
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

All the void scenes, like clouds and mist, spread towards the four directions.

Next, a long blood-colored jade stone road appeared in front of him, emerging in the sky, stretching out into the distance. There was blood surging on the jade stone road, as if endless blood poured into the path.

Chu Yan did not hesitate, stepped onto the cloud and stood on the path of jade stone.

However, when his body appeared on the jade stone path, a natural phenomenon suddenly appeared.

I saw that a mighty aura broke out on it, directly impacting Chu Yan’s body, causing Chu Yan to brows slightly wrinkle and Divine Soul to shake.

“This aura is very strong!”

Chu Yan restraining aura, within the body qi and blood stimulus.

At this time, Chu Yan is not the entity true body. At this time, his true body is still on the Tianyu Peak. This is just his body of will.

So, the impact of this force is not his Divine Soul true body, but his will.

“Want to suppress me!?”

The flame in Chu Yan’s eyes rose, and against the pressure aura, he took another step.

Bump peng!

There was a sudden explosion in his silhouette. In less than two breaths, his will body was shaken and he was obviously traumatized.

However, Chu Yan ignored this and continued to move forward.

This path is not long. With his current strength, it’s just a few steps away.

But when he really waited for him to go, he walked nearly a hundred steps within a distance of less than a hundred steps. In such a situation, I am afraid that even an ordinary cultivator is inferior.

However, Chu Yan did not stop or hesitate, and continued to move forward.

Ten steps, 20 steps, 100 steps…

I don’t know how long it took, when Chu Yan reached the end of the path, he just took the last step and wanted to get out of the path.

But at this moment, the power aura that had been suppressing him suddenly broke out and turned into a palace moved towards him fiercely depressed.

“get lost!”

Chu Yan shouted angrily, the silhouette was like a tide, unleashing a powerful force, and the whole body was a masterpiece of golden glow.


It seems to have crushed the entire void, this step fell, and everything fell apart.

At this time, on Tianyu Peak….

Suddenly, Li Mubing, Dameng, and Chu Yan began to shake in the powerful golden tide, rising from the top of Yunfeng.

The natural phenomenon behind the three people continues to converge, shrouded in the ten steps around the three people, as if the three fleshy bodies were sanctified.

And precisely because of this, the coercion released from the three of them also broke out at the same time.

At the beginning, this coercion was in the area of ​​the three people and did not spread, but after a few breaths, the coercion condensed to a certain degree, and when the terror reached its limit, it also broke out, moved towards all The impact left.

“Look, let’s start!”

The cultivators who were waiting, all noticed this, and their bodies instantly became tense.

bang! bang! bang!

At this time, the sound of a path of thunderbolt exploded, and the sound of thunder rolled, resounding through Heaven and Earth.

At the very beginning, the sound of Thunderbolt was at the beginning of the rainy season, and the sound of more than ten breaths exploded a, like the lightning thunderbolt, rolling away with tremolo.

But later, the sound of Thunderbolt became more and more dense, and even became Heavenly Thunder, which is beyond count.

Boom… Rumble!

At this moment, Tianyufeng began to vibrate….

Above the boundless sky, it seems as if there are golden lights gathering in the sky, turning into a spear of God, moving towards the lower realm stabs, instantly breaking the void and piercing a huge pit.

This time, everything is messed up between Heaven and Earth!

The natural phenomenon behind all the cultivators is distorted, including the three sun and moon Tonghui and the two Universe Natural phenomena, which are beginning to mess up.

The entire Heaven and Earth void is distorting, as if a natural disaster has fallen, moving towards the mortal world impacts.

“This…it’s scary!”

Everyone can feel that Divine Soul shocked and shaken by this terrifying disaster aura.

Some of the cultivation bases with low cultivation base even feel that the Sea of ​​Consciousness is unstable, as if they are about to be injured.

At the next breath, all might disappear suddenly and my mind settled down.

The signs of natural disasters have completely severed their relationship with them, as if they instantly discovered that these natural disasters were not directed at them, but were only involved.

Now that the natural disaster has found the target, he left them.

Without any hesitation at all, everyone looked up towards Tianyu Peak, all of them gaze as if a torch.

The natural disasters are naturally aimed at the repairers on the Heavenly Imperial Peak.

Next moment, under everyone’s gaze, a huge monster like a mountain appeared.

It was a Symboless Heavenly Book, which released a thousand rays of sunlight, shining the entire film of Heaven and Earth, and the endless spiritual mist rose and enveloped all directions.

The power of various rules and the mighty powers of the heavens are contained in it, making it hard to see the true nature of this book.

However, all cultivators can feel that there is infinite power in this book, even if they spend their entire lives to get a glimpse of the truth.

The Secret Book of Dao Seals…this world!

However, according to the rules of Tianyufeng, like Chu Yan and the others, the Taoist Secret Book not at all true body appeared, but stayed in the depths of Tianyufeng, and what came out now was its will Avatar.

ka cha!

All the cultivators heard the sound of a, as if the door that had been sealed for thousands of years was opening, and the first page of the Taoist secret book was opening.

This sound is very loud, followed by the normal sound of page turning, much weaker.

But under the silent void, this slight voice made everyone’s mind fiercely tremble.

The Taoist Secret Book is open!

All the cultivators looked over. They looked at the top of Tianyu Peak, a Xiaguang followed by a Xiaguang.

These rays of sunlight are shining on the sky, like a piece of garden opening, and it is like a fuzzy sea of ​​flowers World blooming.

“This…what’s the situation!?”

A cultivator asked with a dull face.

When the rays of sunlight were released and spread to every practitioner within the body, they all felt that a warm force filled their bodies.

In an instant, all kinds of perceptions and Spiritual Consciousness flashed in their Sea of ​​Consciousness.

“Chance! Heavenly secret… I feel it!”

The entire Huang Tian ancient city is boiling instantly.

Some practitioners even sit cross-legged without the slightest hesitation, trying to grasp the fleeting Spiritual Consciousness and sentiment.

This is a rare opportunity in a thousand years!

It is precious for the practitioner to have an opportunity to realize once in his life.

But now, most people, including the invincible powerhouse, can feel the Spiritual Consciousness that flashes in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, hundreds or even thousands.

As long as one of them is caught, it is a great opportunity and harvest.

“This is just the beginning. If this really arouses the Taoist Secret Realm, what a gain will it be!?”

The eyes of all the cultivators were instantly red, and they were gasping for excitement, and their nostrils were breathing rough.

On the other side of the Heaven Ranking, I saw this scene, lightly nodded with a smile and said, “I hope this time, it can really motivate Dao to seal the secret world!”

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