Extreme Yang Crown Prince applauded, but his face became more solemn.

“Seventh Style, extremely!”

A burst of Willpower surged, and the power of the rules rushed out. Six Fire God true bodies broke out at the same time, and their figure doubled. Under the joint of the six flame Divine Weapon, they moved towards Chu Yan and swung down fiercely. .

Chu Yan instantly felt the powerful force fall, and the fire power brought by the six flames Divine Weapon almost reached the extreme, and there was nothing else in the entire void except the blazing sun.

“Su Yu, be careful!”

Qin Xingyun yelled in the distance, his face full of worry.

“Demon Domain!”

At the moment of crisis, the magical intent of Chu Yan within the body broke out. The imposing manner of the whole person changed in an instant, and the endless magical aura surged, as if Heaven and Earth were instantly enveloped by Demon Domain.

Chu Yan’s other ways of asking questions were completely eclipsed in front of Demon Domain.

xiu xiu xiu!

Endless magical intent, condensed into a tall demon-sovereign body, descended behind Chu Yan, directly protecting Chu Yan.

Boom… Rumble!

The moment the Demon Lord appeared, the sky trembled.

“What! Blocked!?”

“He…who is he!? There is such a powerful demonic path cultivation base!?”

The group of powerhouses who were trembling by the seal, saw this scene, all of them were dumbfounded, and their faces were full of disbelief.

“Didn’t expect, he turned out to be a demonic path repairer! This…”

The Divine Soul of the Extreme Yang Crown Prince kept shaking. At this moment, he realized that it was not only that he had hidden the battle strength, but that the opponent had truly and completely hidden the battle strength.

“The Way of Extreme Yang, Kai! Nine Forms in One!”

By now, it is absolutely time to desperately, if this move is not achieved, there must be results.

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