
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

With a scream, the soul fell into the sky, a sharp arrow soared into the sky.

The speed is so fast that even the entire void trembles suddenly, bursting out a series of sonic booms.

Such as a lightning, a void channel bursts out instantly and shoots straight into the distance.

“So fast!?”

Chu Yan and Feng Bugao are startled at the same time.

“Change positions, you go forward and I will break back!” Chu Yan immediately shouted.

The next breath, Chu Yan within the body, a dozen or so methods of inquiring about the Dao are running at the same time, and the imposing manner is erupting like a tide.

The devil’s breath is vast, condensed into a sword of will, and cut out directly.

The endless god and demon aura aroused the power of Demon Domain, surging all directions.

The majesty of this sword is several times stronger than before, and even the void Heaven and Earth seem to be dyed into a dark cloud.

“Alright ah!”

The soul chasing from behind fell to the sky, his eyes flashed slightly.

Immediately afterwards, his entire imposing manner continued to explode, and the speed did not decrease but increased, and it exploded again.

both hands forming seals moved towards The void in front was pressed, and the sky was suddenly full of thunder clouds, turning into three thunderbolt giants, roaring roar.

These three thunderbolt giants, holding a thunder spear, thunder knife and thunder axe, stand on the left and right and behind the soul of the sky.

The huge light of thunderbolt enveloped the soul, as if he was the god of thunderbolt.

“Heaven and Earth!”

Soul Luotian is dressed in an imposing manner Great Accomplishment, and while the speed increases rapidly, with a wave of his hand, it is the light of thousands of thunderbolt bombing out.

Within less than half a breath, Chu Yan’s fist gang was blasted into powder, and the light of thunderbolt remained unabated, and continued to attack Chu Yan and his seal was not high.

“The Heaven Ranking is really strong, and these one hundred and sixty people have such a terrifying battle strength!”

Chu Yan’s heart suddenly rolled over, like a wave pulling up the rolling battle intent.

“Demon Domain!”

Chu Yan a long whistle, the mysterious Demon Realm, slowly pulled away behind him, and the magic power released by his name soared several times.

“Devil Fury Gangtian!”

With a punch with the power of the entire Demon Domain, it blasted directly, as if the Demon God was approaching.

“What kind of magic is this!?”

The complexion changed when the soul fell into the sky, and the magical aura in my heart trembled constantly.

“Even my ten thousand heavenly demon Taoism is affected!?”

At this moment, Soul Luotian reacted, and his heart was full of surprise.

He is a demonic cultivator!

Being able to use the demonic path cultivation base to achieve such a ranking in the Mixed Heaven Ranking proves that he himself is the demonic path genius that is rarely seen.

So no one knows better than him, how powerful is the demonic path cultivation technique that Chu Yan released at this time.

This was the first time he met such a person, except for the emperor Yuwen who was more genius than him.

“I didn’t expect my chance, it turned out to be human!”

In the eyes of Soul Luotian, bloodthirsty rays of light appeared.


Extremely excited and excited!

With his innate talent and strength, if he had such a demonic path cultivation technique, he could definitely compete with Yuwenhuang for the first position in the demonic path.

Never miss it!

next moment, Soul Falling Sky made a roar that shook the sky, and the entire void Heaven and Earth roared.

“Wraith Qianyuan!”

Soul Luotian has been completely crazy, only Chu Yan in his eyes, he opened to the extreme in an imposing manner, and rushed forward.

bang! bang!

The sky-shaking anger exploded and the heavens shook.

At this moment, all kinds of Taoism on him flickered at the same time, not only the demonic path cultivation base, but also Taoism, Buddhism, etc., are all burning, and the released power is continuously poured into his own demonic path cultivation. In the base, more violent power is generated.

At this time, the soul fell into the sky, like a demon God’s Son, descending into the earth.

Chu Yan not far in front suddenly felt a powerful pressure on him.

“Su Fellow Daoist, hold on to ah!”

Feng Bu Gao also felt the pressure of fear, gritted his teeth and shouted at Chu Yan.

Immediately afterwards, he took out two pieces of Jade Talisman and pressed them towards Chu Yan, Jade Talisman exploded, two powerful masks appeared, covering Chu Yan’s body.

At the same time, he also threw an Antiquity Taobao suspended in front of Chu Yan to block the attack.

“The Sword of Devil!”

The wave of Chu Yan’s will, constantly cutting out a path of sword light, like ten thousand magic dragons, roaring out.

“Little trick!”

The soul fell into the sky, and the three auras exploded at the same time.

Boom… Rumble!

The whole void is suppressed, and the pressure skyrocketed again.

“Bring me violence!”

Feng Bugao broke out completely, and the Taoist artifact in the roar was urged to the extreme by him, releasing the rays of light like the sun, which burst open instantly.

In an instant, the void seemed to be lit with a cut, turning from black to blazing, rays of light.

“Quickly, Su Fellow Daoist, rush over!”

Blasted the clutches of suppression through a gap, and shouted anxiously.

Chu Yan is in the shape of electricity, rushing to the gap, disappearing in an instant without a trace.

“hmph! I really thought I could escape!?”

The soul fell behind, still sneered.

He has basically understood the strength of these two people, although it is a little worse than he expected, but compared to him, it is not worth mentioning.

Be aware that if the Heaven Ranking is the standard in this world, the number of practitioners who are better than him will not exceed 200 60.

On the Divine Realm continent with the number of stars, more than 200 people are too few…

“One Sword Art!”

Soul Luotian sneered, and Chu Yan also understood his strength.

All the strength and will are integrated into the sword body, and he raises his hand to cut it out.

this sword, shocking!

“Sword Demon, give me ah!” Feng Gao took out a hole card again, but it was a metal lowly me, and threw it out.

clang! clang!

The metal lowly me rises in the wind, instantly transforming into an iron man full of blades, moved towards the soul fell into the sky.

Not far away, Soul Luotian saw a sword light and an iron man, and his complexion changed suddenly.

“This sword…”

An inexplicable sense of familiarity made his Divine Soul tremble.

This guy knows the Great Dream Lord! ?

This sword light is clearly the sword of the will of the Great Dream God, and it can’t be wrong.

Just after he was stunned, Chu Yan and Feng Bu Gao joined forces to attack, and quickly fought and resisted. For the first time, he felt hesitating.

Chu Yan and Feng Bugao will certainly not miss this opportunity. The two urged the movement art to the extreme, rushing to the far master like an electric shock.

After a full half stick of incense time, the two turned their heads to look.

“yi!? Stop chasing!?”

Feng Bugao was puzzled, knowing that the soul falls to the sky obviously faster than them, if they really want to chase, they are impossible to get rid of so easily.

“Did you hit some restriction!?”

Hearing this, Chu Yan shook his head directly. The ban on the battlefield of the Lord is not weak, but he believes that the impossible strength of the soul will be blocked by the ban.

It’s just that he didn’t know what Chu Yan’s soul fell and suddenly stopped chasing after him.

It stands to reason that this genius who practices the three methods of Demon God is obviously based on the demonic path. Seeing his eternal gods and magic skills, impossible easily gave up.

“Don’t talk nonsense, go quickly, this distance is dangerous!” Chu Yan didn’t think about him, shouted to him.

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