The guessing demon daoist finally appeared, but when he said this, his hole cards were real, as if he was not the same as Chu Yan… sneaky.

Chu Yan was stunned and turned his head to look. Sure enough, he saw a daoist in a dark red long robe, wearing a mask and appearing in the void, staring at him and Feng Bu Gao.

Has been discovered? !

Chu Yan was a little surprised. His pupil technique could not be brought with him because of the fleshy body, but the secret skill of hiding in secret is absolutely not bad.

All this was discovered by the magic daoist! ?

Furthermore, the three people from the lower Soul Luotian were taken aback. At the same time, they got up and looked towards Chu Yan with a guarded face. Obviously, none of the three people found it, only the demon daoist.

“Su Fellow Daoist, run away… right!? These four hands are all black, this wilderness…” Feng Bugao’s face turned pale.


Chu Yan has a look of disgust, and I don’t even bother to look at him, the wilderness…you didn’t lead the way! ?

“Everyone, my two are pursuing a natural phenomenon. At this point, I didn’t expect that you have already occupied it. I will not bother you anymore. Let’s say goodbye!”

With a few words of politeness, Chu Yan is also ready to withdraw.

In such a situation, it is not worthwhile at all. Let’s find another Life and Death Battle opponent.

“en!? A Great Accomplishment, a Peak!?”

The Sky Eye of Falling Soul is light flashed, and the voice is like iron.

“Aura is average, not too strong!” Zhan Wuji said.

“It’s boring!” The crazy Taoist shook the head.

“You two want to go now!? Did I let you go!? I don’t want to be leaked by you when I am waiting!”

Luohuntian said casually, “In addition, if you even spy on us, then you have to pay a price, let you know, powerhouse can’t be spied casually!”

“The two of you, hand over all the Jade Talisman treasure and let you make a living!”

His face changed in an instant, “You dream!”

Don’t say anything else, the jade compass that is not high is the original Daobao, and just got Baixuanlu, that is his lifeblood, even if he dies, he will be impossible to hand over.

“Oh!? It’s kind of kind!” The magic daoist suddenly laughed.

“Yes! In this case, Interesting!” Soul Luotian’s face showed a grin, and his eyes flickered.

In an instant, Chu Yan complexion slightly changed, grabbing the seal, and directly using the sword of Vault of Heaven, moved towards the distance.


Almost the moment they left where they were, a black air wave exploded and annihilated the grass where they were.

“Fuck, so overcast!?”

The eyes are straight when the seal is not high, and the body is covered in cold sweat. If it is later, the consequences…

These people on the Heaven Ranking are not only amazing in battle strength, but also because you can’t guard against it. Fortunately, Chu Yan feels it, otherwise the two will be bad luck.


Luohuntian complexion slightly changed, and looked towards Chu Yan curiously.

Not only him, Zhan Wuji and Mad Demons both looked up, and the eyes of all four were different.


Chu Yan didn’t stay a bit, Vault of Heaven used a sword to the extreme, and the whole figure was a sword light, which traveled through the sky like a meteor.

“Hurry up… Hurry up, hurry up!”

Feng Bu Gao’s face twitched, turning a path of True Qi into a wave of air, and rushing to the rear to help accelerate.

“September Universe!”

With an anxious face, he took out a piece of Jade Talisman, crushed it directly, and immediately rushed out to wrap Chu Yan’s body.

“en! Wind attribute!?” Chu Yan looked surprised.

He didn’t expect that there is such a good thing as this is not high. It is extremely difficult for attributes other than Five Elements to be sealed in Jade Talisman.

The key is that the effect is quite good. Chu Yan only feels the strong wind blowing all around in the sky, which instantly doubles his speed.

“Look at you!” Chu Yan said with a smile.

“ha ha ha, don’t worry, Su Fellow Daoist, my hands are a bit stinky this time, but I promise I won’t let you fall here! Don’t worry! I have a lot of means!” Feng Bugao said proudly.

“so that’s how it is ….” Chu Yan seemed to understand something.

“In other words, you know that your hands are smelly, so you bring these life-saving methods!?”

When I said this sentence, my face was dark when it was not sealed up, and I owed my mouth every day… I leaked it again!

The two followed the way they came, and moved quickly.

“The speed of these two people is okay! Then I will go take a look, you two go on!” Luohuntian said with a smile.

In an instant, several auras of the questioning method on his body exploded, the imposing manner of the whole person soared, and all kinds of auras of different colors rose into the sky, like a wave.

The key point is that there seems to be no conflict between these different ways of asking the Tao. There is obviously a sign of integration, and they cooperate very well with each other.

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