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Under this blade, Ye Rongtian and Tian had already prepared well, dodged at the same time from left to right, and fought back.

In a blink of an eye, the two of them came from two directions at the same time, killing again.

Chu Yan’s eyes flickered, and the original aura of his whole body was violent like a tide, constantly rising, evolving into two thunderclouds, and attacking them at the same time.

This time, Chu Yan did not go straight, but disguised the two pieces of thunderclouds transformed by Source Power as Heavenly Punishment thunderclouds.

This kind of thunder cloud has been seen by every practitioner, and it is exactly the kind of tribulation thunder cloud that practitioners have to face during Transcending Tribulation.

Continent repairer, the higher the realm, the stronger the temperament and will, and the fewer demons in the heart.

After experiencing countless Transcending Tribulation, those who can come to this step are basically very powerful temperament and Willpower. It can be said that in half of the cases, there is no cultivation deviation at all.

However, there are no absolutes in the world. The exception is…Thunder Tribulation!

The higher the realm, the stronger the Thunder Tribulation formidable power they naturally face. For example, the invincible powerhouses that are present now have a knot in their hearts, that is, when they grab the dao fruit or break through the gods in the future, How horrible the formidable power of Heavenly Punishment Thunder Tribulation is, will you lose yourself under Thunder Tribulation?

So, it can also be said that all cultivators all over the world have exactly the same Heart Demon, that is… the thundercloud of Transcending Tribulation.

As soon as two thunderclouds appeared, Tian and Ye Rongtian’s pupils trembled suddenly, and their hearts rose sharply, and the whole figure was shaking.

“Thunder Tribulation!?”

“How come…”

Almost subconsciously, the minds of the two were shocked at the same time, and they all startedled together.

When they reacted, the Source Power transformed by two thunderclouds had already strikes on them, causing them to squirt out Grade 1 blood, and at the same time their bodies retreated violently.



These two people wiped the blood from the corners of their mouths, then looked towards Chu Yan, their gazes changed completely.

This is the difference in strength. Although they are two people, the opponent is stronger than them, so they are still in a dangerous situation.

“Three Imperial Methods!”

Ye Rongtian stabilized the tumbling aura within the body, and at the same time turned his hands like flying, forming a path of seal, which turned into three pieces of clean aura, with powerful force, and blasted at Chu Yan at the same time.


Three clear breaths in his eyes hit Chu Yan, Ye Rongtian’s expression was overjoyed.

While he was struggling to get injured within the body, he reacted at the same time as he was hit, and even the injury within the body was not completely suppressed.

Such a counterattack speed is really successful!

That move is not an ordinary attack technique, but his stunt, even if it is against the blue master realm, it is enough.

Although Chu Yan used a plan to inflict injuries on them just now, because of this, Chu Yan used most of the Source Power and couldn’t fully recover for a while, so there was a half-breath time.

Ye Rongtian has been waiting for such an opportunity. When he appeared just now, he would not let go of his injuries.

However, when the violent air wave dissipated, Ye Rongtian and Tian’s expressions were all taken aback.

I saw that the three clear qi hit Chu Yan’s chest, and Chu Yan’s fleshy body burst out with a dazzling golden light. It was the origin of his operation before, and the three clear qi completely Blast away.

San Dao Qing Qi turned into a wave of Qi and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

If only this is the case, the impossible shocked the two legendary geniuses. What they saw was that with the disappearance of the three pieces of fresh air, the golden glow of Chu Yan also disappeared, completely disappearing.


“Go there!?”

The escape technique is not surprising. Every practitioner will, with the improvement of strength and realm, the escape technique naturally improves.

Just like the kind of escape technique that Ye Rongtian used just now, it turned into a starlight and disappeared on the spot, changing a place to recondense the fleshy body. This is not difficult.

However, no matter how powerful the escape technique is, there are traces to follow, just like Ye Rongtian turned into a starlight before and flew far away, relying on his own Power of Stars as a cover.

However, the current situation of Chu Yan is completely different. His disappearance is a complete disappearance, without any help or cover, as if he really disappeared like this.

Divine Consciousness, including the two legendary genius locks, also completely lost Chu Yan’s track.

This is absolutely unreasonable!

Even Yuwenhuang and Wu who were fighting in the distance were all taken aback, turning their heads to look over.

Don’t look at the two of them fighting, but they are actually separated from a Divine Consciousness, watching the battle here, and at the same time paying attention to the dao fruit battlefield in the distance.

After all, this is the top powerhouse that gathers all the invincible environments in the world. As the four major Legendary genius, they naturally need to pay attention to one or two.

So, when Chu Yan disappeared and Tian and Ye Rongtian were sluggish on the spot, the two of them also lost the Divine Consciousness lock at the same time. They were so shocked that the battle stopped and turned to look towards this side.

“What’s going on!?”

“No, that’s…”

The four major Legendary genius discovered something at the same time, turned their heads and looked towards the other direction again, their expressions changed.

I saw that in the direction behind Tian and Ye Rongtian, a large swath of golden clouds appeared. The extremely dim golden, together with all around Heaven and Earth fuse, just appeared out of thin air, pulling up the monstrous waves.

next moment, the wave is surging, covering the sky and the sun.

The four major Legendary genius felt strange feelings in their hearts at the same time, with a terrified look on their faces, completely unbelievable.

In that golden cloud, there is Chu Yan’s aura!

But soon, as this wave of clouds surged, Chu Yan’s aura began to appear not only in the sky above the top, but also in all directions below, left, right, and all directions.

Originally, Chu Yan’s aura was about to be re-locked, but this time it completely disappeared.

“This is…”

Tian’s face changed, his pupils kept flickering, and a bad premonition rose in his heart.

“Hurry up, go back!”

With a roar, Tian’s figure has turned into a streamer, moved towards the distance and flies away.

But, after all, it was a step too late!

“inescapable net!”

Chu Yan’s voice sounded, faintly, as if from the depths of the Vault of Heaven, and as if from everywhere in Heaven and Earth at the same time.

In an instant, a scene of heaven shaking earth shattering appeared!

I saw that the entire sky trembled, the earth suddenly shattered, countless cracks moved towards all directions spread out, and a huge group of light appeared, as if to completely break Heaven and Earth.

The appearance of this light group, like a separate space, with endless thunderbolt, flame, ice and snow, etc., completely occupy the entire square of Heaven and Earth.

At this moment, Tian and Ye Rongtian finally felt a touch of Heavenly Might!

Ye Rongtian and Tian watched the big light group fall, and their Sea of ​​Consciousness was shocked by this power, completely stupid.

And the emperor Wu and Yuwen in the distance can still feel a little bit, as if this power appeared from the Holy Heaven Peak, like being pulled out of the Holy Heaven Peak by a great Desolate force, even with The entire Dao Realm mountain range is completely separated.

This is the real…Source Power!

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