
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!


After a few breaths, waiting for the Heaven Ranking spirit to react, a faint aura broke out, and the Heaven Ranking spirit’s body instantly disappeared on the spot.

When he appeared again, he was already above Chu Yan’s head, and he raised his hand to take a picture.

Chu Yan’s eyes are shining, and he can only feel the suppression of the Heavenly Might from the top, that palm is as powerful as the sky.

With a scream, Chu Yan was running True Qi almost subconsciously. The movement art flash disappeared on the spot and appeared 10,000 zhang away, completely evading the range of that palm.

“Boy, still hide!?”

Mixed the Heaven Ranking with a grinning grin, the moment the voice fell, the sky broke, and a palm seal had fallen.

Chu Yan might explode to the extreme, releasing dazzling rays of light like a shining star, just like a bright star.

Boom… Rumble!

The monstrous palm seal fell, and it exploded directly in the center of the dazzling rays of light. The entire Heaven and Earth and the void were trembling, and the ground beneath my feet collapsed and cracked.

This is the place of origin in the depths of the Heaven Ranking. It is enough to show the formidable power of this palm.

However, when the palm seal surges, you can see that the dazzling rays of light in the original center seem to be dazzling, and that group of rays of light seems to fuse together with Heaven and Earth, neither born nor dying!

The palm seal just now penetrated Chu Yan’s body directly, and shot on the ground.


The eyes of the spirit of the Heaven Ranking lit up instantly, and he said softly.

Of course he knows the formidable power of his palm. If he keeps his hand, he will definitely keep his hand, but there is no problem at all for a minor injury to a practitioner of the Initial Stage of the God Realm.

This was originally his biggest assessment of Chu Yan. Even if Chu Yan can’t resist a bit of injury, even if it’s severely injured, the Spirit of the Heaven Ranking is sure to be in his own turf, and it’s still in the core position, so I can’t use it. How long will it take him to recover.

However, no matter what he thought, he never thought of such a result, that Chu Yan was unscathed! ?

“What’s the situation with you!? The one just now…”

Ling with a look of surprise on Heaven Ranking’s face, he asked.

“This…I’m not good! It’s just that I have integrated Source Power, but this Source Power seems to be a little different from the ordinary Source Power. Once it appears, it is directly related to my fleshy body Divine Soul. Fusion, I feel this should be the original body!”

Chu Yan thought for a while, then replied.

“Damn! What are you talking about!? The original body!?”

The Spirit of the Heaven Ranking was shocked at the time. He stepped out and stomped a big hole in the original place under his feet, and the corner of his eyes fiercely twitched twice.

This is my own site, or the deep ground of the Heaven Ranking.

“I have never heard that there is a physique like the original body on the Divine Realm continent. Among the top ten Saint Physiques, is it going to add a ranked one!”

“Don’t say, the old ghost of Heavenspan Shuling is really not bad, it’s a bit of ability.”

The spirit of the mixed Heaven Ranking returned to normal, with a smile on his face, and praised the nodded who could not help Chu Yan

“Not bad, not bad! You brat is not bad too, I am very satisfied!”

Hearing this, Chu Yan hurriedly shook the head and said, “It has nothing to do with me. It is mainly the cultivation technique created by Heavenspan Senior. The more the cultivation, the more wide-ranging and profound, Hunge…”

“Don’t talk about these useless things, you are so little!” The Heaven Ranking Ling said with a look of contempt.

“Brother Su, don’t be polite with Brother Hun, you know his character, the more you say that, the more he is… hehe!” Li Mubing was also excited and said with a smile.

After this Li Mubing became the heir of the Taoist Secret Book, his temperament really changed drastically, and on the other hand, he was really excited.

The Body of Origin!

Know that he can also cultivation this cultivation technique, so the stronger the cultivation technique, the more excited he naturally becomes.

He is a complete martial idiot!

“Yes! Xiaobing is pretty sensible!” The Heaven Ranking Spirit is really satisfied with these two now.

Whether it is innate talent and aptitude, as well as this temperament, Martial Dao’s will is first-class, absolutely not worse than those four.

You know, those four who have been in the Heaven Ranking for so many years, it can be said that they only appeared in over 10,000 years. He and Heavenspan Shuling this time, luck was really good, and they met two at once. .

“Brother Hun, this Dao Realm mountain range is about to start. You can see Brother Su has also been successful in cultivation, do you pass some tricks to let him slaughter all sides in the Dao Realm mountain range!?”

Li Mubing knew that he didn’t have the opportunity to participate this time, so he was naturally happy to be a favor.

Anyway, the spiritual strength of the Heaven Ranking is here. If you don’t look for him now, when you can find him, if you can squeeze out a little, then I am afraid that you can sweep an ordinary Sect outside.

When I heard Li Mubing’s words, he was blinded by the Heaven Ranking spirit, and turned his head to look at Li Mubing like a monster.

It wasn’t because Li Mubing wanted to squeeze some resources out of him, but because of how Li Mubing felt so different from his original personality.

This Li Mubing and Huang Tian Lord stared for a long time, the original Li Mubing was a treasure thrown in front of him, and he had to hesitate, now he took the initiative to blackmail himself! ?

He has been staring at him for a long time, and he always feels that this kid is a bit more and more like…Heavenspan Shuling’s character.

“Interesting, you brat, but you brat has changed a lot! You even trick me!?”

“However, being called by your Senior Senior every day, if you don’t show anything today, it makes you take it lightly!”

Speaking of this, after the Heaven Ranking spirit lowered his head and pondered, he looked up towards Chu Yan opened the mouth and said.

“Su Yu, the time is urgent, you go first, I am ready to give you a big prize, and I will send it to you later.”

Speaking of this, the Heaven Ranking stared at Li Mubing, lightly snorted. The expression means that you brat are satisfied this time.

“haha, Brother Hun is Brother Hun, so I prepared a big award for Su Yu, but I don’t know if I am…”

Li Mubing smiled very happily.

“Uh… There is a kind! You brat is really a kind! Ha ha ha ….get lost! No!” At the moment of mixing Heaven Ranking, I feel very happy.

“Brother Hun, Mu Bing, I’m leaving first, you guys talk slowly!”

Chu Yan saw this scene, shook the head, his voice fell to the ground, and his figure was blurred.

“Brother Su, come on, I’m here waiting for your good news!” Li Mubing looked expectant, and there was a slight ending in his eyes.

Unfortunately, I only have God King Realm. If I have the same cultivation base as Su Yu, then I can participate in this battle.

“Go, I will take you out!”

Mixed Heaven Ranking with a wave of spirit, wrapped Chu Yan’s figure and disappeared on the spot.

At this time, the Forbidden Land of Chaos….

A silhouette slowly emerges among the snowflakes in the sky. Each snowflake is a magic talisman, shining with a faint mysterious light.

The snow in this chaotic Forbidden Land has fallen for thousands of years, and it has never stopped for a moment.

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