
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

This day was a milestone for Emperor Yuwen.

Not only did he create a perfect immortal god and demon skill, and finally his Martial Dao long-cherished wish, but also achieved his goal, can compete with any Sect forces and great roads, and it is still the one that will win Kind.

What does this show! ?

Heaven and Earth, everything is under the control of Heaven and Earth. Today, I created this can be said to be World’s First cultivation technique. What does it mean, of course, it means that Heaven and Earth has recognized that this demonic path will be revitalized.

Yuwenhuang is not talking nonsense, you see that you have just finished, Dao Realm mountain range is about to start, this is the proof!

Not only the Dao Realm mountain range has opened, but the Martial Dao once in 10,000 years has just started, sweeping the entire continent.

This is the real proof!

One and two, two and again, these three things are all squeezed together, which is enough to explain what I think.

Be aware that any one of these three things, placed in normally, would be rare in a million years, but now they are all crowded together, this is the absolute proof.

I am the Heavenly Dao who is favored by Heavenly Dao!

As for the Dao Realm mountain range, although it is once every ten years, it looks extremely ordinary, but the four of them participated in this Martial Dao conference, plus the not weak genius of Invincible, which is definitely also The Dao Realm mountain range is also rare in 10,000 years.

major event!

The real major event and change are really coming!

At this time, I created a perfect immortal magic power, all of which was destined.

“Let’s talk about it later, now there is still half a month in the battle of the Lord, you immediately retreat with me to the land of the holy demon. You must improve your battle strength to the highest level during this period!” p>

Emperor Yuwen announced.


I originally guessed that Emperor Yuwen was taking them to the Battle of the Lord, but now they are not surprised after giving the order.

Unexpectedly, Emperor Yuwen would open up the land of the holy demons, and he had to personally point them out, which is of great benefit to their demonic path cultivation base.

Moreover, the current Emperor Yuwen created the strongest demonic path cultivation technique, which is likely to be the first cultivation technique of all Martial Dao in the continent.

In this case, Emperor Yuwen’s path is definitely an orthodox demonic path, which can show them the direction. As long as they find the direction, their path can go straight to the Supreme Realm, and then only need to work hard for cultivation.

What a chance this is! ?

Every demonic cultivator has shining eyes, excited, and hurriedly followed Yuwen Dynasty to the land of the holy demons.


Time passed, ten days passed in a blink of an eye.

Among them, all Great Influences are in a hurry. As long as they can be found or saved before, all the resources and treasures that are usually reluctant to come out are moved out.

Give it to Sect and genius, I hope they can improve a little in the last few days.

As long as you improve a little, the battle of the Lord is a glimmer of hope.

The major Martial Dao Sects here are all in a hurry, and the Chamber of Commerce on the other side is not idle, even more excited than the major Martial Dao Sects.

This is a great opportunity. If the action is good, it may be able to empty the treasure house of a Sect force.

After all, all four of them are supported by Sect, and they are all geniuses who have unparalleled confidence in themselves. Sect who supports them is even more confident than them.

So, as long as the handicap is opened well, the practitioners who support them are even willing to put their wealth and lives on a bet.

The Chamber of Commerce has held several meetings, and there is no way to unify the odds of the handicap.

It’s not that there is any disagreement between these Chamber of Commerce, but because they really don’t have detailed information.

If you are an ordinary cultivator, you can know it every once in a while, there are many people around you, you have a clear experience, and there are many people who know whereabouts, how much information is combined, and you want to judge his strength And potential, it’s easy.

But now, who are those four? That’s the genius of the world, and there is no Sect to accommodate them. Three of the four are Loose Cultivator, and one person is a power.

Their whereabouts, that is simply the secret of the continent strongest, no one knows.

Even if they put together the continent’s top Chamber of Commerce, they took out all the secret information usually hidden in each Chamber of Commerce, and they did not spell out any complete information.

To put it simply, the news of the four genius in the past few years has been completely blank, and very few have even seen them.

This time, trouble!

Several Chamber of Commerce has no way to list their odds. If there are no odds, how to open the market?

At this time, time is money. If the market opens one day later, it is equivalent to making a lot of less money.

Moreover, all the Great Sect forces are urging them now, just like the previous one. Whenever there is a prosperous battle, especially the genius battle, almost all forces will refer to the odds of the Chamber of Commerce handicap to judge Whoever is strong or weak can prepare in advance.

It’s fine now. There is nothing in the Chamber of Commerce until now. This is anxious.

Three days later, the Chamber of Commerce alliance’s handicap odds finally came out, and the four genius odds are scary.

At this time, the Heaven Ranking spirit on the other side has a serious expression on his face.

Originally, as a Heaven Ranking enthusiast, the most willing to see is the genius and powerhouse on the Heaven Ranking, constantly competing for ranking and improving their strength.

During this period, the ranks of the Heaven Ranking have changed and the degree of cruelty of competition is far greater than in the last 100 years.

In such a situation, in the past, it was of course happy to be in the Heaven Ranking spirit, but now the situation is different.

Because the Dao Sealing Secret Book just found two heirs, it is Su Yu and Li Mubing. Now the news has been sealed, except for Huang Tian God and several Huang Tian hall high-level officials, no one outside knows at all. .

What makes the Heaven Ranking even more worrying is that Su Yu hasn’t moved at all now, seeing the Dao Realm mountain range is only a few days away.

Li Mubing doesn’t matter, after all, his cultivation base is not enough, but Chu Yan happens to be in the invincible state, and now is a good time to take this opportunity to break through the God Realm.

Furthermore, he just got the Heavenspan Shuling’s cultivation technique, and it happened to take this opportunity to compete with those four, which is of great benefit to the improvement of his cultivation technique.

This must not be missed ah!

But now, more than ten years have passed since Su Yu’s retreat, and there is still no movement. What should I do?

Accordingly speaking, mixing with the Heaven Ranking spirit allows Su Yu to cultivation in the depths of the Heaven Ranking. More than ten years is nothing. After all, there is the face of Old Partner Heavenspan Shu Ling, plus Su Yu’s innate The talent is definitely the only one on Divine Realm Continent. It is recognized by the Heaven Ranking spirit, and naturally doesn’t care about this time.

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