
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Chu Yan’s face was speechless at this time. The matter is already very clear. The Heaven Ranking spirit is still the Heaven Ranking spirit in his impression, not at all because after inheriting the Taoist Secret Book, what has changed? .

So, this is the second time he pitted himself, and he still used the banner of “for your good”.

“This is not what you think. I have been cultivating in the Taoist Secret Book for 20 years. Together with Li Mubing, the Heaven Ranking spirit agreed to Li Mubing and gave me a big gift. Now this, I am afraid it is what he calls a big gift!”

When Chu Yan said this, he was completely convinced by the spirit of Heaven Ranking.

This guy is deceiving, regardless of the situation, it’s completely dead.

“ha ha ha, it turned out to be like this, this time you are finished, but brother bastard has a famous nickname called… bastard!”

The big dream invincible heard Chu Yan’s words, it was an extraordinarily happy smile, and it seemed to have suppressed my heart for thousands of years and all laughed.

Obviously, he should have been pitted by the Heaven Ranking back then. Now that he sees Chu Yan stepping into his followers, he is of course extremely happy.

“So ah!”

Wang Tian Sheng He is not high, but a look of disappointment.

“Anyway, don’t let people discover that I am Su Yu, and they haven’t recognized it yet!” Chu Yan added quickly.

Things are already like this, it can only take a step back.

At least one dao fruit must be taken first.

He arrived in Great Ancient Era not long ago, and he was still in retreat for the most 20 years. Not many people have seen him before, so there is still hope.

When these practitioners don’t know who Su Yu is, Dao Fruit is currently competing for Dao Fruit first.

So, Chu Yan thought of this as a way to slow down. What he didn’t expect was that at this moment, mutation suddenly took place.

I saw Chu Yan suddenly see a rays of light flashing in the palm of his hand.

A large amount of spiritual energy gathered above his head, and a cloud-like wave of clouds shrouded him from far and near, and the void in all directions was buzzing and shaking.

These auras are obviously a collection of Source Power, and they are still extremely pure Source Power, all of which are gathered in him, and of course he has gained a lot.

However, when the words above the sky rang, Chu Yan simply did not want these Source Power.

“Su Yu Fellow Daoist, because of some mistakes in the Heaven Ranking before, you ranked your ranking incorrectly. Now you are compensated. These Source Powers are compensation! Goodbye!”

The voice of the Spirit of the Heaven Ranking reverberates through Heaven and Earth, just like a thunderbolt blasts the sky, and the whole Heaven and Earth is quiet in an instant.

Chu Yan is frozen there, completely blinded.

At this moment, he, rays of light, like a bright star in the dark night sky, even blind can be seen, the Su said in the voice of the Heaven Ranking spirit that sounded in the sky just now Yu, is this person who is full of Source Power.

“What a… asshole!”

Chu Yan gritted his teeth, absolutely didn’t expect this guy to come back, really wanting to kill himself.

All directions on all sides, thousands of line of sight simultaneously shua shua stared at him, all eyes were red.

Especially Yuwenhuang, Tian, ​​Wu and Ye Tianrongtian, those four pairs of eyes are red and red.

“Uh…that…. Guys, don’t listen to him. He is not very comfortable with Heaven Ranking Spirit Senior recently. It may be a little nonsense. You won’t really believe it!?”

Chu Yan twitched at the corner of his mouth, and forced a few smiles.

The entire Heaven and Earth was silent, and it took a full 5 breaths before someone spoke.

“He! He is Su Yu!”

“No way! When I was flying with him just now, I couldn’t think of killing me, I had been side by side with the Ten Great Lords! ha ha ha!”

“Ah! It’s worthy of being one of the top ten powerhouses. I couldn’t even see it before. This ability to hide breath is too strong!”

“Great, great!”


Various voices sounded, which is equivalent to completely ignoring what Chu Yan said, but responding to the announcement of the Heaven Ranking Spirit.

The next breath, the fifth dao fruit area where Chu Yan was located, was a chaotic battlefield just now. In an instant, there were countless cultivators running around like frightened birds, as if they had seen a ghost.

Within ten thousand steps, all the empty areas from the left of the fifth dao fruit to the fourth dao fruit, and the right to the sixth dao fruit are all in a vacuum in an instant, and no one is standing.

What a joke! ?

If you are not crazy, it is impossible to compete with the tenth largest powerhouse in the sky. It is not enough to lose a hundred lives.

According to the ranked of the Heaven Ranking, even if you turn your head to go to the first dao fruit and grab something from the four major genius, you will have a much higher chance of survival than this one.

A group of people scattered and left, flying far away before exhaling a long breath, with a look of rejoicing on their faces, so they can escape quickly, otherwise it will be over.

This is one of the top ten powerhouses on Divine Realm continent ah!

It’s better to be a senior person in the Heaven Ranking. I told them the news in time. Otherwise, I’ll wait for a real snatch. That’s a waste of death.

At this moment, the cultivators who originally competed for the fifth dao fruit, as well as many other cultivators, are full of gratitude for the spirit of the Heaven Ranking.

“Everyone, what I said is true, I am very weak!” Chu Yan explained again with a dark face.

This thing really hurts nodded!

Mixed with Heaven Ranking spirit or status, my own words are not convincing at all.

After all, mixed with the Heaven Ranking, the spirit controls the mixed with the Heaven Ranking, it has the Supreme status on the Divine Realm, and it seems that it has never made a mistake.

“Okay! Very good! The day Martial Dao revitalized the world, just today, didn’t expect Martial Dao’s revival, it turned out to be the birth of peerless genius!”

The black light of Yuwenhuang’s eyes flickered, and while looking at Chu Yan, his face was full of excitement.

“Yuwenhuang, you have to calm down, things are not what you think!” Chu Yan explained quickly.

What this gaze means, Chu Yan couldn’t be clearer. It was exactly the same as his gaze when he saw the four of them.

This is the excitement and enthusiasm of the enemy of life and death, the excitement of finding the target.

“It just so happens, today I will see it, and see what your peerless genius is!”

Chu Yan’s words were ignored again, and Yuwenhuang’s eyes were completely red.

Furthermore, after a sentence was finished, Emperor Yuwen exploded all over his body, dropped the big dream invincible, and rushed directly to Chu Yan, raising his hand to blast out a torrent of heavenly demon.

The demon spirits hiding the sky and covering the earth rushed out, bringing up the waves of gods and demons in the sky, in the endless demon realm, a large army of black blades like the tide of black armor, the tide came, The entire sky is transformed into the magic domain Heaven and Earth.

Chu Yan saw this, where he dared to be negligent, and his whole body strength exploded. He raised his hand and punched out, directly smashing the a magic gangway.

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