
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

dao fruit is azure, like sapphire, in which there is a seed-like shining core, and the peel is like a hard core with deep lines.

Although the spirit of Dao Realm has never touched dao fruit, but he has seen dao fruit in countless years.

Among these, there is no dao fruit with leaves, which is extremely certain in Dao Realm mountain range.

Furthermore, the aura on this dao fruit, if you look carefully, it is obviously different from the previous dao fruit.

Ordinary cultivators have never come into contact with dao fruit. At most, they just look at it from a distance, so they can’t find it naturally, but Dao Realm’s spirit is different, he can find it.

There are two small green leaves under the dao fruit just sticking out. As the aura on the dao fruit fluctuates, the green leaves will tremble slightly, like mountain flowers in the Buddha Mountain wind.

The spirit of Dao Realm is filled with aura, the whole dao fruit shines instantly, a large piece of Spirit Qi rises from in the sky, completely enveloping the dao fruit.

A piece of azure flame formed and burned under the dao fruit. After a while, something was burnt, and under the very slight sound, the void at that point also collapsed.

dao fruit floats and falls, as if falling from the branch of a tree branch, caught by the Dao Realm mountain range.

The power of this dao fruit lies here. It grows in the void with Heaven and Earth as the tree. If you want to pick it, you must also disconnect the Heaven and Earth connection.

The spirit of Dao Realm quickly sat cross-legged and began to enter the cultivation state.

The strands of blue silk are like hair, sticking out from the dao fruit, and the spirit of moved towards Dao Realm wraps around, instantly wrapping him into a big cocoon.

The void is quiet, like a, everything belongs to the beginning, nothing else.

The skin of dao fruit began to melt, and a drop of liquid appeared, flowing along the azure hair moved towards the cocoon.

Soon, the distance between the dao fruit and the cocoon flowed, and the drop of liquid flowed into the body of the spirit of Dao Realm, and the aura of his entire Spirit Physique began to skyrocket.

The dao fruit of this time is extremely important to the spirit of Dao Realm!

For ordinary cultivators, it is just an opportunity to break through the realm of the gods, but for the spirit of Dao Realm, it is a rebirth. Only when this dao fruit is fully integrated, after breaking through the realm of the gods, he In order to completely escape from the soul and return to the source, and survive in this piece of Heaven and Earth like ordinary repairers.

This is the difference of Spirit Physique, where vitality and crisis coexist.

Naturally, there are benefits. Ordinary repairers refining this dao fruit have a 50% chance of breaking through to the realm of the gods. Of course, it is also related to the repairer’s innate talent. 50% is just an average value, theoretically like The existence of the four major Legendary genius is basically impossible to breakthrough.

The same is true for the spirit of Dao Realm. He is the Dao Realm mountain range and has the same origin as Dao Fruit, so his breakthrough probability is 100% and he will hardly fail.

However, the crisis of the spirit of Dao Realm is that he needs to use this dao fruit to refining his own fleshy body, representing his true body Dao Realm mountain range. This is considered a success. If he fails, he will still be Spirit Physique. Dissipated and returned to Dao Realm mountain range, all previous efforts were lost.

So, Dao Realm mountain range is very serious and focused, and the whole will is poured into dao fruit and refining.

“yi!? That is…”

Suddenly, the spirit of Dao Realm, who was refining with all his heart, seemed to have discovered something, and suddenly turned his head and looked towards dao fruit, only to see a small green silk fuse together with other green silks.

This green silk is transformed by those two tiny leaves, which is obviously different from other green silks.

The spirit of Dao Realm browses tightly knit, and after a long time, he finally expresses his expression.

“Didn’t expect, today will encounter such a rare opportunity!”

The spirit of Dao Realm with shining eyes and full of surprises, his face is full of joy.

After ten breaths, he settled down again and started to refining dao fruit with all his strength.

This time the battle of the Lord, I am afraid that there is still a major event to happen. Now we must finish the refining as soon as possible, otherwise it would be a shame if we missed it.

At this time, on the other side of the battlefield…

Chu Yan, Tian, ​​and Ye Rongtian’s battles have reached the point of blazing heat. At this time, Chu Yan had a lot of wounds on his body and blood was flowing.

“Heaven and Earth are one!”

Chu Yan shouted in his heart, constantly using his original skills.

This move is completely different from when it was first displayed. When the large meteors fall, there will be no more natural phenomenon, but will turn into a cloud of fire, appearing like the sky above Ye Rongtian and Tian’s heads. , A followed by a moved towards the two of them struck.

The formidable power and degree have improved, but Tian and Ye Rongtian deserve to be Legendary genius. They have also adapted to Chu Yan this move. In addition to being injured, there will be no much trauma to resist.

“It’s a pity!”

Chu Yan’s heart is full of disappointment. If there is such a formidable power when it is first used for the first time, then the two of them can be abolished directly.

However, in that case, I am afraid that Space-Time rules will block them again. Impossible let myself really kill them.

This will affect the Space-Time rules, and the Four Great Lords will be gone.

However, Chu Yan will not give up easily. Even taking this opportunity, fiercely tidy up these two people is a must.

These two guys bear the main responsibility for the decline of the entire Divine Realm continent Martial Dao, and the later generations have done a lot of bad things.

“Su Fellow Daoist, how do you refining the origin of the original body!?”

During the battle, Tian Yi asked with a sunny smile on his face.

“hmph! Your self-confidence, think I will tell you!?” Chu Yan coldly snorted.

This day, it’s still like that, whether it’s in the Great Ancient Era or in later generations, it’s the same and so sinister.

I wanted to read my own words, with a smile on his face, pretending to be familiar with myself, without the slightest harm, he caused most of the injuries on my body.

“It should be the spirit of the Heaven Ranking!?” Tian didn’t care, and said with a smile.

“Really!? It’s up to you…”

Chu Yan smiled softly, without the slightest surprise.

After all, many cultivators in the world know that I was invited to leave by the Spirit of the Heaven Ranking, and then disappeared for 20 years. It is easy for them to figure out the sky, which is not surprising.

“Su Fellow Daoist, I don’t know if it’s right, but I always feel that you seem to be very hostile to me. Did you offend Sire before going down!?”

Tian changed the subject and continued to test Chu Yan.

For this horror genius who suddenly appeared at the tenth place in the Heaven Ranking, until now, all four of them have been understood, and this one will be Martial Dao endless in the future.

“Heaven Sealing, why!? Just now, you and Ye Rongtian have already had murderous intentions against me. I must regard you as enemies. Is there any problem with this!? You never think that I am An honest person?! Even if you join forces to kill me, but you won’t fight back!? You still treat you as friends!?”

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