
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

For Su Yu, a little-known cultivator, suddenly became the tenth Celestial Emperor, which of course aroused everyone’s interest and wanted to know all his secrets.

But now, a good opportunity was missed, and Emperor Yuwen turned his head to find Wu.

When the two of them started fighting, the cultivators present also shook their heads in regret, each with their own expressions.

“This kid’s crisis has been lifted. Under the 2 moves just now, it can be seen that this kid’s battle strength has reached at least 15 in the Heaven Ranking!”

Big dream invincible looked at Chu Yan and began to believe some things. For example, at the Martial Dao conference, this kid’s innate talent was even stronger than himself. It seems that there is a reason.

Moreover, in the past ten years or so, he has been captured by the Heaven Ranking spirits again, so he must have given him some great opportunity.

In such a comparison, it seems that I am….

“Forget it, grab dao fruit!”

Da Meng invincible has a dark face and a purple-green face, and rushes towards Dao Fruit in an imposing manner.

At this time, the attention of all the repairers in the audience was attracted by the battle. When they saw the big dream invincible rushing to the dao fruit, they all reacted, and they all broke out and rushed to the dao fruit again.

Unexpectedly, there is no good show, and the major genius are fighting separately. Then go grab dao fruit.

In the entire Dao Realm mountain range, the melee broke out again. Different forces and cultivators of different purposes fought together and became a pot of porridge.

At this moment, Chu Yan saw this scene and finally relaxed.

In the previous battle, Chu Yan was passive, but he also had a lot of gains. For example, this original source does not seem to be perfect, and there are still many problems. There is no way to integrate with his True Qi and hole cards, let alone It feels like flowing water.

“You two, you just shot me together just now, can’t this matter be forgotten!?”

Chu Yan turned his head and looked towards Tian and Ye Rongtian, and said.

Faced with these two people, Chu Yan’s face was full of anger, and his heart was killing intent.

The reason is simple!

I and the ancestor of Heavenly Dao took great risks to travel from later generations to the Great Ancient Era. Why? ?

Of course, it is for breakthrough, promotion, and then after returning, the ability to kill the two of these two Four Great Lords.

“haha, Su Fellow Daoist’s remarks are reasonable. Although there are only two of us now, we can continue!”

Tianyi’s sunny smile on his face, his imposing manner hasn’t constricted, and he is still improving.

“Okay, fight if you want!”

Chu Yan fell to the ground with a single sentence, and an imposing manner also broke out, bright rays of light blasted into the sky.

At this moment, all the auras in the entire Heaven and Earth void are all attracted. Power of Starlight, Spiritual Aura, Space-Time power, Source Power, etc., are constantly rushing into his within. the body.

“All weather machines, add to my body!”

There was a roar from the sky, and a large star map circulated behind him, and a continent illusory shadow appeared in it. Every small domain appeared in that illusory shadow, and every small domain had a thin line coming out, connecting To Yuwenhuang’s body.

At this time, the source power has just been comprehended, and the real Source Power has not been refining. Of course, the strength is not as good as that of later generations, and it is still a lot worse.

As for the battle of the four great lords that affected future generations for tens of thousands of years, Chu Yan has always suspected that the purpose of heaven is to reduce the burden on the origin of the continent, so as to accumulate Source Power, so that the Source Power of the continent can overflow and earn for him.

Of course, this is just suspicion.

“Celestial Emperor Yigang!”

Tianyi’s attack is a punch that turns into a fist of thousands of men and horses, as if the magnificent army with thousands of men and horses, the Celestial Emperor’s power is fully demonstrated.

“Space-Time is excited!”

Ye Rongtian waved the long blade in his hand, and suddenly there was an illusory shadow striding out in the depths of the sky. The silhouette stood looking towards Chu Yan, raising his hand and slashing out.

Two knives are combined into one, just like a Yin-Yang combination, instantly exploding with terrifying power.

bang! bang! bang!

At this time, the two sides broke out in a war again, and Chu Yan fought Tian and Ye Rongtian with their own strength.

However, the battle this time was completely different from before. Before, he was completely passive with one enemy and four. He barely drew a tie and paid some price.

Now that he is one against two, the situation is different. Under the outbreak of Source Power, Bitian and Ye Rongtian’s current realm has strengthened a lot of realm power, so Chu Yan instantly gained the upper hand.

At this time, the Saints of Heaven who were not far away watching the battle, the three people who were not high enough, all of them were full of ecstasy and triumphant expression on their faces.

As soon as you look at this battle, you know that Chu Yan has the upper hand. It is completely different from the previous one-to-four when surrounded by perils.

What does this show! ?

It shows that Chu Yan’s battle strength has been able to defeat any of the four great talents, and even one against two is nothing difficult.

“Yes! This kid can…”

The ancestor of Heavenly Dao is extremely satisfied, and is constantly nodded.

Although he knows that Tian, ​​Ye Rongtian, Wu, and Yuwenhuang are still in the growth stage, and they are not the four great lords in the peak period.

However, they have now created their own Tao, and they have already had a trend. They definitely have the strength to mix the Heaven Ranking top 10 five.

That is Chu Yan, if another person wants to defeat them, even one against two, that is completely impossible.

“Hopefully, as long as this kid can maintain this kind of energy, he rushes to the realm, even higher realm, when he returns to the future generations, then… it will be easy!”

The ancestor of Heavenly Dao Xiu thought of this, and his blood boiled with enthusiasm.

“Xiutian Senior, are you going to help now!?”

When Feng Bu Gao asked this time, his expression was relaxed and proud, without any fear.

Now is the time to do a great favor to my brother, and let my brother remember how good he is.

If you are done well, maybe you can take this opportunity to become famous in one fell swoop.

You must know that the chance to fight the four major Legendary genius is not every day, let alone the chance to win.

After such a calculation, it is definitely one move, two gains.

So, when I did not ask high questions this time, I was obviously excited.

The ancestor of Heavenly Dao shook the head at the time and replied “No, we still have to work hard to improve our own strength, so when we are fighting for Dao Fruit, we just shout out, we are with Su Yu , See who dares to attack us!”

As soon as this side came out, Wan Tian Sheng He Feng Bu Gao suddenly flashed his eyes, nodded again and again

“Old ancestors, high, really high!”

The three of them didn’t hesitate anymore, turned their heads and rushed towards the dao fruit and crowd in all directions.

At this time, the battle between Wu and Yuwenhuang was extremely fierce, and the battle between Chu Yan and Tian and Ye Rongtian was also extremely horrible. All five of them had all their hole cards, without any reservations, and seemed to really want to win. When it comes out, it completely ignores the existence of dao fruit.

The aftermath of the battle broke out, and all around the cultivators who competed for dao fruit were all shocked, cautiously.

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