
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

The God of Huang Tian didn’t care about the words of the Heaven Ranking spirit, and even said with a smile a little scorned

“Brother Hun, at the very beginning, you said that only Li Mubing is needed, and all our layouts and arrangements are for him alone, right?!” p>

Mixed Heaven Ranking took a look at him, shook the head, “That was the beginning, now is different, no one didn’t expect that the two of them are not worse than Li Mubing at all, this is a good thing!”

“Maybe everything is secret, and it is not something we can predict! So, these are two different things!”

“Anyway, I will aggravate them this time, and arrange for them in the next session. Now we still follow the original plan and focus on Li Mubing!”

Speaking of this, I thought about it again, and said, “In addition, Li Mubing’s icy temperament, if only it can be changed! Do you have a good way!?”

“Of course! If you want me to say, maybe let them contact a few people, maybe it will be good!”

On the other side, above the Tianyu Peak, Chu Yan, Li Mubing and Dameng Invincible’s body of will lies.

At this time, they are all standing in front of the last step, endless void is distorting and changing, causing them the greatest impact and pressure.

At this time, in front of them, the Profound Light emitted by the jade stone path reached the Peak, and the flickering rune was faintly visible in the paving jade stone.

At the same time, above their heads, the illusory shadow of a palace became more and more real.

This is an extremely huge palace, extremely majestic, with two huge dragon pillars standing upright, as if the Green Ancient giant dragon was sealed in it.

At first glance, it seems that this palace is not at all special except for its size, but if you look closely, you will find that this palace is extremely old and contains will.

This amount of Willpower makes people feel traction and will be affected by it at any time.


Suddenly, a Guanghua flew over, flashed through the void and appeared in front of them.

“This hall is Yuanzun Hall, meaning Heaven and Earth primordial, respect Heavenly Venerate! Everyone starts here…”

The silhouette was extremely illusory, even stable, as if it would disappear instantly, but insisted on saying every word.

“Break this temple, you can get everything, if not, there will be no hope for life!”

“Any method is fine, just break the palace!”

The words fell, and his silhouette disappeared instantly, as if the starlight dissipated.

“Broken Palace!?”

Chu Yan pupil light flickered, looking up towards the majestic giant palace above, his face sinking slightly.

This great hall of Green Ancient has its own will. It is impossible to use brute force to break him.

The assessment of this fifth test, it seems that the urgent point is here. If you want to break this great hall, you must rely on innate talent and aptitude.

Chu Yan hesitated for a moment, body flashed, before reaching the palace gate.

All the power of will, turned into a giant net, moved towards the net door.

Time passed, and soon one hour passed, Chu Yan’s eyes opened instantly.

This is a palace gate that is no more ordinary. Chu Yan didn’t find any natural phenomenon at all.

To enter this palace, of course you have to enter through the palace gate, but if the palace gate does not have any mystery, how to open it! ?

If it is mysterious, with its innate talent and aptitude, it would not even be aware of it at all! ?

This is unreasonable!

“It seems, be more practical!”

Chu Yan retracted the power of will and looked up towards the palace gate.

There is a Spirit Seal rune above this gate. Chu Yan carefully identified it, and some handwriting could be vaguely seen.

These older Spirit Seal runes, Chu Yan doesn’t know what they mean, after all, after too many eras, the meaning of the words is completely different.

However, Chu Yan can see the will and the mysterious on these Spirit Seal rune, but it is sensitive.

“It looks like it is!”

Spirit Seal and rune one after another, flashing and lighting up in Chu Yan’s eyes, just like stars each and everyone lighting up.

At some point, those stars were all connected together and penetrated into his acupuncture points around his body, as if the entire sea of ​​stars had been integrated into Chu Yan’s body.

next moment, the previous mysterious sudden enlightenment reappears, as if I reintegrated with this piece of Heaven and Earth, without any obstacle.

While Chu Yan sat cross-legged and fell into the sudden enlightenment, he closed his eyes, so not at all. Seeing the Spirit Seal rune on the door of the temple, it seemed to be alive too, constantly twisting and flashing Pieces of brilliance came out and poured into Chu Yan within the body.

When a Spirit Seal rune dimmed in the end, Chu Yan finally woke up from the sudden enlightenment.

bang! bang!

At this time, Chu Yan within the body is as if a volcano is erupting, and the eternal gods and magic arts, the Eight U Profound Wilderness Scriptures and other methods of inquiring are all operating.

The powerful Willpower bursts out, dissipating all around the void, releasing various powerful auras.

The volitional body moves with the situation, and constantly displays a method of asking questions, killing intents, and aura volleys.

When all the displays are finished, an extremely mysterious aura falls, motivating those Spirit Seal runes to rush out of the gate, flying in the sky.

Looking from a distance, it looks like Chu Yan was submerged in the ocean of Spirit Seal rune.

“Intangible and tangible, with or without form and intention!”

“Mountains are visible, seas are invisible, mountains and seas are visible, sun and moon are unintentional…”

“Tao is tangible!? It is intangible again!? So it can carry thousands of things. This is the true rhyme of Tao’s secret book without words!?”

Just as these words of Chu Yan landed, the phantom silhouette of Dao Void appeared again.

“Since you have seen mysterious, then break this door and find your own way!”

The sound made Chu Yan’s eyes stagnate, like a lost soul, and as if he had got everything. It was an extremely familiar feeling.


That’s it!

The corners of Chu Yan’s mouth raised lightly, and he looked up towards the temple gate.

Time passes, a day passes quickly…..

Up to now in the 5th Layer assessment, there are only three Yunfeng, Li Mubing, Dameng invincible, and Chu Yan.

The comprehend of all other repairers is all over, and no one will cause the universe and sun and moon natural phenomenon.

At this time, the auras of the three are still ascending, extremely deep, appearing extremely dazzling in this chaotic Heaven and Earth.

All the cultivators, not at all too disappointed, but turned their heads and looked towards the three, with more expectations in their eyes.

This shows that it is about to end, and there will be results soon!

“Over there, the big dream is invincible over there!”

Some practitioners saw something and exclaimed.

This sentence is like a thunderbolt, making everyone look around.

I saw that the big dream above Yunfeng was invincible. The golden light on his body had disappeared, and it became a dark purple light, flashing on his face.


An imposing manner force rushed up from him and shot Yunxiao directly.

peng! peng!

A thunderous sound exploded, resounding in the sky, like the sound of a heavy drum.

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