
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“Magic Way!”

Emperor Yuwen didn’t have the slightest surprise when Chu Yan broke his 1st move, but was even more excited.

This is interesting, and it matches the rank of the Heaven Ranking!

Shouted loudly is a unique skill blasted out, and the sky is full of magic power rolling like a tide, sweeping all directions.


All of the invincible powerhouses present here are See How. The attack that Chu Yan broke the Emperor Yuwen just now was not a martial skill they were familiar with, nor was it a quantity of Willpower, and they had never seen it. A brand new power of

Especially Tian, ​​in the eyes of Chu Yan, all rays of light are shining, I don’t know what I am thinking.

This power is not known to others, but he is very familiar with it. It is…Source Power.

There is a source of power in this person.

As soon as he turned his head, Tian looked towards Wu and Ye Rongtian not far away, just in time to see the two of them also looking at him, and the expressions of all three were strange.

The sky gently said with a smile “Two, don’t fight anymore, although you are not weak, but let me tell you the truth, it is not difficult to kill you with my current methods!”

“In addition…”

God thought for a while, and then said, “It seems that this person is more interesting than you, I believe you also have some interest!?”

Wu corner of the mouth raises, “Stop talking nonsense, naturally you have to see!”

When he landed, Wu’s figure disappeared on the spot, and when he reappeared, he had already rushed to the direction of Chu Yan above the sky.

Ye Rongtian and Tian did not hesitate, got up and rushed to the sky.


At this time, even Chu Yan, who was fighting with Emperor Yuwen, found three powerful auras rushing forward.

Okay, it’s lively now, the four genius beings have joined forces to come to themselves!

“God ah!”

“Wu, Tian, ​​Yuwenhuang and Ye Rongtian, four of you, actually joined forces to fight the Su Yu!?”

“Is this impossible?”

“Any one of these four battle strengths can fight against a blue master realm, and now they have teamed up to fight against Su Yu alone!?”

“Here is the excitement!”

“ha ha ha, good deeds, good deeds, Su Yu hasn’t got his fifth dao fruit yet!”


The practitioners present were all excited and their eyes brightened.

At this time, the Dao Realm mountain range’s battle of the Lord was originally for dao fruit, but now I have forgotten them all, watching the battle with shining eyes.

Others have never thought that one day, four geniuses can be seen at the same time, not to mention that these four will join forces to deal with another genius.

Such a battle is rare in 10,000 years. It is much more precious than Dao Fruit. After all, Dao Fruit happens once every ten years. Even if it is missed, it will still happen ten years later.

Moreover, at this time, the situation of the battle is sensitive. If one of them makes a shot at dao fruit, if it attracts the attention of these five, then any shot will instantly scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

This kind of battle is too terrifying!

Among all the cultivators, the Saints of Ten Thousand Heavens and the Cannons, and the ancestors of Heavenly Dao, are completely stupid.

Before, Chu Yan told them not to come over. Of course, they knew what the purpose was. It was good at first, but nothing was discovered. As a result, he talked with the Heaven Ranking. Now it is exactly the same as Chu Yan expected. Target, the battle broke out directly.

Moreover, at first is the four genius teaming up.

“This…this is troublesome! Big Brother Feng, Xiutian Senior, what should we do, shall we… go up and help!?”

The Saint Wantian was really shocked this time, and his eyes changed color.

“Uh… How about we look at what Xiutian Senior said…” Feng Bugao turned his head and looked towards Xiu Heavenly Dao Ancestor, and asked, now even he was shocked, and his words were stuttering.

“This…. Help can’t help anymore, just wait here, and turn around to help him restrain his body!”

The ancestor of Heavenly Dao held back for a long time, and then replied.

“This is so interesting! My brother is about to soar into the sky!”

Dameng invincible stood by and shook his head as he watched.


Too fierce!

I just dealt with an emperor Yuwen, and it was almost a bit difficult. This big brother dealt with four people alone, what a fierce man! ?

Da Meng invincible fought against Emperor Yuwen. Naturally, knowing how amazing the battle strength of these four is, I couldn’t help but hesitate.

“Would you like to help this big brother!? Is this gangster reliable!?”

I participated in the invincible dream of the Martial Dao conference. Of course, I heard about it later. I asked Chu Yan to go to the Heaven Ranking spiritual cultivation. Naturally, I know that the big brother is now a Heaven Ranking spiritual. Covered.

Just now, the Spirit of the Heaven Ranking appeared, announcing the affairs of the world, the big dream invincible can figure out something, but it is also a bit vague, after all, he was not in the Huang Tian hall, and retreat in that place for cultivation.

“Forget it, let’s take a look at the situation first. Although Brother Hun is a bit crazy, he is not bad in his scheming and impossible. I really want my brother to die here. There should be some arrangements! I may interfere with it directly. His plan!”

Thinking of this, the big dream is invincible and nodded. He puts his hands on his chest, no longer considers the shot, but starts to look at the battlefield seriously.

He just fought with Emperor Yuwen and saw the situation of Emperor Yuwen, and the other three are now taking a closer look and understanding together.

Furthermore, Chu Yan is now ranked tenth in the Heaven Ranking. As long as the strengths are similar, these four impossible killers will definitely kill Chu Yan at most.

After all, the existence of such a genius is of great benefit to them.

So, the invincible dream is not going to make a move at all until now.

At this time, Tian, ​​Ye Rongtian, and Wu had already rushed to Chu Yan.

“Nine Heavens Falling Feathers!”

When the sky is shot, it is punched out, and Heavenly Might explodes, hiding the sky and covering the earth.

The great power of magic is like a tide, and in every wave of magic, there are countless gods and demons charging, forming an elephant.

“Heavenly Blades!”

Ye Rongtian paid too much attention to the power of Yuwenhuang’s demonic path, not at all, staring at Chu Yan with a pair of eyes, and raising his hand was a blade light cleaving.

The blade light burst into countless pieces instantly, like a wave of blade light, sweeping by.

At this time, the long blade in his hand was still, but there was strong light shining brightly, making Heaven and Earth bright.

With a touch of blade light, Ye Rongtian’s silhouette stands proudly, like an invincible sword god.

“Everything is broken!”

Wu’s body also had endless aura outbreaks. His silhouette instantly became ten times taller. He raised his hand and punched out, smashing Heaven and Earth.

It was a force destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth. Under the tremor of Heaven and Earth, they seemed to fear the power of this fist.

“My day!”

Chu Yan saw this scene, suddenly opened his mouth and cursed, are these guys crazy! ?

The four major Legendary genius, with just a word from the Heaven Ranking spirit, come up and fight! ?

Furthermore, the four of them joined forces. This is the first time that they have used it on their own head. Is there any reason for this? ?

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