
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

The four Legendary genius shot at the same time, what a shocking scene.

The cultivators present were all stunned and swallowed wildly. If there was any doubt about the Big Four Legendary genius before, then now, no one in the audience dared to doubt the Big Four Legendary genius. Prestige and strength.

As the saying goes, laymen watch the excitement, and experts watch the doorway.

Among these practitioners, there are experts like Dameng invincible. Seeing that a few people are able to use Source Power and the Avenue of Rules, it is naturally shocking, and those ordinary practitioners, looking at the formidable power of these stunts, are also Very shocking.


“The four emperors of Yuwen are not ordinary strong, they are completely out of reach, and they are not what we can match!”

“The four of you just fought against each other, and now they are teaming up against the enemy, they are in such a tacit agreement, genius is genius!”

“Yes, the battle strength has reached Peak, which is stronger than before!”

“In this battle, the Great Accomplishment realm of God will fall!”

“Not bad!”


All the cultivators looked at the sky, all stunned and shocked, and the Sea of ​​Consciousness was blank.

“Little Wushen Picture!”

In eagerness, Chu Yan did not dare to hesitate any more, raised his hand and tossed, the dao chart turned out.

At this time, I can’t bear it anymore. I have to do my best. The powerful Spirit Seal and divine runes all broke out, instantly occupying the entire Heaven and Earth with the power of thunderbolt.

All the ways of asking the Tao, at this time, all broke out, suppressing all the Taoism of the four.


Chu Yan’s body shape moved along with it. He smashed his palm and hit the river of knives without success. In a flash, he collided with Wu’s Gang fist and broke apart.


The terrifying violent sound exploded, and all kinds of powerful tides surged out, like a wave of frenzy, rolling between Heaven and Earth.

Chu Yan and Wu’s figures retreated at the same time, and they stopped after seven or eight steps, looking up towards each other.


Wu’s eyes are full of surprise.

And not only him, Ye Rongtian, Tian, ​​and Emperor Yuwen are all surprised.

Wu’s Constant Antiquity body, but there has been a trend, the formidable power of this fist head, the four of them are very clear, without the power of the Great Accomplishment of the Lord Realm, it is impossible to resist.

Although Wu didn’t have all his strength when he took the shot, he still had at least six or seven strengths. This just made the opponent take a few steps back! ?

Furthermore, he had broken other tricks before and finally confronted Wu. This was not a full shot, or even worse.

In such a situation, if you switch to four Legendary genius, none of them will be directly hard-wired like Chu Yan, so it must be avoided.


At this time, Chu Yan’s eyes are also bright.

Among the four, if you understand, Chu Yan certainly knows Wu’s situation best, especially his Constant Antiquity.

Therefore, no one knows better than Chu Yan how much Constant Antiquity power was used in his punch just now.

However, Chu Yan already understood that this Constant Antiquity Source Power is connected to the true origin when he mixed the cultivation in the depths of the Heaven Ranking.

They are all pure powers, and they will naturally influence each other.

Also, since it is the origin, when I also know the way of Constant Antiquity, when Wu’s Constant Antiquity power attacks, he is naturally motivated by the power of Constant Antiquity within the body. Fusion.

In short, Wu this fist, the more you come, the stronger the Source Power of Chu Yan within the body.

This is a situation where the two instruments coexist!

Of course, this is not absolute. When Wu’s power cultivation reaches a very high level, if there is a huge gap with Chu Yan, it will not be able to induce and merge the other party’s homology.

If it is in the later generations, it will naturally not work, but now it is the Great Ancient Era, and none of the four Legendary genius has broken through to the Lord Realm. This is fine.

At this moment, after a touch of contact, Wu, Tian, ​​Emperor Yuwen and Ye Rongtian reacted for a while and rushed out again.

“Heavenly Star Technique!”

“Faculty returns to Vientiane!”

“The magic river is like the sky!”

“Nine Profound Starlight Blade!”

One move was extremely powerful, and later the unique skills resounded across the entire Divine Realm continent, blasting out together, and the displayed terrifying power instantly shattered the entire film Heaven and Earth, and all the tides moved towards Chu Yan crashed down. .

Seeing this scene, Chu Yan’s eyes are completely frozen, and within the body dao chart is running to the extreme, stimulating all the ways of asking questions, displaying countless unique skills, and fusing them through the big thousand elephants Reorganization, transformed into new attacks, swept out in waves like a sea.

This is just one aspect, the operation of battle skill and cultivation technique. At the same time, Chu Yan releases all his willpower without any reservation.

At this time, the Big Four Legendary genius can keep his hand, but he can’t. After all, if one is against the four, if he still needs to keep his hand, then it’s the last word.

A large swath of sunlight shone out, almost dyeing half of the sky into a colorful light.

At this time, Chu Yan, a large amount of afterimage incarnation rushed out from within the body and turned into hundreds of Chu Yan images, appearing in all directions on all sides.

These incarnations have no big effect. They are impossible to deal with the four major Legendary genius with a quantitative advantage, but Chu Yan can use them to form a Great Array to increase the formidable power of each attack.

bang! bang! bang!

Countless violent blasts exploded, and the void of the sky with a radius of 10,000 li completely disappeared, and various Rule Powers were also torn to pieces.

A piece of chaos appeared, devouring black holes and everything in Heaven and Earth, making people look cold.

The powerful attack Yu Strength Qi wave exploded and swept all directions, rushing to the sky and the earth like a shock wave. The cultivators below were rushed by these Yu waves, and all of them were complexion greatly changed.

If this is enveloped by the waves of this battlefield, I am afraid it will be broken in an instant.

At this moment, Ye Rongtian’s eyes flashed with spirit blades, and the a Spirit Seal appeared.


The spirit blade in Ye Rongtian’s hand was raised for the first time, and between the swings, the momentum of the sword was instantaneous.

A powerful force appeared, and the blade light enveloped everyone.

“This is…”

Chu Yan startled, and instantly felt this power very familiar.

After that, Chu Yan only felt that everything in all directions had changed, and the void no longer existed.

The pupil technique looked towards all around the void, layers of illusions continued to crumble, and in an instant, it was found that the emperor Yuwen and the sky were coming at the same time.

Ye Rongtian and Wu fought back and forth, and they shot together without any pause.

Chu Yan within the body Source Power was running, and instantly found that his aura was greatly affected, as if he was cooperating with the four people’s joint attack.

Chu Yan did not hesitate and raised his hand to fight back. After the attack, Emperor Yuwen and Tian seemed to have understood Chu Yan’s direction, changing direction instantly, and dodged like flowing water.

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