
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

The Extreme Yang Crown Prince roared and shook the sky, and the whole person turned into a cluster of meteors, rising into the sky.

Countless dark Golden Flames follow, like a Fire Bird pulling a long tail flame, carrying Heaven and Earth Might, sweeping across the sky.

“Demon Domain’s Gang!”

Chu Yan raised his hand punched out in the black flames in his eyes.

Various Heaven and Earth rules turned into tides, poured his within the body, condensed on the fist, and blasted directly.


As the same Primal Chaos Domain exploded, endless black light collapsed.

Baobao and the others, including the subordinates of Extreme Yang Crown Prince, were all stunned and unbelievable.

“Watch out!”

Suddenly, Qin Xingyun noticed something and hurriedly reminded him.

“God and Devil Blade Flame Sky!”

Among the tumbling fire sea in the sky, a wave splits the fire sea and divides the fire sea into two, pulling out a long line of fire, and cutting it straight to Chu Yan below.

Wherever I pass, all the flames in the sky merge into the sword body like ten thousand rivers.


The loud noise exploded, and the waves were like waves, rolling all directions.


Extreme Yang Crown Prince looked ecstatic, but soon, the smile on his face gradually solidified.

I saw the black vortex of Chu Yan appearing on Monday, swallowing all the flames, leaving nothing behind.

He integrated the nine-style sword of Tianyang, which was completely blocked, and there was no wave of waves.

Chu Yan’s eyes, with a touch of black light, just looked at the Extreme Yang Crown Prince below, with a calm expression on his face.


The Divine Soul of Extreme Yang Crown Prince was shocked by Chu Yan’s glance.

An unprecedented sense of horror rose from his heart and swept through all directions, giving him a strong sense of crisis within the body.

“Demon Domain!”

I saw that a cloud of spirit suddenly appeared above the sky, rushing like a sea, and a powerful force poured down from the sea of ​​clouds, directly covering Chu Yan’s body.

Next moment, Chu Yan only felt an incomparably pure energy pouring into within the body, all consumption was restored instantly, and the cultivation base was improving, and it soon approached bottleneck.

This…. It’s about to break through! ?

“Mixed with Heaven Ranking Su Yu, defeated the Extreme Yang Crown Prince, and raised from 100 to 304, with a slight reward to prove Martial Dao!”

Mixed with the voice of the Heaven Ranking’s spirits, it resounds through the sky.

“Congratulations Su Fellow Daoist!”

Extreme Yang Crown Prince and the others, they all bow their hands.

“Damn! I knew I would fight with Extreme Yang Young Master, and there is this good thing!” Feng Bugao suddenly turned black.

I hit seven one by one here, and that kid hit one by one, he still has rewards and can improve! ?

This seems to be my own dirty work, this is not right… I just came out of Bailing Tower, it was when I became famous, why I always feel wrong ah! ?

“This is over, let’s leave!”

Chu Yan not at all cares too much about the Heaven Ranking, after all, I am not really Su Yu, and I don’t care about it.

After that, the four of them exchanged greetings with Extreme Yang Crown Prince for a while, and they both left in a convenient way.

Martial Artist World is the case. Powerhouse is naturally respected. As long as you are convinced, everything is easy to talk about.


Extreme Yang Crown Prince watched Chu Yan prepare to leave, suddenly opened the mouth and said.

“What are you doing!?” Qin Xingyun stared at him very uncomfortably. After all, after being trapped for so long, he couldn’t fight before and could only bear it. Now that he wins, Qin Xingyun will bear him.

“Su Fellow Daoist, although you lose this time, it does not mean that you really won!”

Extreme Yang Crown Prince said with a smile.

As soon as I said this, a few streams of light suddenly burst from the edge of the sky, imposing manner like a rainbow rushing through the sun, and immediately rushed here.

These silhouette auras are all invincible Peak, extremely powerful.

“Extreme Yang Crown Prince, how is it!?”

The five silhouettes fell, glanced at the four of Chu Yan, and asked.


After a Divine Consciousness sound transmission, the Extreme Yang Crown Prince all looked towards Chu Yan with a smile, and said

“Su Yu, now we have eleven people, seven invincible Peak, can you still carry it!?”

Qin Xingyun’s face changed when he heard this.

“Extreme Yang Crown Prince, don’t you lose your face!?”

Although in the previous battle, she saw Chu Yan and Feng Bu Gao, both of whom had amazing battle strengths, but there were five invincible Peaks on the opposite side. Such battle strengths were simply not something they could deal with.

If you really do this, you will definitely lose!

“Su Fellow Daoist, these are seven invincible peaks, even if you kill me, I can’t hold it!”

Feng Bugao’s face is green. Just now, one of them dealt with seven people, and only three of them were Peak invincible. He suffered several times and he was sore.

“It’s okay!” Chu Yan smiled softly.

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