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how many years have passed. Although the Artifact Spirit of the Taoist Secret Book is still in the seal, it is still working hard.

In addition to this, other things have been truthfully told to Li Mubing.

Now they can’t control the secret book, nor can they communicate with it.

Moreover, the power of this seal can’t even confuse the Heaven Ranking, let alone other people, only through it can break the seal.

And they also knew about the situation of the secret book through this valley.

This valley itself is also a Taoist artifact. After getting the Dao Sealing Booklet, several Old Ancestors specially used it to carry the Dao Sealing Booklet, so there is a slight connection between Two Dao Artifacts.

After all, Dao Qi and Dao Qi communicate much better than them.

As for the previous Hall Lords of the Daoqi of the Valley and the Huang Tian Church, the Recognising Master is a treasure, so through this transfer, you can know some things.

It’s just limited to this little fuzzy sense. In the specific situation, then impossible understood.

Presumably, only after waiting for the original cultivation technique of the Secret Book to be comprehend cultivated by Li Mubing, can the seal be broken.

Why do they believe that Li Mubing can become the number one in this Martial Dao conference? The source of this information is what the Dao Qi of the valley told them.

“The chances of the Dao Sealing Secret Book will appear at this Martial Dao conference!”

Now it is certain that Li Mubing is the one who has the chance, otherwise it would be impossible to get the first place.

With the support of Li Mubing, they can implement their plan. This is the most important purpose of this Martial Dao conference.

“It’s almost done! I won’t stay here anymore. When you get the results, remember to tell me the situation. I really want to know what the original cultivation technique is hidden in this secret book for so many years!”

The Spirit of the Heaven Ranking said.

Afterwards, he greeted casually and left.

“Let us old guys do work again!? This bastard…”

Huang Tian sighed, shook the head, glanced at the valley side, and sat cross-legged directly.

I can’t tell at this time!

Perhaps half a month if it is fast, or a few years if it is slow.

“Hall Lord, the outside is not peaceful. Those forces Sect seem to be aware of what they are preparing for, do you want to deal with it, or else there are too many flies and it is very annoying.”

A sky lord asked.

“en! That’s right! Let’s just make it public and tell the guys outside that the Heaven Ranking is looking for an Inheritor!”

As soon as these words came out, several lords startedled at the same time.

“Mixing Heaven Ranking …. Looking for Inheritor!?”

This surprised them a bit and didn’t understand the meaning.

“Brother Hun, he will let us work. If he doesn’t drag him into the water, he is always uncomfortable… right!?”

Huang Tian Lord looked towards several Old Partners, smiling very brightly.

“ha ha ha, a good way, when the time comes, the entire sacred domain continent is going to be lively!”

Several Lords heard this and immediately became happy.

They are all veteran and refined, and the gods continent has been mixed for countless years, and naturally understood the meaning of Huang Tian.

The current Li Mubing, even if he is recognized by the Taoist Secret Book, after all, the only cultivation base now is God King Realm. It will take a long time for him to improve his cultivation base and strength.

In this way, when the news goes out, everyone will think that Li Mubing is the default heir of the Heaven Ranking. Even if you want to move him, you have to think about mixing the Heaven Ranking.

The rank and status of this gangster, who dares to provoke the whole continent! ?

Moreover, even if the Heaven Ranking spirit sees Huang Tian’s plot against, there is no way.

After all, at this time Martial Dao conference, his appearance here is equivalent to a clumsy denial resulting in self-exposure. Even if he denies it, others can’t believe it.

This round is done!


Time passed, and a month passed in the blink of an eye.

Huang Tian Hall, Saint Martial Pavilion Twentieth Layer.

Behind the bookshelves made by various spirit jade, a faint aura surged, and old secret books were placed on it, enveloping the spirit.

There is silence in the entire pavilion.

If there is a powerhouse here, you can accurately sense that there is a faint Rule Power surging in the entire pavilion.

In the corner of the pavilion, Chu Yan sat cross-legged, blending with the entire void, and even with Rule Power that exists in the sky, without any sense of disharmony.

In this month, Chu Yan went from 1st Layer to Twentieth Layer all the way.

Chu Yan didn’t spend a long time on the top 10th floor. Basically, he scanned it again, not at all, and specifically comprehend.

After reaching the tenth floor, Chu Yan will carefully comprehend almost every secret book that suits him, or write it down in the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

After the 20th-layer, I collected 98 secret books suitable for myself from tens of thousands of secret books.

One-time comprehend, solve all 98 secret books.

Many of these secret books have commonalities and ancillary features, or conform to rules, and comprehend together, the speed will be much faster.

After the half a month was completed, Chu Yan spent the second half of the month on this Twentieth Layer.

The first sect secret book here has a power of rules.

Chu Yan’s current cultivation base is invincible Great Accomplishment. In later generations, his cultivation base is invincible Peak, so he is no stranger to Rule Power.

invincible, Rule Power of the first fusion, the realm of God, is the Rule Lord!

The so-called rule control can be controlled by it, completely attributed to the used, and freely retractable.

The demonic path rule of Emperor Yuwen, the eternal rule of Wu, the rule of Cang’s rule and so on, are all their main cultivation way when they are in the realm of Cangzhu.

The practitioner must have his own way to truly set foot on Martial Dao Peak.

Chu Yan is still some distance away from his own way of rules, and the distance is not too close.

Chu Yan knows a lot about other people’s Tao, but because it is not in line with his own Tao, it is only of reference value.

This time, Chu Yan chose three sect rules for comprehend at the 20th-layer of the Saint Martial Pavilion.

Ten days is not too fast. After a general understanding, you must carefully comprehend if you want to understand it.

After a few days, Chu Yan gradually found the feeling, the speed accelerated a lot, and there was a feeling of turning the clouds and seeing the fog.


At this moment, a Jade Talisman lighted up in Chu Yan’s arms, but he rushed out directly, floating in front of Chu Yan, braving the red light shiningly.

“30 days! Is it so fast!?”

Chu Yan opened his eyes to the sky, feeling a little bit sad.

The cultivation of this retreat is a few days, dozens of days past, it is like a momentary thing, very fast.

“This place is really good. If there is a period of time, the harvest will be even greater!”

Chu Yan sighed, got up and moved towards Shengwu Sire.

When you arrive at 1st Layer, you can see many practitioners coming in and out. They are all practitioners in Huang Tian Hall, and there are also some foreign practitioners who have exchanged their authority. It is a lively scene.

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