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Every time the Dao Realm mountain range opens, ten dao fruit will be released!

And a dao fruit has a 50% chance that the repairer will break through to the realm of the gods, and this probability is of course based on the repairer’s innate talent and aptitude.

So, the more genius, the higher the chance of repairers. If it weren’t for some aptitude repairers who also participated in the Dao Realm mountain range, and all genius repairers, I’m afraid the probability of these dao fruit, A lot of improvement, even 100% is possible.

According to this, the four beings in this Dao Realm mountain range, including the invincible, will probably break through to the Lord Realm.

According to the current situation of the continent, as well as the influence and strength of the four existences, when they break through to the Lord Realm, I am afraid the situation of the entire continent will change accordingly.

When the time comes, it is even harder to say what impact these five people will have when they enter the Land of Ten Thousand Sources.

The First World War is ten years!

After waiting ten years, Su Yu will participate in the Dao Realm mountain range again, even if he successfully breaks through to the realm of the Lord, but after all, he has been separated from these five for ten years.

Ten years may not be a big deal to ordinary repairers, and can even be ignored, but for the continental top genius, ten years is enough to change everything.

In this way, Su Yu and the five of them will be separated. This is definitely not what the Heaven Ranking spirit would like to see.

Furthermore, others don’t know, but the spirit of the Heaven Ranking is very clear. Because the appearance of the Taoist Secret Book has inspired the origin of the continent, the Divine Realm continent Martial Dao has recently seen a wave of revival.

According to the estimation of the Heaven Ranking, this wave of revival will take about 20 years.

Although it was very cost-effective for Su Yu to comprehend the “Great Thousand Thousand Elephants” in these 20 years, it was a bit worse than entering the land of Wanyuan.

After all, the Land of Ten Thousand Sources is also where the origin of the continent lies. The superposition of the two sources of the Tide of Rejuvenation and Land of Ten Thousand Sources is not as simple as one plus one.

Counting the four innate talents and aptitudes, if the top opportunities accumulated in Ten Thousand Years have not been cracked, I am afraid that all of them will be solved and occupied by them.

In this way, in ten years, Su Yu may be far from them.

Hun Heaven Ranking Ling has great expectations for Su Yu. Of course, he doesn’t want him to be under those four people, and even has been expecting him to compete with those four Peak.

“Hey…the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. Everything is a secret opportunity. I can only say that he does not have this opportunity.”

Han Heaven Ranking said so comforting myself, but he was extremely unhappy in his heart.

Others say that he may not care about the secret of heaven, but he himself knows that the secret of heaven is born at the right moment, and genius itself is the son of chance. Therefore, the Martial Dao of genius is accompanied by heaven.

If a certain genius is missing that great opportunity, I am afraid that his own achievement is destined to not set foot in Martial Dao Peak.

“Forget it, forget it!”

Mixing Heaven Ranking The more I think about it, the more uncomfortable I get, and he keeps shaking his head to comfort myself.

He couldn’t understand it. It was Su Yu whom Heavenspan Shuling and himself had fancy, how could he not be favored by the secret! ?

This is unreasonable!

“Should you just wake him up? This is the cultivation technique, and it will be in the future. Anyway, it’s up to me to come here!”

However, waiting for the Heaven Ranking spirit to see Chu Yan completely immersed in it, but he couldn’t open his mouth at all.

This enlightenment and sudden enlightenment are extremely important to Martial Artist, just like the sleepwalking state, when someone wakes up suddenly, it might have a big impact.


Hun Heaven Ranking Ling stood there and watched Chu Yan for two hours. After hesitating for two hours, when he was about to leave, his body suddenly stagnated.

Next moment, a monstrous aura appeared, thin as a hairspring, if it weren’t for the existence of Heaven Ranking Spirit, it might not be sensed at all.

Miscellaneous Heaven Ranking spiritual eyes eyes widened and widened, slowly turning into an expression as if they had seen a ghost.

Where is this! ?

Here is the depths of the Heaven Ranking. It’s my own place. There will be aura that does not belong to the Heaven Ranking. This is absolutely unreasonable.

“Damn, what kind of cultivation technique is this!? What kind of cultivation technique can affect my Heaven Ranking!?”

Mixed Heaven Ranking’s spirit is not good, his face is convulsed, while waving his seal, blockade this area of ​​mixed Heaven Ranking, at the same time he curses.


next moment, he seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly disappeared on the spot, and when he reappeared, he was already beside Li Mubing.

“Brother Hun, why are you here!?”

Li Mubing felt that the spirit of the Heaven Ranking had arrived, and hurriedly greeted him.

“You are normal!”

Looking at Li Mubing carefully up and down, he became nodded in the Heaven Ranking, and then shook the head.

On the one hand, Li Mubing didn’t have such a situation, so he didn’t need to trouble him to blockade anymore, but in my heart, he was somewhat disappointed.

“Brother Hun!”

At this moment, Chu Yan, who was not far away, woke up, and when he opened his mouth, the eyes of the Heaven Ranking spirit shone brightly.

“Wake up!”

Turning my head to look, I saw Chu Yan strolling along. His appearance didn’t change at all, but he couldn’t help but look at it a few times, as if he didn’t recognize him. At a glance.

Especially those eyes, which are as bright as stars, and their cultivation base has reached the peak of invincible state.

Mixed Heaven Ranking’s eyes suddenly exploded. When he explored Chu Yan within the body, he suddenly found that all the powers of his within the body, including rules, origins, etc., had undergone Heaven and Earth turning upside down changes.

The faint trace of origin before seems to have been completely integrated with him.

This makes the Heaven Ranking spirit extremely surprised. It is just a very weak source aura that has just appeared, and it can be so integrated and transparent.

As if he himself is the origin, the origin is him!

Such a realm has never been seen in the Heaven Ranking spirits, at least in the cultivation base of the invincible realm.

“You brat, is it true that the cultivation has reached the entry level!?”

The Spirit of the Heaven Ranking reacted and asked anxiously.

“Yes! Many thanks, brother, I have been cultivation to the entry level! There is still a big gap between the Small Accomplishment Realm, so I temporarily suspended the cultivation and consolidate the realm. This cultivation technique is too heaven defying. Cultivation can’t be rushed!”

Chu Yan smiled softly and replied.

“That’s! The old Ghost Messenger from Heavenspan can’t do it!” The nodded, who was confused and ignorant of the Heaven Ranking, dealt with it casually, but with a shocked expression in his heart, completely blinding Sea of ​​Consciousness.

How long has it been, more than ten years, has brought Dawanxiang a cultivation to the entry level! ?

This is the basic cultivation technique of Heavenspan Shuling’s Secret Book of Origin Taobao Dao. It consumes a lot of origin and it took over 10,000 years to create a cultivation technique.

Moreover, this cultivation technique is only an initial state, not at all perfect, it is basically impossible and normal cultivation, otherwise Heavenspan Shuling is also impossible to ask Li Mubing to help him.

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