
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

The power of Source Power does not need to be explained at all, and any practitioner knows it well.

Especially in the powerhouse of the invincible realm and the dark master realm, they know Source Power more clearly. That is their goal, the ultimate Martial Dao.

“How did he… do it!?”

Wu’s eyes were full of surprise. If he hadn’t seen this with his own eyes, he would never believe anything anyone said to him.

Invincible environment, I control Source Power to such an extent! ?

Martial Dao, really is the way of heaven defying, there is no convention at all, there is nothing in the way, and there is no impossible!

Now, the scene shown before them makes them realize once again that Martial Dao is unimaginable!

This time, the Big Four Legendary genius has been educated again, even if they themselves are Legendary genius, they should know that Martial Dao is immeasurable and there is no impossible.

However, in the process of Martial Dao’s cultivation, various rules will still affect them, making them forget that Martial Dao itself is the way of heaven defying.

Since heaven defying, then consciousness and will cannot be allowed to fall into the solidified thinking.

In the invincible state, why can’t I control Source Power? Whoever stipulates the invincible state can only contact Source Power, and it can only be done in the God Realm! ?

Can this be called genius! ?

The repairer heaven defying, genius should be heaven defying in heaven defying.

So, when Su Yu completely mobilized Source Power in front of him, the Big Four Legendary genius suddenly had a feeling.

Others have done the real heaven defying way, and they are still amazed by the other party’s actions, so in such a state of mind, how embarrassed to be called genius! ?

It’s so so-called, shop around, and people are ashamed.

The four major Legendary genius At this time, I only feel the old face blushing, especially the four of them, but the four major genius of the continent cream of the crop have been recommended by all the mainland repairers as the strongest four genius.

But now, what they can’t do, someone has done it!

“It is worthy of being Senior’s direct disciple, such a realm, I might as well!”

Emperor Yuwen’s eyes glowed and he was amazed.

The advice on the side of Netherworld River itself gave Emperor Yuwen an inexplicable respect for this powerful demonic path. Now seeing this powerful successor behave like this, the definition of this power in his heart, again Pulled up a lot.

At this time, Wu finally reacted after being stunned for a long time, panting, the flames in his eyes kept rising, whole body blood tumbling, extremely excited and excited.

As the saying goes, success depends on friends, and the Great Accomplishment of life depends on enemies!

As the Big Four Legendary genius, it can be said that there is nothing to make them feel bad. If they have to, there is only one.

It is….invincible!

I really want to say what is the biggest opportunity for these four Legendary genius, it must be… opponents and enemies!

Originally, the relationship between the four of them is not good. There is such a reason. The four of them have regarded the other three as opponents for so many years.

So, the cultivation base, realm, cultivation speed, etc. of the four people seem to have maintained the same speed all the time.

That’s because the four of them are enemies with each other and they all target each other. Naturally, no one wants to lose half a step. It is precisely because of this that everyone feels that these four are the cultivation base. Realm strength, why has it maintained a similar state?

So, this is considered active as an enemy, and also as passive as an enemy. After all, apart from these three, no opponent can enter the eyes of these four Legendary genius.

Including those super powerhouses on the continent, the great abilities of the Lord Realm, even if they are ranked higher than them on the Heaven Ranking.

After all, those have been cultivation for longer than them. In terms of innate talent, it is impossible to determine who is better than whom.

Now, seeing this Su Yu appear, Wu is a Martial Dao fanatic, how could he not be excited.

“Emperor Yuwen, let’s…think about it! Slowly…”

Wu took a long breath and said to Emperor Yuwen. Although Emperor Yuwen suddenly shot him before and made him very angry, he didn’t care. After all, the real opponent is right in front of him. The thoughts and mentality of Emperor Yuwen , It must be similar to myself.

So, as long as he persuades him well, he will definitely be able to persuade Emperor Yuwen to fight with Chu Yan together with him.

“Shao special, nonsense, quickly hand over your life to me! Roar…!”

Emperor Yuwen roared, and his entire imposing manner erupted like a volcano. The imposing manner had risen by a lot than before.

At this moment, Wu looked at Emperor Yuwen, completely blinded.

What’s the situation! ?

You are so excited, why don’t you aim at Su Yu, but at me! ?

What’s the point of our two fights, that is the genius who is truly rare in a million years, an absolute good opponent.

For Yuwenhuang, Wu is completely crazy. He doesn’t know what he is going to do. I am afraid it is not the cultivation demonic path of this guy. He is really cultivation deviation.

Wu at this time, of course, doesn’t know Yu Wenhuang’s inner thoughts.

Like Wu, Emperor Yuwen is of course excited, but he had an agreement with Su Yu before to do him a favor.

Seeing Su Yu’s move now, I naturally recognize Su Yu more. In this way, helping him with this task must definitely make an all-out effort, and more importantly, don’t let Su Yu look down on himself.

Obviously, he agreed to help him crippling Wu, but now that Su Yu is about to cripple both Tian and Ye Rongtian, he is still dragging him.

How could the emperor Yuwen think of this not breaking out?

Wu is still struggling to find a chance to compete with Su Yu, but in the heart of Emperor Yuwen, he has already regarded Wu as a test for him to compete with Su Yu.

Comparing this kind of thing doesn’t have to be done, just like their four Legendary genius before, they can be compared by other means.

Cultivation base, realm, speed, chance, everything is their bargaining chip.

Therefore, among the four major Legendary genius, simply rarely fight.

Not fighting against each other does not mean that there is no emotion between the four, long-term hostility, and the opponent is the opponent, and there is a lot of anger in the heart itself.

“Asshole, I will kill you today!”

Wu was completely angered by the trouble of Emperor Yuwen. This guy dared to block his pursuit of the true meaning of Martial Dao. This is absolutely unforgivable.

next moment, the two took action, and the violent power broke out again. The might of this battle was much more terrifying than before.

Wu was furious. He wanted to solve Emperor Yuwen as soon as possible and went to fight with Su Yu, and Emperor Yuwen wanted to abolish Wu as soon as possible and complete Su Yu’s agreement. At the same time, by fighting Wu, he Su Yu compared to the previous one.

Under this situation, the two of them naturally played True Fire. They are no longer as reserved as they were just now. They are ready to deal with what will happen later. Now they don’t have to worry about everything, only…

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