
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

The emperor Yuwen was completely stunned.

Really! ?

The demonic path Senior actually appeared, and he was the Master of Su Yu in front of him. No wonder he has such strength.

In this case, it means that you can contact the demonic path Senior in the future! ?

The creation of my own immortal gods and demons function is entirely attributed to this Senior, which represents the major event of the revival of the demonic path, and now that the demonic path Senior appears, doesn’t it mean that the demonic path will be revitalized? ?

Two things are related to the demonic path Senior. Could it be that the demonic path can be revitalized? It has a lot to do with the senior! ?

Otherwise, how could these things be so coincidental! ?

At this time, Emperor Yuwen completely believed it, and then looked towards Chu Yan, completely changed.

Netherworld River, he has never told anyone about it, anyone knows it is impossible.

“You didn’t expect you to be a descendant of Senior. No wonder you have such an innate talent. Please don’t take it off from Brother Su what happened just now. I didn’t hold it back for a while.”

Yuwenhuang’s eyes brightened, and he quickly sound transmission explained.

These are not polite words, this is the true thoughts of Emperor Yuwen, even his regretful intestines are blue.

I had to know that Su Yu is the descendant of Senior, don’t talk about fighting, that is to say, it is impossible to say anything heavy, and it is even more impossible to join hands with other people to attack him.

This is a demonic path. Hope, what if it breaks! ?

“It’s okay! I just don’t know, Yu Fellow Daoist Wen, can you help me with this!” Su Yu asked.

Hearing this, at this time Emperor Yuwen didn’t hesitate anymore and quickly nodded and said, “Of course, Brother Su Yu, don’t worry, but Wu will leave it to me. Do you want to die or live!?” /p>

This sentence shocked Chu Yan, what the hell! ? Damn, you are going to kill Wu! ?

“cough cough, don’t have to, just hurt him!”

After saying this, Chu Yan thought for a while, glanced at Emperor Yu Wen, and saw that his eyes flickered slightly, he opened the mouth and said

“Yu Fellow Daoist Wen this time help me, afterwards I will meet with the Master Yu Fellow Daoist Wen, thank you in person!”

As soon as these words came out, Yuwenhuang suddenly laughed “ha ha ha, good!”

Now, that’s it!

From then on, the demonic path is also in Da Neng Senior. From then on, the demonic path must be revived, and the Weizhen continent.

Chu Yan looked at Emperor Yu Wen with a smile on his face, happier than him.

This time, it’s much easier.

“Wu, if you still want to fight, come on!”

With this sentence, Wu looked towards Chu Yan, and his eyes flashed “Okay, Su Fellow Daoist, take the move!”

Wu’s eyes glowed, his entire body exploded in an imposing manner, his hands formed a seal and he rushed up directly, but before he could rush out two steps, he heard a thunderclap burst.

“Drink, Wu, you brat come here and get beaten!”

The Emperor Yuwen on one side suddenly turned around and raised his hand as a demonic path. He waved a wave of heavenly demon. Among them, there were countless black blade demon army, roar roared towards Wu.

this move, might be strong, more than ten percent better than when I dealt with Chu Yan before.

This is also the result of Emperor Yuwen holding back for a long time and using all his strength to show it. The purpose is to tell Chu Yan that when I hit you before, I kept my hands. It was not intentional. Look, now I will help you beat Wu. , That’s the real effort.

This move blasted out. After 108,000 li of the Heaven Ranking spirits, looking at the water curtain, a mouthful of blood almost came out.

What’s the situation! ?

Why did Emperor Yuwen turn around to find Wu! ?

Not only the Heaven Ranking spirits, but the powerhouses such as Tian, ​​Ye Rongtian, Dameng Invincible, etc., all opened their mouths suddenly and almost flew out of their eyes.


What happened! ?

Emperor Yuwen was okay just now, how can he go with Wu in a blink of an eye! ?

Wu, who was just about to take a shot, also shuddered in surprise, his life soaring, staring at the bull’s-eye beads full of doubts, there still dared to think more, and quickly resisted.

“Wu!? Are you crazy!?”

Between him and Emperor Yuwen, you never offend me, and I don’t provoke you. How come this guy will find himself at a critical time, and this shot meant to kill him.

Among the four geniuses, his relationship with Emperor Yuwen, although not a friend, is considered the best.

“hmph! What reason is there to deal with you? Today I will see what is the use of your Constant Antiquity body!?”

As soon as the words of Emperor Yuwen landed, Wu still looked stunned and stared at Emperor Yuwen for a long time.

After a long time, I replied, “If you want to see the Constant Antiquity body, you have to pay a price. Today I will destroy the continent’s demonic path hope!”

Boom bang!

Two roaring violent noises exploded, and Emperor Yuwen and Wu rushed together in an instant, hitting the sky darkly.

“Good boy, I’m a bit capable! I don’t need to do anything! Ha ha ha, not bad, not bad…. I’m 10 years old!”

Mixed Heaven Ranking’s Lingxiao face is spent, and I can’t help but nodded praise.

He knew very well that he hadn’t made a move yet, and the only reason for Emperor Yuwen to fight Wu was only with Su Yu himself.

“But, what method did this kid use!? Even Emperor Yuwen would listen to him… This is also very interesting!”

Heaven Ranking Ling looked at Su Yu in the water curtain, and his interest suddenly rose. It seems that with this kid, he will not be too bored in the future.

At this time, all the cultivators in the Dao Realm mountain range looked at the chaotic emperor Wu and Yuwen above the sky, but they were all stupid.

“Just now…didn’t you team up to deal with Su Yu!?”

“Yeah, the results will be divided soon, why are they fighting at this time!?”

“This demonic path practitioner is acting, I really don’t understand ah!”


For them, this is boring. Although they came here, they were originally watching the battle between the four genius, but now, there is another battle between the four genius, but it is meaningless. .

The battle between the four major genius, it looks good if they team up to fight Su Yu, or kill Su Yu, after all, this Su Yu has just been upgraded to the tenth place in the Heaven Ranking, and it was the first battle. Next, they discovered that Su Yu was not weak.

In this way, in the eyes of all the cultivators, this Su Yu is like a person piled up with countless secrets, and the whole person is full of secrets.

If you want to know these secrets and understand his situation, you can only know through battle.

So, watching the excitement is not a big deal, they don’t have any interest in the battle of the four genius now, only Su Yu is most interested.

It’s like Su Yu was extremely mysterious before. If it weren’t for the announcement of the Heaven Ranking spirit, he wouldn’t know that Divine Realm continent has such a powerful genius.

If this is to wait for him to leave this Dao Realm mountain range, I am afraid he will disappear from everyone’s sight in the future.

So now, it may be the only chance to get to know this stunning genius.

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