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In the depths of Huang Tian Hall, a group of big men and Li Mubing are located.

“Didn’t expect this Martial Dao conference, the 5th layer turned out to be the Dao Secret Book!”

When Li Mubing heard this, his eyes flashed lightly and his face moved slightly.

For such a pale-hearted existence like him, it is a very big thing to have such fluctuations in expression.

He knows the Dao Sealing Secret Book, that in Huang Tian Hall, it is almost the existence of Supreme Treasure.

Everyone on this continent, including the highest powerhouse, has expectations for the Taoist Secret Booklet, not to mention Li Mubing.


Miscellaneous Heaven Ranking spirit said with a smile “You should have never expected that this Martial Dao conference, the Dao Seal Book will appear!?”

Li Mubing nodded and said, “I remember this secret book never appeared, any time!”

Huang Tian Lord Hearing this smile nodded and said, “Little Friend Li, there is Artifact Spirit in the Dao Sealing Secret Book, although he has been in the sealing state.”

“The Artifact Spirit of the Dao Sealing Secret Book…is sealed!?” Li Mubing asked a little surprised.

It is not surprising to him that the Taoist Secret Book has an Artifact Spirit. Most Supreme Treasures on this continent have Artifact Spirit, which is not surprising.

But he didn’t expect that Artifact Spirit was actually sealed.

The Huang Tian God looked at Li Mubing’s expression, and then said, “This matter was at the beginning of the establishment of Huang Tian Hall. It took a huge price for several Old Ancestors to find this secret booklet and become my Huang Tian Hall. Sect Protecting Treasure!”

“However, what I didn’t expect was that the Artifact Spirit in this secret book turned out to be the sealed state. Over the years, we have looked for many ways, but there is no way to break it.”

Speaking of this, he turned his head and glanced at Hun Heaven Ranking Lingdao, “I also asked Hun Ge to make a shot, but I still haven’t broken the seal!”

“The benefits of Tao’s Secret Book, you also know that anything that can motivate it and enter it can awaken the original power and create your own Tao!”

“For so many years, in order to maintain the state of the Taoist Secret Book, the heavenly materials, earthly treasures and other resources that need to be consumed every year are almost a huge amount!”

This point, Li Mubing is not surprised, slightly nodded.

Such a Supreme Treasure can be known without even thinking about it, and with the status of Huang Tian God, the amount of resources he said is probably an extremely terrifying amount.

“So now, this kind of support is already a bit heavy for my Huang Tian Hall. If we don’t change it, I am afraid we will not be able to hold it for long!”

“But the most critical point is that if the Artifact Spirit of the Taoist Secret Book is not rescued, the origin of the Supreme Treasure may be damaged. These external forces alone cannot make it run automatically. Such damage will last a long time. Now, the damage will be great!”

Hearing this, Li Mubing seemed to understand something and asked.

“In other words, the reason why the Dao Sealing Booklet was used at this time Martial Dao Conference is…”

Huang Tian heard it, said with a smile gently, “Yes! There were some changes in the secret book of Taoism half a year ago, and a few of us tried all the methods and means to understand the purpose of the secret book of Taoism.” .”

“It is looking for a chance person. If it can be found, maybe the seal of the secret book can be opened, and all the secrets in it will be opened!”


Huang Tian said this, once again opened the mouth and said “these all are our speculation, what is the actual situation, not at all accurate information, but in any case, it is a rare opportunity, because we have to wait for him I don’t know when the next change will happen.”

Next, Huang Tian, ​​the God of Heaven and the mixed Heaven Ranking Spirit and other big guys, all looked straight and looked towards Li Mubing.

“Li Mubing, would you like to try this matter!?”

Hearing these words, Li Mubing’s pupils shrank suddenly, and Divine Soul trembled slightly.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a strange feeling.

At this time, he seems to be different from his original self.

Maybe Martial Dao will be more exciting in the future!

“Senior, my chance comes from the Taoist Secret Book. There is only any way to restore him. I am willing to try my best!”

Li Mubing hesitated for a moment, then bowed his hands in salute.

“Good! Very good!”

Hearing this, the Spirit of the Heaven Ranking was overjoyed and even said two good words.

“ha ha ha, boy, according to our guess, there should be no danger, you just need to try it for us, whether the secret book is looking for chance, that’s it!”

“Since there is no problem, hurry up!” Huang Tian God is much more excited than the Heaven Ranking spirit, and urges quickly.

A group of several people, without stopping, got up and set off.

After Yizhuxiang, I entered the Forbidden Land of Huang Tian Hall.

“Dao…. Secret Book!?”

Li Mubing looked at the huge monster-like Heavenly Book in front of him, and the complexion was greatly changed.

In the valley here, a huge book is suspended in the valley. Because of its existence, the valley of 10 li seems a bit small.

The book is suspended there, and the faint aura overflows, making people feel like an incomparable Green Ancient, and the endless World is contained in it.

On the cover of the booklet, the two words “Dao Feng” are shining in gold. After watching for a long time, it seems that Divine Soul will fall into it and see two Golden Dragon games on Heaven Realm.

In addition, there are a lot of Spirit Seal rune overflowing from the booklet, fusing into all around the void, but it is not three steps away at all, but it will disappear at once, as if it can’t merge with the void at all.

“Little friend Li, it’s up to you!”

Huang Tian God’s entire body is tight, and when speaking, aura is a little unstable.


Without any hesitation, Li Mubing raised his foot and moved towards Daofeng Secret Book.

“Introverted mind, exuding will, try to contact it, and see if it is looking for opportunities!”

The Spirit of the Heaven Ranking stood aside, with a solemn expression, and also reminded him.

When Li Mubing hadn’t walked far, when he approached Dao’s secret book, the other party seemed to have a reaction. A rays of light lit up and fell directly on Li Mubing, swallowing it whole.

“Just look at this!”

The Huang Tian Lord suddenly became nervous, and the entire face was screwed together.

“If the Taoist Secret Book can meet this kid, then all the Source Power for this thousand years will be him!”

“In this way, the fifth person of God’s Domain continent will appear!”

“Not bad!”

The two Divine Souls are tight, but they obviously have a trace of anticipation, both are slightly nodded.

I hope it is there, otherwise they won’t be busy for so long.

However, there are some things they didn’t tell Li Mubing in advance, and that was the reason for the seal of the Dao Secret Book.

The Huang Tian God didn’t know at first, but after he asked the Heaven Ranking Spirit to take action, according to his investigation, the existence of this secret book is a key left by the heavenly secret to all cultivators. .

As long as this seal is broken, a new Martial Dao in the continent of Gods can be created, and this Martial Dao is the key to breaking through the cultivation base of the God Realm and reaching another realm.

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